Monday, August 23, 2010

Ryder . 13 Months

Wow?!?  Another month already?!
13 months old; 24 pounds, 3 ounces (Still.  All this crawling around at the speed of light makes it hard to put on the weight).
We've had a very busy past few weeks.  After celebrating Ryder's birthday, we moved on to Pioneer Day (Utah state holiday), my birthday, Raspberry Days in Bear Lake, Roy Days, and a Park City weekend getaway!

Eating blueberries, and making a mess.

Looking out the window - our blinds are frequently at this height - just out of his reach!

Waiting patiently for his swimming lessons to begin.  Ryder wanted to get in the water as soon as he saw it - he didn't like waiting for his class.

Playing on the steps is his favorite part at the Roy Complex - I think he just likes having control of being able to touch the ground.

Playing with his CAT truck.

Although Ryder will sit on the trampoline, he prefers to crawl under it (getting quite dirty) when he plays next door.

Waving to the horses at the Pioneer Day parade.

We discovered the Roy Aquatic Center is one of Ryder's favorite summertime spots - there is so much to do there!  And, just try to convince me that he isn't super adorable in those sunglasses!

Crawling through the tunnel.

Apparently, wearing your shorts on your head is quite funny!

Sporting a mohawk.

Soaking in some sun at the Aquatic Center on my birthday.

Patrick taught Ryder how to take his hat on and off.

Playing with Patrick's tape measure is a regular morning occurrence, and often a nightly one too.

Showing off his newly learned skill to his Great Grandpa Verl.

Ryder received the coolest bubble blowing toy for his birthday - he loves the itty bitty bubbles!

Figuring out his new toy while we waited for fireworks at Roy Days.

Watermelon is a new favorite at our house.

Showing off his new shirt at the Deer Valley Music Festival

Taking a GIANT bubble bath at the hotel in Park City!

Ryder is still not walking, but it will not surprise me when he finally decides he wants to - he is so so close, but crawling is just faster.
He still only has the 4 front teeth, with no sign of more.  We wish he would get a few more, just because he would be able to eat food easier.  He has lost all interest in pureed food, and will only eat what everyone else is eating.  Which, has been nice in some ways, and hard in others - considering the lack of teeth.
Ryder continues to not talk, but he recognizes more and more words every day.  On the top of the list are mom, dad, Kate and Pete (our 2 cats), Lucy (one of the many neighbor dogs, and also a stuffed animal version they gave us), truck, ball, milk, juice, more, all done, nap, bed, pacifier, book, yes, no, walk, "let's go", clap, and up.  Of course there are more, but those come to mind first!
This next month brings with it a bit of a slower schedule(!), more trips to the Aquatic Center (only 2 more weeks of being open), a getaway (work-related for me) to Midway, Tomato Days in Hooper, and Peach Days in Brigham.