Thursday, February 28, 2013

Brothers . February 2013

Today Harvick and Jarrett are 656 days old.  When they were born, Ryder was 656 days old.  Having a newborn with a child this age seems crazy to Patrick and me now.  And, to be honest, it was a bit crazy, but I can't imagine our life any differently!

Last year I did the February Brothers picture on Valentine's Day, and planned to do the same this year.  But, when I dressed the boys all in red flannel shirts for church the Sunday prior, I decided to take the opportunity to get a shot, in case it didn't work out...more on that in a minute...

On Valentine's Day, the boys wore red shirts they already had.  And, due to it being on a weekday, the picture was taken that evening.

Harvick was only interested for a very brief time, and Jarrett was being rather silly (most of the time he would lean away from Ryder, and laugh hysterically).  Ryder was in a great mood, but I must have caught him when he was talking.

A great shot of Ryder, Harvick was getting annoyed, and Jarrett was still being a goof - grabbing his tongue with his hand.
Without a decent shot of all 3 boys (this is where I wish I knew how to do head swaps in PhotoShop!), I went back to a few days prior...

Brothers . February 2013
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

One Year Ago: February 2012

All Brothers Posts

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Trains . Sharing

I shared in a recent blog post about the boys having to share a train that Ryder was given for his 1st birthday.  Typically, when one boy starts playing with it (it doesn't matter who), another will want to join him.  And, when it's just 2 boys, they make it work.

When there are's a bit squished...

(Jarrett, Harvick, & Ryder)

In this instance, Ryder had actually been the one to start playing with the train, and both brothers wanted to join him.  Thankfully, Ryder was willing - his brothers had been sick (RSV) the whole weekend, and both were a bit anxious to leave the house.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Valentine's Day . 2013

Thursday, Valentine's Day, was a typical work/school/daycare day for us in the day.  Before our dinner that evening, we let the boys open presents from us.

Opening their presents...lots and lots of tracks, bridges, and trains.
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

(I posted on a local FB classified page, and a lady responded that she was selling a huge lot of wooden trains & accessories.  These were a fraction of the cost of buying them new, we got a great deal!
We had homemade raspberry pancakes, strawberries, pink eggs, red pepper slices, and cranberry applesauce for dinner!

Our yummy dinner.  Poor Jarrett, I'm not sure why the only picture I have of him is of him so upset - he really did enjoy dinner, and ate everything!  I must have just caught him at a frustrated moment.

All 3 boys love the tracks! Although we definitely have more pieces than they need to have fun, it is nice that they have enough they can each create a track to play on their own, or a large one so that they can play together.

Pictures from days following.
(Ryder, Jarrett, and Harvick playing together; and an impressive track layout created by Patrick & Ryder one morning).

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Baths . 02.20.2013

All three boys love to take a bath!  And, until they will no longer fit together, they typically will take a bath all at the same time.  It's a bit chaotic, but fun!

Ryder loves using containers to pour water in and out.  He's a fan of pretending that he is making various drinks and/or food, using the toys.  Ryder has never been a splasher.  If given the option, he will be the last boy to get out.

Harvick loves the bath, but is the least adventurous in the water.  He likes to stack toys along the edge of the tub, and have us knock them back into the water.  One of his favorite things is to watch himself in the reflective overfill cap.

Jarrett is our fish.  He's willing to dunk his whole head in the water (he has done this since being a small baby), and often will pour water over his own head.  Jarrett is the splaher, and finds himself hysterical when he does it.

Friday, February 22, 2013


Today, I saw a "contest" on FB from PaperCoterie (Order from them, if you haven't already.  Their product is awesome!).  They asked for women to post pictures of what they love about motherhood.  I thought it was cute, but didn't think about entering, until I ran across this picture tonight.

(Jarrett, Harvick, and Ryder)

It was a simple moment.  Jarrett was upset, and needed a hug.  Patrick & I were cleaning up after dinner.  I sat down where I was (notice the oven behind me), and obliged.  Harvick, not one to be left out, sat on the other half of my lap to get a hug.  Ryder, also wanting in on it, ran over, and hugged his brothers.  Luckily, my camera was on the counter!

This simple moment happens often in our home.  Our boys love to show affection, and I couldn't be happier about it.  I'm glad to have a shot that captures the real life moments that are so easy to overlook, or forget.  I won't always have the opportunity to stop what I am doing to meet their request; and these boys won't always initiate hugs.

I posted the photo on their FB page.  Their reminder to appreciate the small things helped this picture (one with no one looking at the camera) to stand out when I saw it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Circus . 01.29.2013

I've been wanting to take Ryder to a circus for awhile.  But, it's pricey, and we weren't convinced that it would be worth it yet.  So, when Patrick's mom was able to get discounted tickets for the Jordan Circus in Ogden, we decided to try!  Thankfully, the boys were feeling much better by then (it had been over a week since their RSV diagnosis), and had no symptoms!

Patrick's mom met us there, and stayed for the first half.  While Patrick & Harvick went to look for her, I took a few pictures of Ryder & Jarrett.

I wish Harvick was there!  I think this self-portrait turned out pretty good.
(Jarrett & Ryder)

Notice the weird lady behind us!

The couple in front of us had a large bucket of popcorn - when Ryder spotted it, he asked if we could get some.  I called Patrick (still out in the lobby area), and he picked up a bag of KETTLE corn (my favorite!).

Watching the circus - most of the acts kept the boys' attention well.
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

Harvick & I attempted a self-portrait again, since he missed it earlier - the lighting wasn't nearly as good at that point, though.

When is the last time you went to a circus?  Did you know they open the circus floor during intermission?  AND, offer rides on the elephants (for $12), camels, and ponies? Do you know that Ryder's FAVORITE animal is an elephant?  Thankfully, he was satisfied with just walking around and talking about all of the animals with me!

ELEPHANTS!  This is what stuck with Ryder most.  HE LOVED THE ELEPHANTS!

Jarrett (left) & Harvick (right) did such a great job, considering the circus was over 2 hours, and was ending at dinner time.  Toward the end, they started to lose interest...good thing for pacifiers!

And, by now, it should be pretty clear I like a family picture of us whenever possible.  We let the bulk of the crowd leave so that it would be easier for us to move around (ie, putting jackets & hats back on).  By that point, the only people easily available to take our picture were the people behind us...not people I was interested in handing my camera to.  So, a self-portrait would have to do...

Sometimes, it's best to just realize when it's not going to work - and, in the end, these 3 quick shots make me smile more than a nicer photo would. 

In the end, the experience was a good one.  All three of the boys enjoyed their time, and Ryder especially loved telling people about the acts he watched.  I wasn't a huge fan of the intermission, or the fact that during transitions between acts, the Ring Master came out to do a commercial for the light swords/toys that were being sold.  Ryder hadn't cared about them, until they were talked about - and, with the boys, we'd have to buy 3.  At $8-12 each, that wasn't going to happen!  We were able to walk out only spending $6 (Kettle Corn), above the entry tickets!

We're looking forward to the next circus already!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Harvick & Jarrett . 21 Months

21 months old
29 pounds, 8 ounces (Harvick)
31 pounds, 0 ounces (Jarrett)
(Compare to Ryder at 21 Months)

These boys are so much fun.  Their little personalities are really developing, and it is so fun to watch as they play on their own, and with each other.  Harvick continues to, more typically, be the whinier baby, but is much more empathetic to his brothers.  Jarrett angers easier, but also calms quicker, typically.  Both boys continue to be good eaters overall, but Harvick (who has the reputation of being willing to try anything), dislikes most veggies.  Jarrett, who continues to despise berries, typically finishes his meals first.

Neither are verbal at this point, but their behavior indicates they have the same high level of comprehension/cognition that their brother did at this age.  Only time will tell.

I loved the boys' outfits one Sunday, and really wanted a picture.  Of course, no one wanted to cooperate, so we sat them each up on the changing table...and kind of got one of each!
(Jarrett, Harvick (both wearing hand-me-downs from big brother!), and Ryder)

This is a nightly occurrence (more than a time or two usually).  Wrestling with dad.

This push train was given to Ryder for his 1st birthday - all of the boys still enjoy it...even though they have to typically share since more than one always wants it at the same time!

Harvick was not feeling well earlier in January, so I stayed home with him while Patrick took Ryder & Jarrett to Costco for our weekly run.  I loved that he fell asleep in my arms.

Bath time...notice the sick look in their eyes...we knew they weren't feeling well, but they never let on to just how sick they were...

The day I stayed home with Harvick & Jarrett, after finding out they both had RSV.  Jarrett loved the chance to play with the rings by himself that day (Harvick isn't a fan of the rings).

Two little sickies playing together.

They took a bath every night (a treat for them - usually it's just every other) while they were sick.  They definitely thought this part of being sick was fun!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Jarrett may be more easily angered, but he is also the one to freely give out hugs, or just come sit with you when he plays!

And, when EVERYONE wants to play with the train at the same time, this happens!
(Harvick in front, Jarrett in the middle, and Ryder in back)

Clearly, one baby likes when HE CHOOSES when to give hugs, and the other will gladly take one!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Both sick with's impossible to stop them from sharing.

Big brother's bed is a favorite gathering spot for little brothers!
(Harvick in the front, Jarrett in the middle, Ryder in back)

How much longer until they can dust the house for me completely?  I love that every Swiffer pack comes with a new handle - I've been saving them for this very reason!
(Ryder on the left, Harvick in the middle, Jarrett on the right)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Winter Wagon Rides

These pictures were taken from a few Sundays ago, but this happens most Sundays when we get home after Church and errands (including today!).  The boys need to burn a bit of energy before coming in for lunch and naps, and enjoy playing outside.  Ryder LOVES to give his brothers rides, and they LOVE to let him!  They are, however, beginning to out-grow their single seat wagon...

Ryder pulling, with Jarrett in front, and Harvick in back.

And, I LOVE that my boys enjoy being outside, and have so much fun together.  Now, we just need to work on Harvick & Jarrett's ability to pull Ryder around - they each want to do it, but just don't have the strength - Ryder's eagerly awaiting!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Pictures . Blackbird Design

Patrick and I decided ( may have been one of us who more strongly influenced the decision...) to have Ryder's picture taken every 3 months for the first 2 years, and every 6 months following.  For the "big" sessions of the first year, we invested in photos from Heather Mickey (which I love), but her pricing is a little high for frequent sessions for us.  So, in between, and then for the sessions following the first year, we've gone to Target, and/or searched for new photographers.  Luckily, Harvick & Jarrett's 21 month, and Ryder's 3.5 year fall within weeks of eachother, so we just did one session to cover them both!

Kelsie, from Blackbird Design, was running a January special, and was willing to come to our home for the photos.  Unfortunately, we weren't able to get a good family photo, but we did capture several great ones of the boys!

Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett

Reading books together.
(Jarrett, Ryder, and Harvick)

Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett

You can see more images for Kelsie's session at her website here!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ryder . 3 1/2 Years Old

Our baby is three and a half years old (last month, actually - I'm just slow in getting this post published).  It's cliche, I know, but this kid is growing up too fast!

Ryder is such a fun little boy.  He has developed quite a sense of humor, and is often trying to tease Patrick or me about things, the way we do with him.  He's a great big brother to Harvick and Jarrett - he has his moments, but overall, he gets along with them well.

Ever since Ryder's "Teddy Bear Parade" at school, where he took his dog, Lucy (instead of a teddy bear), he has rediscovered his love for the dog.  Lucy spends the nights with him in bed, and stays out in the Family Room when we're playing, and at the end of the table during meals (she "just watches").

Ryder always answers that his favorite color is green (and, really, I don't think it is because that is his "assigned" color), but often chooses something blue when given the choice.  He will tell you his favorite food is peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, but he continues to be a good eater of most food.  Ryder rarely turns down fruit, and likes most veggies (broccoli and cauliflower are "not his favorite").

Ryder is doing extremely well with his speech, and is progressing at Preschool.  His verbal expression has increased immensely, but he still struggles with intelligibility for people who aren't around him often.  My favorite things for him to say are "I wuv (love) Lucy (the stuffed dog)", "my brovhers (brothers", and "everyone knows dat (that)".

Bath time.
(with Harvick in the right picture)

Jumping on the neighbor's trampoline; showing me how the cake toy works; showing off Lucy in the box he painted for the "Teddy Bear Parade"; and watching the Christmas Train go around (and around and around) the tree.

I love that Ryder finally understands the concept of looking at the camera...even when he is super silly when I just wanted to take a quick shot!

Playing with brothers.

A lazy weekend morning, playing in our pajamas.

My always-healthy little guy got rather sick mid-December.  After throwing up all night, I stayed home from work with him the next day.  He hasn't fallen asleep in my lap (much less requested to sit with me when tired) in over a year.  And, he requested to only wear underwear, and be wrapped in a blanket (after taking a nice hot shower) - I couldn't deny the request, and made sure to grab my camera before we sat down.  Thankfully, the bug he had only last 12 hours!

Ryder LOVES his trains!

Helping Patrick eat his last packages of DingDongs - in the picture on the right, he's irritated with me for taking his picture.

If you missed my FB post, Patrick & I bought this giant cardboard train for the boys - they helped to assemble it and decorate (with crayons).  Ryder loves it (and, we still have it - it just had to move downstairs after a few weeks)!