This year has brought significant change in Ryder's verbal expression. Significant. Ryder has always had high comprehension/cognition test results. We knew he was intelligent. But, the addition of his verbal expression has really made us more aware of his deep thinking.
Ryder still has a long way to go. He still lacks several sounds (most notably /k/), with the frequent misinterpretation of others (/g/, /l/, /th/ are ones we are constantly working to improve). He still has to think before saying new words. We have to plan out what his mouth will do (typically syllable-by-syllable) for multi-syllabic words. But, he is talking.
School has played a part in this. He has been able to receive regular Speech Therapy in group and individual settings. Patrick & my experience has been interesting - we have learned how to be Ryder's greatest advocate.
Ryder . Last Day of School . 2012/2013 |
Cute boy! |
We had been talking with Ryder about his last few days of Preschool for a little while - to prepare him for it ending. On Sunday night, as I talked with Ryder, I loved our conversation:
Me: Ryder, how many days of Preschool do you have left?
Ryder: Just TWO! Monday and Tuesday.
Me: That's right. Are you going to be sad on your last day?
Ryder: No, I do not "fink" (think) so.
Me: That's good - I don't want you to be sad, but it is okay if you are.
Ryder: MOM! I will NOT be sad. My last day of Preschool "jus" (just) means that I am GROWING UP!
And, grow up, he has:
2011/2012 |
2012/2013 |
We are so proud of Ryder, and are looking forward to his last year of Preschool!