Sunday, March 31, 2013

Brothers . March 2013

We've had a great Easter weekend with the boys.  While I take a few days to go through the pictures (I won't mention how many were taken), I'm posting the March Brothers picture tonight.

To be honest, these pictures are a bit of a chore some months.  I'm so glad that this self-inflicted project had very loose guidelines - the picture is taken any time during the month, and we do our best to get everyone to look at the camera - smiles, or posing nicely are optional!

However, I'm torn this month of what to post.  Last year March was St. Patrick's Day, and April was Easter.  What am I supposed to do when both holidays are in the same month?  I did think about faking it, and using a shot from today for April...but, decided I'd rather just have 2 this month!

Brothers . March 2013 (St. Patrick's Day)
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

Brothers . March 2013 (Easter)
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

One Year Ago: March 2012

All Brothers Posts

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt (#1) . 2013

Last year Ryder participated in his first Easter Egg Hunt.  Harvick & Jarrett weren't yet old enough to participate.  This year is a different story completely!

The Assisted Living where my grandma lives (and where I worked for 2 years) held their Easter Egg Hunt a week earlier than most.  We thought it would be a perfect opportunity - not quite as busy as the community/city hunts!

My mom helped Harvick (orange), Patrick helped Ryder (green), and I helped Jarrett (blue).
Ryder was excited prior to the start of the Egg Hunt, but got nervous/overwhelmed once it started - Patrick helped him to gather a few eggs, but he wasn't interested in much.  Harvick loved it right away, and Jarrett loved it once he realized there was something in the eggs (I think he thought he had to clean up a mess he didn't make!).

When I saw these shirts, I had to get them!  They are in the correct colors, and both have a snack theme!
(Jarrett in blue, Harvick in orange)

After the Egg Hunt, Ryder took Harvick's hand to guide him around the path that led back inside!  So glad Patrick caught this cute unplanned moment.

The post is labeled "#1" because we are planning to attend another Egg Hunt this weekend.  Ryder is excited about it, we'll see how it goes on attempt #2 for the year!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Easter Package

Patrick's dad and step-mom sent the boys a package for Easter.  I don't tend to post too many pictures of the boys opening presents on the blog, but Jim & Martha have been out-of-state for 2 months, and will be still for another.

Opening the box...packaged with Easter grass.

Ryder was especially excited - he has taken time at nearly every Costco visit for the past month to look at the Thomas books.  He is always so good about just looking at them, and putting them back.  To get TWO of the ones he has been eyeing was so exciting!

In case you worried about Jarrett missing from the collage above - there is no need - he was busy spreading the grass all over the Family Room!  Thankfully, all 3 boys were willing to clean up the grass...and all those eggs in the background!

Thanks Jim & Martha!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


The boys have rather good table manners.  Harvick & Jarrett have been using a fork for months, and use spoons on occasion (really, that's more Patrick & my fault, then theirs, that they aren't proficient). But, there are some foods that are just more fun when eaten off of your fingers...

Ryder has started a game...he pretends he will eat the raspberry, then pulls it away at the last second, and laughs hysterically.  Harvick & Jarrett think it is the greatest game!  And, our berry-hater of the family (Jarrett) will even pretend...but will NOT eat it, his raspberry just gets placed back on his plate!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


The boys, most likely, will end up wearing glasses.  Each of their vision is fine now, but given the strong family history on Patrick's side, we've been warned by the Opthamologist that it is likely to happen for each of them.

The other night, Patrick took off his glasses for a few minutes at dinner (really, he does this very infrequently, so it always elicits a reaction from the boys).  Due to their reaction, he placed his glasses on each of them for a minute...

Pretty sure they will all still be adorable!
(Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett)

Harvick's reaction was the best - Patrick's prescription is VERY strong, so without vision issues, it is hard to look through the glass - Harvick's immediate reaction was to look over!

Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Patrick's Day . 2013

Since being married to Patrick (or maybe when we were dating?), I've enjoyed "celebrating" St. Patrick's Day.  Patrick doesn't find it as fun.  But, really, when a holiday has YOUR NAME, I think that alone is reason enough to celebrate!

This year we made the day a a pretty typical day, just with extra green food, and cute shirts!

For breakfast, we had green eggs with special St. Patrick's Day donuts, and fruit.  The boys all loved it, but Harvick made me laugh - stuffing the donut into his mouth, to avoid making a bad the bite was too big to fit, and he still got frosting & sprinkles on, him!

For lunch we had pizza, with a side of green olives, snap peas, kiwi, and banana.  No pictures were taken - often, our Sunday lunches have the race on in the background.  And, the boys are typically not in the mood for pictures...naps follow lunch!

When the boys were having a hard time staying calm, Patrick stuck everyone up on the counters while he got dinner ready (they are each eating a mini pepper).  Ryder was sitting on the island, making his brothers laugh.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

After having so much green food, we had a typical dinner, with more green veggies & fruit.

Just before dinner, our neighbors brought over a box of Krispy Kreme donuts...the boys loved sharing them for dessert!
(Ryder and Harvick on top; Jarrett on bottom)

We haven't attempted a family self-portrait in a while...I think the boys are getting the hang of it, although I would like it better if Jarrett's tongue wasn't out!
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

I wanted a picture of the boys each wearing their St. Patrick's Day shirts.  I love the ones I found for this year - none of them are actually St. Patrick's Day theme (so more wear!), and all were on clearance (totally less than $10!).
(Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett)

And, in case I've ever given you the impression that our boys always want their picture taken...these were the shots directly before each of the good ones above.  Such silly boys!

In the end, our St. Patrick's Day was a fun one.  Ryder especially loved that his dad's name is "Patrick", as well as his middle name being "Patrick".  He may be under the impression the holiday was all about him - his favorite color is even green!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Walk for Children with Apraxia of Speech

3 words. 3 boys.

Apraxia of Speech.
Just as I say I have begun to ACCEPT this, it hits us again.

3 boys.

What are the odds of every child in a family having this condition? I can't find an answer. Primary Children's Medical Center told us, at Ryder's diagnosis, they have not treated a sibling set. Most articles, blogs, and research I find online suggest it is not common to have multiple children affected.

Yet, here we sit.

Before I get ahead of myself, Harvick & Jarrett have not been diagnosed with Apraxia, it is just "suspected". At their Early Intervention assessments, they each tested average, or well above average in all sections...except one. Verbal expression. Their cognition, gross motor, fine motor, self help, and social/emotional skills are within typical (or above) range. However, each of the boys scored dismally low on verbal expression. Patrick & I knew this going into the appointments, we fully anticipated the results, yet, I couldn't help but feel sadness when the results were presented to us.

There is still the possibility that Harvick & Jarrett just have delayed speech. They are the youngest. They are boys. They have an older sibling willing to do things for them, and each other, with whom they are able to easily communicate. It may just be a delay.

Whatever it is, we will face it head on, together. We have tools, resources, and support. We have the most amazing SLP who is willing to work with all 3, when the time comes. Early Intervention has qualified the boys to participate in Speech (like Ryder did), and we have been assigned a therapist who will meet with them twice monthly.

And, speaking of support...I'd like to invite each of you reading to take action with our family. The Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association of North American (CASANA - you can even "pronounce" the acronym - "cuh-sauna") has a walk in support of Apraxia. All money raised goes back to CASANA - supporting research and furthering the education of this diagnosis (more specific details HERE).


More Apraxia Walk information:
Where: Bountiful City Park
When: Saturday, April 20th
Length: Approximately 2K (runners take about 20 minutes, walkers take 30-40)
Cost: $20/adult, $10/child (children are not required to be registered, but will only receive a T-shirt if they are).

*You must register by March 24th in order to guarantee you will receive a T-shirt in your size.

I do know the cost of the event can add up, especially if you have children. I know it's in Bountiful - a bit of a drive for many of you. If it would work for your family, we would welcome the support of you joining us. Walking with us. But, for those of you whom this is not a possibility, for any reason, there is no pressure. We know that you walk along side of our family "in spirit".
For more details about the walk in general, you can go HERE

And, to register, you can go to our TEAM HANSEN page HERE.

If anyone reading is interested in making a financial contribution, without attending the walk, the website does allow for this as well.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

This is the shirt for this year's walk...tell me it's not meant to be - the shirt color is GREEN - Ryder's color!


Monday, March 11, 2013

Harvick & Jarrett . 22 Months

22 months old
29 pounds, 13 ounces (Harvick)
31 pounds, 5 ounces (Jarrett)
(Compare to Ryder at 22 Months)

For Ryder's 22 month update, he had a huge life change - going from an only child, to the oldest of 3!  Harvick & Jarrett have not had such an event.

The boys are extremely active, and are most often found attempting to wrestle with each other.  They continue to not speak, but are able to communicate their needs and wants.  And, true to traits first mentioned at just a few weeks old, Harvick remains the whinier of the two - he is slow to anger, and slow to resolve issues; whereas Jarrett is quick to anger, and also quick to resolve his frustration.

The boys have officially moved to toddler beds - this deserves a full separate post!

And, on to the real reason most people check the blog - the pictures...


Jarrett has an independent spirit.  He wants to be able to figure things out for himself, and is willing to take the time needed.  He is feisty - he lets you know his opinion.  And, he has a wonderful sense of humor.  One of my favorite things he does is cover his mouth with both hands when he is laughing at something (center row, left picture).

I love seeing the boys reading, especially when they look through a book together.
(left picture: Ryder with Harvick; center picture: the boys reading with Patrick; right picture: Ryder with Jarrett)


Harvick is a happy boy.  He loves to make others happy, and will do just about anything for his brothers.  Harvick has a kind heart, and loves to help others.  If given 3 of nearly anything, Harvick will distribute it between his brothers and himself - never keeping it all for himself.

Messy boys, after a special Valentine's cookie.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Rides on Patrick's back are a favorite pastime of all the boys.  On the left, Ryder offered a ride to Jarrett.

We LOVE our membership to the Treehouse, and go more often than I blog our visits.
Jarrett (top) loves to lay across this table to gather his art supplies - we typically don't allow laying on tables, but he is just so cute about it, that we let him when we are there!
Harvick (bottom), true to his personality, enjoyed feeding the babies...but notice which "crib" he chose - the one with TWO babies together.

Harvick (left) LOVES to wear hats, and thought it was pretty fun to wear Ryder's old slippers - such a character!
Jarrett (right) will "wear" the two largest plastic rings on his feet, and walk around.  We joke that they are his "high heels".

For the most part, the boys play well together...but, they also enjoy some individual play.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Weekday Morning Routine

Our weekday routines are similar most days.  The boys only have a few minutes between being ready and it being time to leave.  This time is often filled with chasing each other around the family room, or attempting to build a quick train track set.  Or, with each boy playing on their own.

My favorite is when they play together, especially when they are calm!

Reading together (or, at least near each other!) before going to the babysitter's home.
(Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Treehouse Museum . 03.02.2013

When we found out Patrick's Aunt Jill was coming for the weekend, we thought it would be fun to invite his family to join the boys at the Treehouse Museum.  Especially considering it is his grandparents and aunt that gift the boys the membership!

It's hard to narrow down the pictures, since the boys engage in so many different activities...
While we waited for everyone to arrive, Patrick played with Harvick (blue) and Jarrett (gray) on the mid-level platform...apparently both were having fun playing with their tongues!

I love the picture on the far left - Harvick walking hand-in-hand with his Great Grandpa what appears to be matching outfits from the back!

Knocking the blocks over again and again (and again) is one of the favorite activities.  Jarrett takes this activity very seriously!

Jarrett, riding the horse!

Ryder showed us how to milk the cow, and of course Harvick wanted to try too - he needed a bit of help, though.

Ryder pulled his Great Aunt Jill away, to show her the teepee - he told her about the fire, then stepped "outside" to jump on the rocks along the stream.

Ryder & Harvick played with the pulley system for a rather long time - Harvick on the main floor, hooking the parachute jumper to the rope, and Ryder above, retrieving the little guy, and tossing him down again.

While Ryder and Harvick were playing with the pulley, Jarrett enjoyed some one-on-one time with his Great Grandpa, and then many (MANY) trips back and forth across a "bridge".

When Harvick noticed the platform stairs to get to the upper level (where Ryder was), he wanted to go up also.  Ryder came down a few levels to help him - the space between each platform was just a bit too high for Harvick to manage - despite Ryder's best efforts, Uncle Darrin came to the rescue, climbing into the structure to help Harvick (too bad I have no pictures of that part!).

Verl, Saundra, Darrin, and Jill - thanks again for joining us at the Treehouse, and for the membership.  I'm sure it was obvious while we were there - the boys absolutely love visiting!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Snuggly Boys

We've had a busy be blogged more later!  On our drive home, after church and errands, Jarrett fell asleep.  And, stayed asleep getting pulled out of his carseat, and brought inside.  When Harvick saw me sit down with Jarrett, he came over also!

(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

And, of course, when Ryder saw Harvick and Jarrett sitting with me, he had to join us - so happy to have a recliner for moments like these!  I'm not going to be able to hold all 3 boys together for much longer, so I'm happy to take a few minutes when they want to sit with me now!