Monday, October 12, 2009

Ryder . 12 Weeks

12 weeks old.  He will be 3 MONTHS on Saturday.  The time has gone by quickly.  He is weighing in at 15 pounds, 6 ounces.

Ryder has now discovered that he can rub his eyes with his fist, along with using his fist as a pacifier.

Sometimes Ryder will be super smiley and laughing, but when I pull out the camera, it all comes to a hault.  Here he is looking at me, confused why I have the camera in his face.

Another look of bewilderment . . . just moments before he was smiling and laughing while in his swing.

This one isn't of Ryder - but, it is a picture of the pretty flowers he and Patrick sent me on my first day back to work.

Ryder likes to make a fist so often, that Patrick has decided to teach him how to fist bump . . . or, as we call it at our house the "terrorist fist bump" - like FOX called the fist bump between President and Michelle Obama the night of a victory speech.

Lastly, a picture of Ryder just out of the shower.  He loves taking a shower, and is always so happy during and after it (notice his fist . . . he is just practicing!).

My first week back to work went well.  Ryder has enjoyed going to Robina's house - he has two new friends there, Lily and Jackson.  You should ask him about them, I'm sure he would love to tell you some stories!

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