Monday, June 28, 2010

Ryder . 49 Weeks

49 weeks; 24 pounds, 3 ounces.
Those top 2 front teeth are sure stubborn.  You can see them, just behind the skin, but they aren't wanting to break through yet.  Ryder had a snotty nose, all week.  He has a cough that comes and goes, but it doesn't seem to bother him at all.  I'm ready for the teeth to just break through!
Despite Ryder's expression - he enjoys getting his teeth brushed every night before bed.

Hanging out in my Craft Room while we paint the final coat.

Sound asleep in bed.

Playing with his new CAT dump truck.

So excited to finally have a Carl Edwards toy car!

Playing before his bath.

As you could see from the pictures, we were able to paint the final coat in my Craft Room this week.  And, the carpet was laid on Saturday!  We started to move my stuff in, but it is a bit overwhelming to figure out how to organize it, when I haven't used any of the stuff since just before Ryder was born.  I got a good portion of it done yesterday, but still have to figure out how to do the rest!
This weekend is a Holiday weekend, then Ryder's Party the following, and his actual birthday (with pictures taken by Heather Mickey!!), then another Holiday weekend in Utah, then my birthday . . . we have a busy month ahead of us!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ryder . 48 Weeks

48 weeks, and officially 11 months; 24 pounds, 3 ounces.
Ryder is making progress with getting his teeth.  The two front bottom ones came in about 2 months ago, but we haven't seen any others until late last week - the two top ones are coming in.  The teeth, a mild fever, and not sleeping as well recently, has made for a baby a bit grumpier than usual.
This picture totally cracks me up.  Ryder absolutely loves swinging on Ryan's swing set.  I snapped the picture as he was chewing a snack - the expression is so cute!

Sometimes Kate (the black cat) joins us in the bathroom (sitting on top of the toilet tank) for Ryder's baths - Ryder loves when she does.

We saw more of this expression over the weekend than normal - but, come on, look at that lip!

Playing with his new ukulele from Hawaii.

A cute snapshot of Ryder playing before getting his jammies on.

Father's Day 2010!

After focusing on the outside of the house the past few weeks, we were finally able to turn our attention back to the inside.  My Craft Room is fully primed, and the baseboard/trim/doors/ceiling/closet has been painted - all that is left is the walls!  In our house, the list of projects is always ongoing - so, as soon as we finish up the outside and the Craft Room, we will be working on something else - always a work in progress!
We enjoyed Father's Day weekend.  We were able to spend some time with Patrick's Grandpa (Verl) and my Dad (Gerry) on Saturday.  Sunday we spent time together - just the 3 of us.  For those of you keeping track - we didn't forget Patrick's Dad (Jim) - he is out of state right now.  Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ryder . 47 Weeks

47 weeks; 24 pounds, 3 ounces.
Ryder stood up.  ON HIS OWN.  Like, without using anything to pull himself up.  He stood there, waved his arms around, and sat back down on his own.  The kid is going to start walking soon - he loves when someone walks with him, allowing him to hold onto their fingers.  He can do it one-handed, but prefers when he can hold on to 2 hands.
Reading a book before I leave for work.

A great shot of his two teeth.  He has been chewing on EVERYTHING this past week - maybe more are on their way.

Playing with a toy lent to us by Ryan.  It is supposed to encourage walking, but Ryder doesn't like when it moves away from him!

Playing with his truck.

We went on a walk before bedtime, and Ryder couldn't keep his eyes open, but didn't want to let go of the toys.

He doesn't care what toys are in his way, when he wants to play with something different, he will climb over anything in his path!

and, a bonus:
A picture from Ryder's day with Grandpa Jim and Grandma Martha (with a little PhotoShop magic). 

The front yard is in!  It was a ton of work, considering the weather, but it looks so nice.  After the downpour all day on Friday, we called our family and friends who were going to come help us and canceled, but Patrick and I were worried about the sod sitting on the driveway, so we used 2 plywood boards to help us walk across our muddy lawn.  Ryder spent time on our porch before one of our neighbors came over to offer to watch him.  We finished up the larger side of the front lawn that night in about 2 hours - when we went to pick Ryder up, the neighbors had made us homemade chili to have for dinner!  Then, Saturday morning we went back out, this time with Ryder in his highchair eating snacks - until Ryan's mom came out and took him over to her house to play.  We were able to get it finished ourselves, and are happy to have it completed - AND to have the best neighbors!!
There is still some work to do with the yard, but now our focus will shift back to the basement to finish up my Craft Room!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ryder . 46 Weeks

46 weeks; 24 pounds, 3 ounces.
I have forgot to mention, but over the last month Ryder has mastered crawling on his hands and knees, like "normal".  Previously, he was using his arms, and scooting along - he will still do that occasionally, but for the most part he is doing it normally now.
Reading a book before bedtime.

Patrick and Ken (the neighbor) rented a mini excavator to dig a "French Drain" between our properties to help with the drainage issues.  Ryder wanted to help too!

A cute snapshot - wearing some dirty (from playing in our "yard") capri pants!

Playing with Patrick.

Being silly.

Ryder LOVES his new truck!

Ryder and Ryan had their pictures taken together Friday afternoon - the shot of Patrick playing with Ryder is the outfit he wore; Ryan had on the same shirt, except his was green, with some plaid shorts too.  Saturday the subdivision had several garage sales, so we walked around, and picked up several wooden puzzles (with ALL of the pieces!), 34 books, the new truck, and a new ball for only $9!!!
This Saturday we are having sod delivered for the front yard.  We don't know a time yet - it will depend on when the sod is delivered, but if anyone wants to help, just let me know!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ryder . 45 Weeks

45 weeks; 24 pounds, 3 ounces.
Ryder absolutely loves if you are willing to let him hold on to your hands to help him walk.  And, very luckily for him, this weekend, he had multiple volunteers!  I am thinking it won't be long until he starts walking.

"Are we there yet?!?" Taking a break on the way to Colorado to stretch.

Thankfully, seeing the Colorado state sign means we are close to Fort Collins!

Ryder was very unsure of the grass at first, but with some coaxing, warmed up to playing in it.

Ryder quickly figured out that Christina (my cousin) was willing to participate in any game!

Visiting Aunt Peggy in Denver.

Kisses from Aunt Dolores.

Becca's (my cousin) new dog - Koda - was lots of fun.  The picture looks like she is trying to bite Ryder, but really, she was extremely friendly!

Sneaking in a grass snack while playing with bubbles.

Staying entertained on the way home.

Taking time to stretch at the Little America on the way home.

Ryder definitely missed Kate (and Pete) while we were gone - I'm not sure if it true the other way around.

Kate (the black cat) frequently hangs out in the bathroom when Ryder is taking a bath - when she walks out of the room, Ryder is always concerned with where she is going.

As you can tell, we had a great weekend.  Our drive to Colorado was pretty good - but, the same holds true as the drive to Vegas - Ryder is not a car sleeper.  He will sleep, but he seems to prefer to be awake, and just fuss every few minutes for a different toy.  We had a great time visiting with everyone, and were sad to see our time in Colorado end so quickly.  The drive home was a bit easier - Ryder was worn out, and slept a little better.
Despite our fun time, it is good to be home.  Plus, we have great neighbors who fed us last night, knowing that we wouldn't have anything prepared for dinner!