Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009

We had a family-filled, fun Christmas this year.
Christmas Eve we spent time with my family.  We first went to the Candlelight Service at church, then over to my parent's house for dinner and presents.
A family picture in front of my parent's tree.

Ryder spending some time with his Great Grandma Sianez.

Ryder was more interested in my dad talking to him, than he was in the present itself.

Ryder sporting his newest hat - a Spiderman hat (there are matching gloves too!).
Christmas morning Patrick, Ryder, and I opened our gifts/stockings together.
Ryder checking out his gift from us - it does numbers, letters, shapes, and colors in English and Spanish!

Playing with his stocking stuffers.

Having fun with Patrick before more family came over.

Patrick's mom side of the family came over for Brunch and presents.
Opening presents with his Grandma Jody.

Ryder trying to figure out how to operate his new toy.

We tried to get another family pictures (in our Christmas jammies), but Ryder didn't feel like smiling . . . until I turned him upside down!

Christmas afternoon we went to Huntsville to see Patrick's dad's side of the family, then over to his dad's house for presents and dinner.
Ryder enjoying his present - it's a walker that is in the shape of a car.  It makes tons of different noises.  Ryder really enjoys being in this because he can stand up on his own!

Showing off his new University of Georgia hoodie from his Aunt Julie - I told Ryder when he is older he needs to get Julie to work at the University he wants to attend . . . perhaps a tuition discount could apply!

Overall, it was a fun Christmas.  As expected for a 5 month old, Ryder didn't seem to care it was Christmas, but he did love all the new toys and books!  Next year, when he can be engaged in opening the presents, I'm sure we will have a great time.
Merry Christmas!

Ryder . 23 Weeks

23 weeks; 19 pounds, 10 ounces.
Ryder discovered his head this past week - which, I know sounds weird, but, he is constantly rubbing his hair and forehead now!
Chewing on cold teethers is one of Ryder's favorite things.

Playing together.

It's a good thing we have 9 foot ceilings!  Ryder LOVES being "thrown" up in the air.

Just hanging out.

I stuck Ryder in his Bumbo, in the shower - he loved playing with all the toys!

Playing with one of his new Christmas toys, well, really trying to swallow it whole.
Christmas was lots of fun (see the "Christmas 2009" post). 
We are getting more and more settled in.  Patrick is planning on starting the Master Bath "update" this weekend, and I've been trying to decide where to hang pictures.  Once everything is more situated, we will send out pictures.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ryder . 22 Weeks

This kid is growing like a weed - 22 weeks; 19 pounds!  He is also officially 5 months old.
Ryder's personality continues to develop more and more every day.  He really is such a good natured baby!
A typical snapshot . . . a toy in the mouth, while smiling.

The drill is a common sight in our house - Ryder seems fascinated with the bright color, and loves to see it spin.

Ryder can't really feed himself the entire bottle, but he is working on being able to hold it on his own.

We celebrated Ryder's 5 month "birthday" by getting his hair cut.  It was just getting too long - when combed all the way forward, it was in his eyes.  Patrick held him, and, overall, he was pretty good at sitting still!

Ryder was recently given a new toy (I had the exact one as a kid!) - he really likes it!  (You can also see just how much shorter his hair is now).

Another typical snapshot . . . both hands in the mouth, and smiling!
We are gearing up for a busy week of Christmas fun.  We (really, Patrick) even put up the Christmas tree in the front room (office).  It's a prelit one - so, it has pretty lights, but no ornaments this year.
We finished up the painting over the weekend (we still have some areas (our bedroom and "powder room" bath) to paint, but we are holding off on those for awhile).  Most of the boxes (other than the basement) are unpacked.  Now - we start the "remodel" of the Master Bath.  Yes, I know, it's a new house - but adding a linen closet will be SO nice!!!
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ryder . 21 Weeks

No weight gain this week - 21 weeks; 18 pounds, 6 ounces. 
This weekend my mom worked hard at teaching Ryder how to blow "raspberries" with his lips and/or tongue.  He has mastered the ability; however, he typically does it when the pacifier is in his mouth, which sends it flying, and just gets him mad that he no longer has it.  He doesn't quite get the actions/consequence thing yet!
Playing together . . . just ignore the drool on his shirt!

Ryder practicing his standing skills with Patrick.

Ryder is getting better at sitting up - as long as he can brace himself on something.  In this picture the TV was too interesting to look away.

Showing off a cute shirt!

"Helping" unpack the dishes at the new house.

One last picture of Ryder in his room at the old house.

Just a cute picture the night of moving day!
We have successfully moved into our new home, and are working hard to get it settled!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ryder . 20 Weeks

20 weeks; 18 pounds, 6 ounces. 
No "big" developments this past week, although the tongue fascination continues - he has started sticking it out when he coughs, which, typically then makes him laugh, or at least smile.
We are letting him wear all of his 3-6 month clothes one more time (there are about 10 onesies left to wear) before putting them in a storage bin.  He is officially in the 6-9 month size, and is just about able to wear 9-12 month.
A big smile, while playing.

Ryder loves to practice his standing skills.  Here he is, with Patrick.

Ryder does not like the thought of getting packed in a box, like all of our things!  He was okay with it at first, but he quickly realized he didn't like it.

Practicing sitting up.  It doesn't last long, though.  I can get one or two shots, and then I have to catch him.

Spending some time on his stomach.  He likes it best when we get on the floor and play with him.

Ryder is not a fan of Patrick and I packing/getting the house ready - he wants our constant attention.  Last night, we put him in the carrier while Patrick took down the shelving brackets.  He was very interested in the drill!  Hopefully, he will learn handyman skills from Patrick!
As I type this email, Patrick (and his dad, Jim) are at the new house with the Contractor/Superintendent doing the final walk through.  We have compiled quite a punch list of things needing repair, and hopefully, all will be well received!  We are moving in just 6 days - the next time the weekly Ryder email is sent, we will be in our new home!  We have a lot of work ahead of us this next week, but it will be worth it!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Ryder . 19 Weeks

19 weeks; 17 pounds, 13 ounces. 
This past week Ryder is still fascinated with his tongue, but not quite as much as the week previous.  However, he is constantly pulling his bottom lip in to suck on it - which causes him to be quite the drooly baby.
Ryder and me at the M&M Store in Vegas.  I have the same picture of just me standing there in March, when I was pregnant with him!  He seemed to like all the bright colors in the store, but became quite sleepy - perhaps since he hadn't really slept the night before.

Patrick and Ryder on Thanksgiving - Ryder is sporting his Thanksgiving shirt!

Smiling after a shower.

Playing with Patrick.

We took advantage of the swimming pool's warm water, and took Ryder swimming.  Here he is in his swimming suite - it is too big (it was a gift when he was born - we looked for a smaller size at a store while we were there, but the smallest was the same size as this one).

Sitting on Patrick's lap at my favorite fast food place - In N Out!!!
Ryder did okay for his first road trip.  On the way down, he slept a good portion, and was happy and playful when he was awake.  However, once there, it was a different story - the kid had no interest in sleeping through the night like he does at home.  The first two nights were pretty sleepless, the third was better, but still not as good as normal.  The ride home was no fun at all.  Between his tiredness, and the snowstorm we encountered, it was a long drive.  Even with the lack of sleep, Ryder seemed to be in okay spirits while we were in Vegas, but definitely not his usual easy-going self.  It was good to visit with family, both on my dad's side, and meeting up with Patrick's uncle.  Everyone, as expected, loved Ryder!
The countdown to moving day is on - just 13 days from today.  We have the final walk through for the house in 7 days, and closing in 10 days.  The past month and a half has gone by so quickly.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ryder . 18 Weeks

18 weeks, and officially 4 months old.  After holding steady with his weight for 3 weeks, he gain a record 1 pound this past week - 17 pounds, 13 ounces.  At the doctor's office on Friday (for his 4 month check up), he measured in at 27 inches long - yep, you read that right 27 inches.  The nurse couldn't believe it, so we measured him again and came up with the exact same length.  She said that is the average length for more of an 8/9 month old.
This past week Ryder seemed to re-discover his tongue.  He is constantly sticking it out when he laughs and smiles.  He has also discovered that he can pull his bottom lip in to suck on it.
A picture to show off the tile work in the shower (only 1/2 of what we (really, more Patrick) did - the tub was also tiled).  And, since you all like pictures where Ryder is included best, you will find him sitting in the corner of the shower playing with the drawstring on his pants - too distracted to look up at me!

Ryder hanging out in our new Master Bath.  Luckily, for him, he doesn't quite have enough strength to turn the faucet on!

Sitting on the couch in his Bumbo.  I know I say it most weeks, but he absolutely loves that thing - I think he likes that he is sitting up without us holding him.

Getting some good "tummy time" in with Patrick in the morning.

A shot of Ryder I am sure he won't like in the future.  A great one of that tongue action I referenced above - at the same time the flash caught him off guard.

Another shot of the tongue action, this time with a smile!
Well, we will be closing on our current home tonight.  While we are both excited to be moving, it seems a bit sad too - the house we are in was our first house, and we have lots and lots of memories associated with it.  The new house will have those too, with time, but it is finally becoming real.
The next several weekends will be quite busy for us.  This weekend we will be heading to Las Vegas (Ryder's first road trip) to spend Thanksgiving with my family, and part of my dad's side of the family.  Next weekend we will be working hard to get as much as we possibly can packed.  The following weekend we will close (12/10), take possession (12/11), paint Ryder's room, and move (12/13).  The following is our anniversary - 5 years!  The next is Christmas, followed by New Years.
For the local family - we are planning on moving Sunday, December 13.  We want to start first thing that morning, so that we have time to clean the old house, and unpack at least the essentials at the new one.  We would appreciate any help!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Ryder . 17 Weeks

17 weeks old, and still holding steady at 16 pounds, 13 ounces.
Ryder's hand-eye coordination is improving quickly.  Several times now, he has put the pacifier in his own mouth - typically, after he has pulled it out.  He is also able to focus better on objects, and purposefully grab/play with things (as evidenced in a later picture).
Ryder talking to me while I am getting him dressed after a shower.

Playing together on Friday.

The picture I mentioned above - Patrick was holding Ryder, and he kept reaching up and grabbing Patrick's nose.  It looked to me like he was aiming for the glasses, but wasn't able to reach them - when I told Patrick to put his face a little closer, Ryder grabbed the glasses, and pulled them right off of Patrick's face!  While I thought it was funny, Patrick didn't see quite as much humor as I did . . . that's okay, Ryder is also getting good at grabbing my necklaces and earrings - so, we both have to deal with his new skill.
We spent quite a bit of time this past week at our new house, working on tiling the Master Bath (thanks to Jim & Martha for your help!), and cleaning the house (thanks to my parents and Rory!).  The tile looks great, and the house (especially the floors and vents) are clean!  This week we will be going back to do the finishing touches to the tub/shower.  As of yesterday, the base coat of stucco was complete, along with some various spots for the final coat.  The siding and brick are completed.  The kitchen base cabinets and bathroom vanities are installed.  And, nearly all of the light fixtures are in place.  It seems to be coming together, and we are getting so excited.  We should close on our current house next Monday, and hopefully move into our new house in just under 4 weeks.  It has happened so fast!