Monday, May 27, 2013

Ryder . Last Day of School . 2012/2013

Last Tuesday Ryder attended his last day of Preschool for the 2012/2013 school year.  This was his second year of Preschool, with one year still remaining.

This year has brought significant change in Ryder's verbal expression.  Significant.  Ryder has always had high comprehension/cognition test results.  We knew he was intelligent.  But, the addition of his verbal expression has really made us more aware of his deep thinking.

Ryder still has a long way to go.  He still lacks several sounds (most notably /k/), with the frequent misinterpretation of others (/g/, /l/, /th/ are ones we are constantly working to improve).  He still has to think before saying new words.  We have to plan out what his mouth will do (typically syllable-by-syllable) for multi-syllabic words.  But, he is talking.

School has played a part in this.  He has been able to receive regular Speech Therapy in group and individual settings.  Patrick & my experience has been interesting - we have learned how to be Ryder's greatest advocate.

Ryder . Last Day of School . 2012/2013

Cute boy!

We had been talking with Ryder about his last few days of Preschool for a little while - to prepare him for it ending.  On Sunday night, as I talked with Ryder, I loved our conversation:

Me: Ryder, how many days of Preschool do you have left?
Ryder: Just TWO!  Monday and Tuesday.
Me: That's right.  Are you going to be sad on your last day?
Ryder: No, I do not "fink" (think) so.
Me: That's good - I don't want you to be sad, but it is okay if you are.
Ryder: MOM! I will NOT be sad.  My last day of Preschool "jus" (just) means that I am GROWING UP!

And, grow up, he has:



We are so proud of Ryder, and are looking forward to his last year of Preschool!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Mother's Day . 2013

On Mother's Day, I woke up to immediate presents, made by my boys!  Each of their handprints had been made in clay, and painted their color.  A cute card, and a pendant from Patrick (he made it, with the boys' picture on one side, and a "5" on the other) were also given.

Jarrett was there - he just wasn't interested in hanging around for me to open the presents.

After church, we headed to our neighborhood Duck Pond.  We had pre-cut the bread (it makes it easier...some people like to throw in a whole piece, or barely tear it), and brought bowls for each boy.  All of them enjoyed feeding the ducks, although Jarrett's favorite part was running around the open area.

I like the randomness of this photo.

My cute boys!
The shot on the top left was the best one we could get of me with the boys - they were all wanting to feed ducks and/or play!

A forced break...for another picture attempt...
(Harvick on the left, Ryder center, and Jarrett on the right)

Patrick had planned to go out to lunch, but after going out so much that weekend ("Mother's Day" with his mom, and my mom, along with a fun Saturday (more on the blog later)), we just went to Subway for sandwiches to take home.

On occasion, a boy will fall asleep in the car, but they (very) rarely will stay asleep when you take them out of their carseat.  Jarrett must have been worn out - he walked up the stairs on his own into the house, we took off his shoes, and looked over to find him like this less than a minute later - COMPLETELY asleep!

After the boys had their quiet time (sometimes they sleep...sometimes...), they headed to the backyard to play.  Patrick was able to get some things down outside while I did our usual chores inside.  Patrick commented about how he felt bad that I did things, but really - I got to strip and make 4 beds (along with other things), without any little helpers!  I love having the boys help us with things at home, but sometimes it is nice to just get them done quickly.

Subway sandwiches should always be accompanied by Subway cookies!

We ended our day with grilled veggies and bratwurst - eating on our backyard patio!

My most recent FB profile picture.  Me, with my boys.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick center, and Ryder on the right)

A fun day of spending time together as a family!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

RAD Ryder

Ryder made it 3 years, 8 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days before he had to go to the doctor for being sick.  And, the appointment was really a wasted one - the doctor suspected allergies.  After 6 days of no improvement, we took him in again to a different doctor (his was unavailable) who found that Ryder had a "very severe" ear infection.  The doctor was concerned Ryder's eardrum would burst overnight.  Thankfully, it never did.  The antibiotics (the first of his life) worked well, and we had no further issues.

Until today.  Another month (and 6 days) have passed.  Over the weekend Ryder developed a bit of a cough - nothing to really worry about.  On Monday night I noticed a bit of wheezing as we read a book before bed.  He had played hard that night, and had been coughing - he didn't complain, so we went along as usual.  Tuesday morning we didn't notice anything, but that evening, the wheezing was becoming a bit more prominent.  He woke up this morning wheezing some, but had no other symptoms of sickness.  He still went to daycare.

This afternoon I was able to get an appointment with the doctor who found his ear infection (or so I thought - we were seen, in part, by a Physician Assistant.  A HORRIBLE one).

Ryder was diagnosed with "Reactive Airway Disease" (RAD).  It sounds worse than it is.  Really, it's kind of like asthma in children too young to get an asthma diagnosis.  It is common for children to "outgrow" this.  If it persists with frequency until age 6, Ryder can participate in diagnostic testing to determine if he has asthma.  But, really, given Ryder's near spotless health record, asthma is not likely.

Ryder's treatment includes a steroid, and nebulizer treatments.  Due to his extremely low oxygen levels, they wanted to perform an immediate treatment.  Thankfully, Ryder tolerated it well, although he had the saddest little expression the whole time.  The Medical Assistant was very kind, and helped get Ryder a book to help distract him.  We now have a nebulizer at home, and will give him treatments as needed.  

Ryder insisted that I hold it at first, but I was able to convince him to hold it himself, while I read the book.  He definitely wasn't a fan, but he did an awesome job!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Movie Night!

The boys are limited to no more than 30 minutes/day of TV at daycare, and don't often get to watch much at home.  But, we've recently started watching a "movie" (often a Blue's Clues episode) on weekend evenings.

On a recent Saturday night, we picked a classic - The Fox & The Hound - to watch together.  After a full day of playing/working outside, we had the boys take an early bath after dinner, and get in their pajamas.

We started out on the couch like this - with a special treat of popcorn!

As the movie went on, the boys one-by-one started to snuggle with me...this is my favorite part of watching movies!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Apraxia Awareness Day . 2013

Tuesday, May 14th is the first annual Apraxia Awareness Day.

As you know, Apraxia affects our family greatly.  As this day approaches, many of the pages I "like" on Facebook are a buzz about the day.  Getting it signed into official congressional record.  Attempting to get each state to recognize the day.  Selling awareness items - clothing, jewelry, mugs, hats.

Yet, I feel conflicted.  

I want the world to understand Apraxia.  I want to stop receiving the hurtful comment of "See, if you would have just been patient, Ryder would have eventually talked.  It just takes time".  IT DOES NOT JUST TAKE TIME.  It has taken over 4,000 minutes.  FOUR THOUSAND MINUTES. of Early Intervention, Speech Therapy privately and at Preschool.  And, countless minutes more of practice at home.  It has consumed our thoughts, our routines, our activities at times.  It is always in the back of our mind.

I do not want Apraxia to define our son.

Our church is currently studying James.  At a recent Home Group (small group Bible Study), we talked about trials we have faced, and how it has affected our faith.  Apraxia is not my own struggle, but dealing with it is.  I am thankful that as Harvick & Jarrett stand at the start line of their own speech journey we can have hope, seeing the example of their big brother.  At the initial diagnosis, we were told Ryder would not reach developmentally appropriate (verbal) milestones until early Elementary.  He has defied the initial prognosis.  He truly encapsulates the word resilient   He has worked tirelessly to increase his verbal expression.  And, he now joins Patrick & I to help his brothers.

Harvick & Jarrett are working with Early Intervention, and Patrick & I have made the decision to start them in private therapy with Ryder's amazing SLP.

We will beat this thing.

The Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association of North America (CASANA) is encouraging people to wear blue & white on Tuesday, May 14th to bring awareness to Apraxia.  We'd love for you to join or family in this show of support.

We will beat this thing.

Inspired by many others on Facebook, I created this cover photo to encourage others to join us on May 14th.
How perfect is it that the boys are wearing blue & white in the photo?!


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Harvick & Jarrett . 2 Year Comparison

Today Harvick & Jarrett turned 2 years old!

These boys have brought so much joy into our lives.  They were very much an unexpected double addition to our family, but we wouldn't change it!

Today we celebrated as a family - just the 5 of us.  As I transferred the (many, of course) photos to our computer, I couldn't help but share one tonight (more will come later).

2 Year Birthday

The boys all had a great time today.  Harvick & Jarrett weren't able to stay awake, falling asleep before we made it all the way back to the Front Runner station.  Patrick & I each were holding one, when Ryder (who was having a hard time staying awake too) requested to sit with Patrick - I offered to take both Harvick & Jarrett (both sleeping).  As I looked down at my boys, the picture from the day we came home from the hospital flashed in my mind.

2 Days Old - Minutes after coming home from the hospital

My boys have grown so much!