Thursday, June 30, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 8 Weeks

8 weeks old
12 pounds, 8 ounces (Harvick)
12 pounds, 3 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 8 Weeks)

Wow!  The obvious news from this week was Harvick's broken leg (see 3 posts ago).  He is continuing to do well!  Harvick was on Lortab for 2 full days, and has already been moved to just Tylenol in the day, and one dose of Lortab before bed.  Obviously, he is much more like "himself" when he is not so heavily drugged - and, he seems to be comfortable with just the Tylenol.  Jarrett, fortunately, is a pretty easy going baby, which has been especially nice since Harvick takes a bit of extra attention right now.

Both boys started smiling quite purposefully in the last week, although, I have a harder time capturing Harvick's smile on camera.  So - this post has a few extra pictures, because I love all the smiles!!!

Both boys were wide awake one minute, and asleep the next.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

The "double" colic hold!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

A great smile, while wearing one of my FAVORITE shirts from Ryder.

Another great smile, wearing another favorite shirt!

Laying side by side is harder now . . . so, we tried out a different way.
(Harvick on top, Jarrett on bottom)


A bit of a drugged smile.

Taking a cat nap after the 5:00am feeding . . . Ryder used to sleep just like this!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

An attempt at a smile picture.

Both boys have such strong necks that they can already sit in the Bumbo for short periods of time.  Harvick (pre-harness) isn't so sure of it, but Jarrett seems to enjoy sitting in it.
Patrick has a 4-day weekend for the holiday, so we are looking forward to spending lots of time together as a family this weekend!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ryder . Birthday Party Invite!

Ryder is turning two in less than 3 weeks, and we're celebrating . . .

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pacifier Help

Ryder has taken a new interest in helping his brothers when they are crying - helping them with their pacifiers.  At first, he only would offer them the pacifier for 2-3 seconds, but in the past week or so, he has started to be much more patient - allowing Harvick and Jarrett to realize it is being offered, and to latch on to it.

Typically, if Harvick and/or Jarrett are just fussy, Ryder doesn't seem to care, but when they get mad and cry, he is much more likely to help.

Harvick (on the left) just pulled out his pacifier . . .

Ryder helping Harvick latch back on to his pacifier.

Ryder clapping for himself!

(we clap lots in this family!)

Harvick got scared by the clapping (or maybe the giant almost 2 year old standing near his head?!) - Ryder helping him out again.

Ryder clapping for the great job he did (again)!

(remember, we clap a lot at our house!).

Of course, with Harvick now in the Pavlik Harness, Ryder is more careful with Harvick, but still helps him (Jarrett also receives the same help from Ryder, I just haven't captured it in pictures).

*pictures are slightly blurry because I wasn't using the flash, and Ryder was moving too quickly for the limited light available.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Harvick . The Broken Leg

Yesterday did not go as planned . . .

After Harvick and Jarrett had woken at 5:00am and been fed, Harvick was quite upset.  In an attempt to help Ryder sleep, Patrick took Harvick in the bedroom to calm him down.  After trying several different positions, Patrick repositioned Harvick one more time, but when doing so, heard a pop in his leg, and Harvick became even more upset (about 6:00am).

Patrick; however, noticed that Harvick's right leg went limp. 

We were able to console him, and he even fell asleep.  We thought maybe he had just hurt it, and wasn't moving it, so we layed him down to look at it again . . . and Harvick started screaming.

We immediately got Ryder up and dressed, packed up essential milk, and left our house headed for the ER.  Patrick dropped Harvick and me off to check in, while he took Ryder and Jarrett to my parent's house nearby.

We checked in about 6:50am, and the nurse checking us in stated she felt that it was a hip issue, based on my explanation of events and symptoms.  Harvick was calm during the process, and didn't really show any indication of pain unless his leg wasn't supported.  Thankfully, the check-in process went relatively quickly, and we were taken back to a room.  Patrick joined us there.  The doctor examined Harvick, and stated he thought it was just a sprain, but decided to x-ray both hips just to be sure.  After an x-ray of the right hip/leg, it was evident the femur was broken.

Unfortunately, the hospital we were at does not treat infant broken bones, so we had to be taken by ambulance to Primary Children's Medical Center (PCMC).  Because of the break, the doctor at the ER put a temporary splint on Harvick's leg, which made it not possible to put him in his car seat.

I rode in the ambulance with Harvick while Patrick followed behind.  It was scary, even though we knew the issue was treatable.  Riding in an ambulance was hard.

Once at PCMC, Harvick was evaluated further by several doctors.  The Orthopedic Surgeon stated the break was "very clean", and not near growth plates.  There would be no long-term effect of the broken leg.  The decision was made to put Harvick in a Pavlik Harness, rather than a hard cast.  Due to the location of the break, a cast would have been "full-body" - extending from his torso to his toes.  The break was not severe enough to warrant this type of cast.  The Pavlik Harness is used to treat hip issues, but by holding his right hip in place, it will suspend the leg in a "zero-gravity" type position, allowing the bone to heal.

Once fitted for the harness (waiting to find an available harness took the longest time), Harvick was monitored to ensure the pain management plan the doctors had prescribed would be effective for him.

We finally returned home just after 3:00pm . . . about 8.5 hours after leaving the house.


Harvick seems to be doing well, all things considered.  Already this morning he is acting more like himself.  The biggest challenges we face with him are how I will nurse him (hopefully, I will still find a way that I can do it in tandem with Jarrett), and how to position him.  Fortunately, he is comfortable on his back (even though he has previously often preferred being on his stomach); and, he can sit in both the swing and the Nap Nanny.

Sleeping in the swing.

In the Nap Nanny.

After dinner, we all went outside to enjoy a little fresh air while Patrick dug holes for our new trees.

Harvick laying on his back - a good shot of the whole harness - the left leg is in the harness to help him keep his hips aligned; however, it is quite loose, so that he still has the ability to move his leg freely.

Ryder, enjoying the sunshine!

Jarrett, hanging out on the blanket with Harvick and me.

We were worried about how sleeping would go, considering Harvick likes to be swaddled.  Thankfully, he was a sleeping champ (only getting up once for pain medication and a little milk)!

Harvick with baby legs and mittens on his arms and hands to help him stay warm, and his legs propped up slightly.
(Harvick on the left (it's even more obvious now, given the harness), Jarrett on the right)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 7 Weeks

7 weeks old; 11 pounds, 10 ounces (Harvick) and 11 pounds (Jarrett).
(Compare to Ryder at 7 Weeks)

Linking to Ryder's 7 Week post reminded me that I didn't mention that Harvick and Jarrett outgrew the "0-3 month" pacifier at 5 weeks - both have moved to the "3-6 month" one, and seem to be doing much better at keeping it in their mouths!  They have also started to outgrow the 0-3 month clothing already - every onesie has been worn by at least one of the boys, but there are a couple favorites I have that only one has worn.  In the next week or two; however, they will have to be fully transitioned to the 3-6 month size!

Showing off their "I (heart) DAD" shirts, again.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Jarrett hanging out on the bed before church on Sunday.

Spending time together.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Taking a nap in their CRIB!!! (well, in one of the cribs, together!).
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Hanging out on the bed while we are getting ready . . . this was also a favorite spot for morning "awake time" for Ryder.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Harvick, wide awake, after nursing.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Brothers . June 2011

We took the June "Brothers" picture on Sunday, with the boys in the outfits they wore for the dedication.  Ryder was in a good mood . . . although, you wouldn't know it from his expression - he just refused to smile.

We decided to stick with the pose that worked best last time . . . sitting in the chair with Ryder's arms around his brothers.

BROTHERS . June 2011
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)
 (May 2011)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day 2011

This year, we stretched Father's Day to celebrate all weekend.

We started at Patricia's (Patrick's favorite!) for dinner on Friday evening.  Ryder proved that Mexican food is also his favorite.  He, of course, loved eating chips, but was also very interested in our salsa.  We let him try it . . . and he LOVED it!  He started out just dipping the chip in vertically, and basically only getting tomato juice, to fully scooping the chips with salsa on it!

Ryder's kids meal came with a drink, so we ordered Horchata.  We saved it to the end because we knew he would love it, and not want to eat his actual food if he had it sooner.  We were correct in our guess . . . but, he was more than willing to share!

(Harvick and Jarrett were also with us . . . in their carseats next to Patrick and me).

Saturday we spent time at Patrick's dad's house with Jim, Martha, and Julie (who was in town for a visit!) for lunch; and dinner with my parents and Rory at our house.  Harvick and Jarrett wore their matching "I (heart) Dad" shirts for the occasion.



(Harvick, Patrick, and Jarrett)

Finally, on Sunday, we had the boys dedicated at church in the morning, and then just spent the rest of the day at home together . . . as a family of FIVE.

Ryder giving Patrick the cookie dough brownies we had made for him . . . I can't confirm, but Ryder may have had to be bribed with one of the M&Ms to look at the camera!

Spending time with Patrick
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

The boys!
(Ryder in green, Harvick in orange, Jarrett in blue . . . and Patrick in brown!)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ryder . 23 Months

23 Months; 31 pounds, 6 ounces

This boy of ours is growing up too fast.  Maybe it's because we have two little brothers in the home now, but Ryder is just growing more quickly than I would like - he's turning into a little boy, and is no longer a baby.

Ryder continues to be a bit hesitant with his brothers, but very gentle.  He will try to give them their pacifiers (without much success - they take a little while to latch on to it, and he gets impatient); he rocks their car seats when they are buckled in, awaiting the car; and he freely gives them kisses - without being prompted.

Don't be fooled by his cute smile, though . . . this boy is mischievous.  He is constantly pushing his limits, and has recently discovered that if he screams it makes his tantrums that much more dramatic.  One day he will follow a specific rule (ie, not pushing/rocking himself back at the table, or not jumping on the couch), and the next it is as if he was never made aware of that same rule.

Ryder continues to have few consistent words (anyone notice the list on the right?!), but is able to communicate what he wants.  He is signing "more" with great frequency; however, sometimes it is hard for us to know what he wants "more" of.

He has discovered a new love for flowers - he wants to point out every single one he comes across, and would smell each of them if we let him.  Patrick and I are pretty sure he has started saying "mell" for "smell", but really just means that he sees a flower!  Evening walks are fun with him - he points out all of the flowers and trees, and then quickly signs "more" if we are passing a house without any.  He also points out all basketball hoops - sometimes Patrick and I have to strain to see the one he is pointing at, several houses down the street.  The kid has a killer memory - he will start pointing and saying "ball" or "buh-woon" (or maybe "mell"?) as we approach the object, even if it is out of sight.  Driving down Riverdale Road is a favorite of his . . . we never noticed how many balloons there are at each of the car dealerships until Ryder started pointing out each of them!

Reading a book with Jarrett and mom.

How else are you supposed to carry around 2 bouncy balls and have your hands free?!

Laughing at a Baby Einstein movie.

Ryder loves our "new" couch (a hand-me-down from Jody & Ann).  It is in our office, back against the two front windows - which makes Ryder at the perfect height to play with the blinds and light switch . . . 2 of the rules that he often "forgets".

Helping his bath ducks give each other a kiss!

Remembering what it is like to play in the playmat/gym.

Playing with his recycling truck, and trying to incorporate Harvick into the game!

A new found favorite game . . . first balance the baby ring toy on your head . . .

. . . then, shake your head until it falls off; follow with laughing hysterically . . . repeat over and over.

Ryder wants to walk down all stairs by himself, unless there is no railing - then, he'll allow someone to hold his hand.

Using one of the "breakfast trays" we bought at the garage sale as an art table.

Playing with chalk outside.

Taking a break from the chalk to help dad (and Jarrett) water the plants.

Putting the chalk away.

The reaction I got (a tantrum) when I asked Ryder to smile.

Look at Ryder's outfit . . . see any significance?!

The shorts are "29" - Kevin Harvick's car number.  AND - they are orange . . . our Harvick's color!

Ryder's current favorite snack spot (sitting (or standing) on the speaker between the wall and the couch).

What?!? You've never followed up breakfast with some chocolate chips and licking the beater of (egg-less) cookie dough?!

Although I was the one to give the treat to him, I fully blame Patrick.  He is raising a little boy that can smell when you open the chocolate chip bag.  Luckily, he had already finished his actual breakfast!

When I went to get Ryder ready for the day, he was sleeping with his knees tucked up under him completely, by the time I got back with the camera he had stretched out some . . . I love sleeping pictures.

Swinging with dad at the park.

Ryder has mastered his shape ball.  Although, he prefers to hold up each shape to you, so you can name it, before he places it correctly in the ball.  He also knows how to open the ball, which he finds much more fun, so, often the shapes are dumped on the floor, he will put one or two back, then empty it out again!

We're still working on putting sunglasses on correctly!

Patrick tested to see if he could still fit in his Bumbo . . and he can . . . although, he isn't so sure about it.

The boys' swings are in front of the bookcase that has Ryder's books . . . the area between has become his favorite reading area.  It's hard to capture a picture of him there because when he notices that you see him reading, he will typically get up and run away.

One more month, and this little boy of ours turns TWO YEARS old.  We're celebrating at a local park - invites will be sent out soon!