Monday, November 22, 2010

Ryder . 16 Months

16 months old; 25 pounds, 10 ounces.

Ryder's weight has been fairly consistent for the past several months now . . . the kid eats non-stop, but is on the move - constantly.  We're pretty sure he's grown a few inches too, but his next doctor appointment isn't until January.

Ryder has decided walking is for babies, and prefers to run everywhere he goes!  His favorite game is to be chased, especially around the kitchen table, island, or the chair in the Family Room.
Despite the look on his face, Ryder LOVED his first popsicle!

Playing on the driveway, especially with the rocks, continues to be a favorite.

Ryder falling asleep laying with one of us is a rare thing now . . . on this day he fell asleep on the way home from the babysitter's house, and I couldn't resist letting him finish off his cat nap in my arms!
Playing with the alphabet magnets and the "Fridge Farm".  He is remarkably good about not getting them under the fridge (although, we are missing a few letters).

Ryder got a new coat, and was trying it on around the house before we went outside.  He doesn't care what the weather is, he just loves to play outdoors!

My mom says this is the same way I would sit and play . . . Ryder loves playing with the water when it is filling up the tub.

We went to our next door neighbor's house to decorate pumpkins (with stickers!) and cookies.  Ryder didn't love the stickers, but was good at putting them on the pumpkin.  As expected, he wasn't a fan of decorating the cookie, either - he would get his fingers in the frosting, then whine because he was "dirty".  Finally, I convinced him to try a "Dot" candy - he had left everything alone - he didn't really understand it was edible.  The "Dot" was very chewy, and when I wasn't looking, he stuffed in two more - he had to chew the candy for several minutes!
We weren't going to dress Ryder up for Halloween, but after some (strong) insistence from a co-worker (and a costume that was lent to us), he dressed up.  This is him trying on the hat (he was a skunk) during dinner!

Reading together!  Ryder has shown a renewed interest in reading, now if only he would pick out a wider selection of books to read!
Getting a good shot of Ryder in his costume was a bit difficult.

Playing with Dad.
Dropping things behind his back continues to be a favorite thing to do . . . we don't understand why.

Snuggling with dad.
Ryder loves to pick up 2 balls at a time - he is always so proud of himself when he figures it out!

Happy baby in the bath.
Patrick put up Christmas lights (and, they look SO good!!!) - Ryder and I played in the bed of his truck while he was on the roof.

Ryder playing with his trucks on the kitchen floor (pardon the crumbs . . . a certain 1 year old is quite messy!).
Crawling through the tube (it's supposed to connect a tent and a teepee, but it takes up too much space upstairs).

Ryder has had the symptoms of teething the past two weeks, but no signs of the pearly whites have popped through, so he remains at 7 teeth.  He continues to not talk, but he recognizes more and more words every day, and pointing has become a constant - he points at something, then will look at us to tell him what it is. 
This past month has started lots of changes for our family.  About a week after I sent out Ryder's monthly email, we told family we were expecting twins, and then friends and work was told the next week.  We have lots to do to get prepared, but have started off with trading in my car.  My beloved CRV wouldn't fit 3 car seats, so we have upgraded to a Honda Pilot.  Patrick is currently looking to upgrade his truck, as well, so that will likely happen sooner than later.  We've started a list of everything we will need to buy, and are working on it a month at a time!
Originally, Patrick and I decided that we would not be going on a vacation in 2010 (considering our new house and Ryder), but when I got pregnant more quickly than we had thought, we kind of played with the idea - thinking it would be easier to vacation with just Ryder, than with 2 children.  However, when we found out we were having twins, we decided for sure to go on a vacation - it will likely be a few years before we will venture out on a family vacation as a family of 5.  So, we are headed to San Diego December 11-18!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

13 Week Update

Both babies looked great, and measured perfect for their age!  They are both so big that you can no longer see them together on one ultrasound screen (which, I was assured is normal).  My OB had a hard time getting either baby's heartbeat because they were moving around so much - however, after some patience, he was able to get each of them - 170 and 164 (lower than previously, but still completely within the healthy range).  My OB reviewed the differences between Identical/Fraternal twins, and explained I have the "least high risk" of the 4 different options - but, I also have the one where it is impossible to know if they are Identical or Fraternal until they are born (unless we get confirmation one is a boy, and one is a girl).

The "gender ultrasound" has been scheduled for Monday, 12/20, so we have just under 6 more weeks to wait!

A couple other details about the delivery I found out, in case you were wondering . . .
- I am required to deliver in the Operating Room, whether I deliver vaginally or by C-section.  I will labor in the Laboring Room (same as last time), but will be moved when it is time to deliver.
- If Baby A is breech, I will be required to have a C-section.  If Baby A's head is down (regardless of which way they are facing), I can deliver vaginally - even if Baby B is breech.
- It is recommended that I have an epidural regardless - in case of a C-section.  However, I can choose not to have an epidural, but if either baby has to be delivered via C-section, I will be put completely out, and Patrick won't be able to be in the room.