Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter 2011

This year, Ryder definitely understood the concept of the Easter Egg Hunt!  We decided to just have a simple one at home, rather than going to a city/community one this year - my energy tolerance is lower than  normal, and we thought a crowd might overwhelm Ryder.

We started off on Easter Morning attending church at the Layton campus - our Home Group Leader's daughter, Bentley, was being dedicated.  After church, we came home to have our Easter Egg Hunt!

Walking out with Patrick to find the eggs (notice the rocks for the playset weren't evened out, and the border wasn't installed yet).

Collecting his eggs in the bucket.

Ryder liked finding eggs, but didn't like holding the bucket himself - it slowed him down too much!

Inspecting the egg.

Ryder loved opening the eggs - this one was filled with balloons!

Following our egg hunt, we went to lunch (where he was given a balloon) - Ryder rarely sleeps in the car, but between church and the egg hunt, he was worn out!

An attempt at an Easter family picture.  I can't wait until he understands the concept of a self-portrait!

Playing on the playset.

After dinner, Ryder had one last present to open.

Reading his new "Toddler Bible"!
Easter was definitely fun this year.  Attending church, and the Easter Egg Hunt were the only real "traditional" things we did, but it was perfect for us!  Who needs a ham dinner when you can have blueberry/raspberry pancakes instead?!

37 Week Update

Another OB appointment this morning. 
Both boys' heartbeats sound great.  As expected, my issues with swelling have continued to increase, but my blood pressure is still doing okay (up again a little this week - I'm now in the "high normal" range, but still considered okay).
No further dilation today - still at 4cm, and 60% effaced.
Of course, the boys could decide to make their debut at anytime, but my OB seems more confident this week that I will actually make it to next Friday.  The induction was scheduled, and I was even given an 8:00am appointment time for May 6.
So . . . 9 days (single digits now) at the max . . .

Sunday, April 24, 2011


We purchased the playset in early February, but it didn't arrive at our home until near the end of the month.  Patrick said he would just work on it in his "spare time", but in typical Patrick fashion, he finished it - COMPLETELY - this weekend.  The playset was started (the basic framework), base rock (4 yards) was hauled to the back (thanks to Jim, Martha, and Gerry for help!), the playset was finished, weed barrier was laid down, top rock (8+ yards) was hauled to the back (thanks to Gerry for help!), and a finishing border was installed - all in UNDER 2 months (with MANY other projects going on simultaneously)!

The first wheelbarrow of base rock (with Ryder's help!) being poured out - notice the framework for the base structure in the left of the picture.

Patrick reviewing his plan with Jim.

Ryder outside helping Patrick work on the playset (Ryder spent as much time as he possibly could outside!).

Taking a break from all the hard work.

Trying out the playset for the first time (obviously, still in the construction phase).

Ryder helping Patrick load a wheelbarrow with the second delivery of base rocks.

Completing the finishing touches.

The COMPLETED playset (notice Ryder peeking out with his orange balloon!)!!!

The playset turned out GREAT!!!  Ryder absolutely loves playing outside on it - of course, there are a few things he'll have to "grow into" (like the monkey bars and "bird's nest" above the swings), but he has a great time.  The top rocks we ended up getting for a great deal because the intended use is for chip sealing roads; however, it works perfectly for our purpose!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

36 Week Update

Another OB appointment this morning. 
My OB didn't bother measuring me this time, since there is no concern about the babies being "big enough"; but, he did check the boys' heartbeats - both sound great.  My issues with swelling have continued to increase, but my blood pressure is still doing okay (up a little this week - 126/78, but still fine).
This morning I am dilated further - to 4cm, and am 60% effaced (when they induced me with Ryder, I was at just 3cm, and 80% effaced).  He's no longer making any guess about how much longer I'll make it.  He is comfortable with them coming at any time, and would induce me at my request.  So - we have scheduled an induction . . . May 6 is the official date (of course, unless they come sooner).  He isn't too confident I'll make it that far, but he doesn't feel the risks to my health and the babies are worth it past that point - I'll be 38 weeks, 2 days.
So . . . 16 days (max) . . .

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . Nursery

Patrick hung the twins' stained glass pieces that he made for them tonight.  Just thought I'd share a few pictures of their room!

When you walk into the room.  The frames on the right will be filled with pictures soon!

A wide shot of their cribs and bookshelf.  The bookshelf "decorations", obviously, still could use some work, but the basics are there for now.

Jarrett's side of the room.

Harvick's side of the room.

Each boy has been "assigned" a color.  They won't be dressed in the colors always - it's more for things that each of the boys will have of their own - blankets, towels, toothbrushes, etc.  Ryder is green; Harvick will be orange; and Jarrett will be blue.  We just figure that it will cause fewer fights in the future if we establish that rule now!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ryder . 21 Months

21 months; 28 pounds, 6 ounces.

Ryder's teeth count remains steady at 14 (I think it has steadily increased nearly every month since last April - he was finally ready for a break!).

The word count is officially at 1 (finally!) . . . ball . . . it's the only word he consistently says, and in association with the actual object.  He tries really hard with balloon and banana (both come out just as "ba"), but ball is the only full word he is using.

Sorting shapes before work!  Ryder can pick out the circle and the oval himself, with no assistance.  He knows the other shapes, but typically needs a little help getting them to fit properly.

Helping Patrick vacuum the Family Room.

Playing on the top of his playset the first time.

Patrick let him hang out where the "Bird's Nest" is now constructed.

Ryder's not completely sure about sitting on the swing - he prefers to sit on someone's lap.  Since then, we have purchased a plastic seat swing chair.

Climbing the rock wall (his juice was at the top to help provide a little extra motivation!).

Ryder wasn't so sure about coloring with markers - he liked the bright color, but was unsure when it would get on his hands.

He's getting better about letting his face get messy while eating!  I bet you can't guess who encourages him to have a love of chocolate!

Don't try to cut up Ryder's food - he likes to eat everything just like us.

Helping Patrick load rocks (the second round) into the wheelbarrow.

Happy before bedtime.

Learning to eat cold cereal with a spoon is probably the biggest challenge - the milk spills off of the spoon everywhere!

We took the FrontRunner down to the Gateway the first weekend of April.  Ryder enjoyed looking out the window!

Studying his surroundings.

Pointing out things in his view to Patrick.

Further proof he's getting better about having a messy face . . . this time eating pizza!

When we sat down to dye Easter eggs, Ryder was horrified when he put his hand in the yellow dye, and the color stayed on his hands.  After some convincing, he learned that it was actually quite fun, and went to the babysitter's house with blue/green/orange hands the next morning!

"Stirring" the eggs in the dye (notice the green hand!).

Patrick put the finishing touches on the playset, and Ryder walked all around the bottom desk with an allen wrench - putting it in every screw hole to "ensure" they were all tight!

Patrick taught Ryder to eat whipped cream straight from the can!

This is what happens when you ask Ryder to show you his nose!

Ryder has begun to show a greater interest in my stomach over the past week or so - he is constantly walking up to me, and patting it, or trying to hug it when we are sitting together.  We're still not sure that he really understands what is about to happen - but we talk about his brothers with him every day!

And . . . for a twin update . . .
Just when you thought Ryder set a record with his birth weight (11 pounds, 1 ounce!) - we found out on Friday that the twins are weighing in at an average of 8 pounds each (and about 3 weeks "ahead" gestational age, as compared to a "singleton" baby).  8 POUNDS.  Of course, this is still just an estimation, but the size is consistent with all previous measurements.  The Perinatologist says that the boys will likely continue to grow 1/4 - 1/3 pound each week - so, there is a good possibility they will reach nearly 9 pounds if I make it to 38 weeks.  While this is all good news for the boys, it is a bit rough for me to carry them . . . but, it's only a few more weeks!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

34 Week Update

Another OB appointment this morning. 
And, for the first time in the last several appointments, there is actually news!
My OB measured me, and checked the boys' heartbeats.  My issues with swelling have increased (substantially), but my blood pressure is doing awesome.  This morning it was 112/70 - so good that they re-checked it to make sure they didn't do it incorrect the first time.  The swelling was a pre-cursor to the Pre-Eclampsia last time, but only because it was combined with increasing blood pressure and protein in my urine.  So far, with the absence of the second two "signs", I'm still considered in the clear!
He checked to see if I was dialated . . . and . . . I'm at 2cm already.  I still haven't "dropped" all the way, so even though it sounds like I could go into labor right away, he still feels it'll be at least 2 weeks.  He even is "excusing" me from my appointment next week (I'm seeing the Perinatologist next Friday anyway), because all signs indicate everything is going well.
He's not big on making estimations (remember, he didn't even want to make a guess at the twins' gender), but with my goal (May 6) in mind, he says that he really thinks I can get myself pretty close to that.  From today, I could deliver in as early as 7 days, with a max of 30 from now! 
Oh . . . and, if you are interested, I had maternity pictures taken last week.  Heather posted one to her blog yesterday: Heather Mickey - Maternity Picture