Monday, October 18, 2010

Ryder . 15 Months

15 months old; 25 pounds, 3 ounces.
In last month's email, Ryder was just starting to really walk on his own.  Well, now, there is no stopping the kid.  He is everywhere!  He especially loves to be outside - he thinks playing on the driveway is the most fun - the grass is only fun if he doesn't fall.
Patrick's birthday - with a cute new shirt reading "Dad says I'm in charge"

Ryder LOVES watching Patrick mow the lawn (or any of the neighbors mow their lawns).

Playing with his train.

Showing off his spelling skills.

Drinking his juice . . .

Signing "all done" when he finishes - except, his palms are supposed to be face down.

Giving Kate a hug.

Ryder generally wakes up in a great mood!

Picking out a pumpkin.

Trying to carry the pumpkin by himself.

Eating his favorite snack - watermelon.

Painting his pumpkin.  He was more interested in walking around the driveway, than in painting the pumpkin.  When I showed him he could use he hands to spread the paint, he didn't really like the idea.

Enjoying one of his favorite hobbies - running around the kitchen island.

Bath time!

Such a happy baby!

Feeding ducks at the park - really, though, he was again more interested in walking around the gravel area.

Pushing his toys across the Family Room - another favorite hobby!

Ryder is finally cutting more teeth . . . he's working on the 6th and 7th ones right now.  He continues to not talk, but he recognizes more and more words every day.  His sound affect rrepertoire also continues to grow!
This past month was fun - Patrick's birthday, and several low-key weekends!  We had our first monthly "Grandparent Dinner Night" at the beginning of the month, and look forward to November's dinner!
The next month brings some fun fall activities, and hopefully a few more low-key weekends before the holiday season gets going in full-gear.