Monday, March 29, 2010

Ryder . 36 Weeks

36 weeks; 20 pounds, 13 ounces.
Ryder has made some progress in crawling forward - but only for a few short feet, and not that often.  He continues to love rolling over and over and over . . . across the entire room, then back again.
Reaching for a toy.

Mid-roll - as he rolled across the room.

Ryder loves the cats!  Kate is hard to see in the picture - she has similar coloring to the couch.

I told Ryder that he might as well enjoy wearing striped pants now - it's not easy pulling that look off as an adult.

He has officially started wearing some 18 month size clothing.  Here he is showing off his "new" sweater (we love hand-me-downs!).

I may have created a cheese-ball . . . Ryder started smiling and kicking (hence, the blurry leg) as soon as I pulled my camera out.

Friday night we had more neighbors over - and, with Ryder being the only child, he soaked in every ounce of attention.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ryder . 35 Weeks

35 weeks, officially 8 months; 20 pounds, 13 ounces.
Ryder is determined to crawl, but he still isn't there yet.  Now, when you set him down, sitting up, he will lean forward to get himself onto his stomach.   
Nothing special - just a big smile (with a dirty face).

Another bathtub picture.

St. Patrick's day - don't mind how dirty he is - he was at the babysitters all day.

Trying to figure out his new toy - it's a guitar that has animals and numbers in English and Spanish, as well as music.

Ryder playing with his new friend (and neighbor - the one's whose birthday party we went to last week), Ryan.

Ryder's most common sitting position - holding his feet.

Friday night we had the new neighbors over - Ryder really enjoys people his own size.  This weekend, my Aunt Dolores and her son, Jesse, came to visit my grandma.  We were able to spend some time with them, as well.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ryder . 34 Weeks

34 weeks; 20 pounds, 13 ounces.
Ryder's movement is still primarily backwards, or side-to-side; however, he is so close to crawling "for real".  He pulls himself up into the correct position, gets all excited, then either lays down, or goes backwards. 
Bath time.  I seem to be picking out similar shots each week - maybe because he smiles so much in the tub!

Watching the cats.  It's hard to capture his excitement about the cats in a picture.  When Ryder sees one of the cats, he gets so excited - even if he just sees them walking by, or sitting on the ground.

Talking to me, as I encourage him to crawl toward me.

Mr. Adorable - I think that sums it up.

Ryder went to our new neighbor's 1st birthday party (lucky for us, the neighbor boy (Ryan) and Ryder are only 4 months apart - we are hoping they will be good friends) - his favorite part, by far, was the balloon we got to take home!

A side profile of the crawling position.

We had a fun weekend - Sunday, especially was busy.  We went to lunch with two couples, each with a baby.  It was our first real experience eating out with other families with young children.  It went well.  We also went to the birthday party I mentioned above - Ryder loved trying out some cake!.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ryder . 33 Weeks

33 weeks; 20 pounds, 10 ounces.
No changes in Ryder's crawling - still just backwards.  He is starting to eat small pieces of breads/pasta, and is beginning to take it out of your hand, or off the table to eat it himself - however, most of the time, he just wants to eat like a bird, and have you give him each piece.
Playing with Patrick.

We bought Ryder this toy for Christmas.  He enjoys pushing/pulling all the buttons, but figured out this week, that there is a lid that opens and closes.  He was fascinated.

Reading a book together.

Cute snapshot - with a drooly shirt.

I think he looks too grown-up in this shot.

Taking a Sunday afternoon nap.
We helped some friends move this weekend, and did some touch-up painting.  On a non-Ryder related note, my department at work is getting reorganized, so my current position has been dissolved.  Luckily for me I get to keep my same pay, no matter what, but I will have to interview for a different position, or go back to what I was doing before.  It's not exactly fun, but hopefully things will work out okay.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Ryder . 32 Weeks

32 weeks; 20 pounds, 10 ounces.
Ryder can officially crawl backward.  He gets himself in the proper crawling position, but can only manage to go backward.  He can still do the "helicopter" quite well, also.
Ryder really likes having frozen strawberries in the mesh bag!

I'm pretty sure Ryder's shirt has an inappropriate saying, considering he has been breastfed.  Wouldn't you agree?

Playing on the floor - he seems to crack himself up.

Splashing around in the bathtub.

Just playing with toys - showing his alligator who is boss.

A cute close-up.
We had a pretty relaxed weekend - so nice!  Now that it's warming up a little, we have started to walk again in the evenings - Ryder really likes to be outside!