Sunday, July 31, 2011

STOMP Rocket!

What else would you expect for your birthday, from your only Aunt, who happens to have a PhD in Science Education?! . . . a Stomp Rocket, of course!

Since opening his present from his Aunt Julie, Ryder has played with his Stomp Rocket everyday.  EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Loading the rocket . . .


And, it's off!
 Then, of course, repeat . . .

It took a few times before he understood he should watch as the rocket was propelled . . .

And, again . . .

Thankfully, he is happy to go about the yard/driveway to pick up the rockets.

And, then, of course, repeat the whole thing all over again . . .

Harvick and Jarrett continue to love to be outside, laying on a blanket.  They are both very patient as Ryder plays with his rocket over and over!

(Jarrett on the left/right side up, Harvick on the right/upside down)
The Stomp Rocket instantly became a neighborhood favorite, and Ryder is great to share with his friends! 

Oh, and if you find yourself with $6.03 extra at anytime, feel free to buy a refill pack . . . one rocket has already found it's way to the roof!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ryder . An Exercise in Indpendence

Friday morning, following breakfast, Ryder was stripped back down to his diaper because he had made a mess (really, a very rare thing for him).  I was going to let him run around a bit without his clothes (typically a favorite thing to do), but he insisted on getting dressed again.

He has shown little interest in picking out his own clothes - just an occasional opinion about which jammies, or whether he should wear socks.  However, Friday he insisted he wanted to pick out which shirt he wanted to wear.  Instinctively I grabbed a pair of jean shorts, but he told me "no", and pointed to another shelf of shorts - he picked out the ones he wanted by himself.

Now, his outfit may not exactly match as well as usual, but I think he still looks pretty cute! . . .

When we had to go out to the garage to do a few things, I asked him to put on his shoes . . .

Obviously, we have a bit of work to do with tennis shoes (he can do the sandals himself)!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 12 Weeks

12 weeks old
13 pounds, 13 ounces (Harvick)
13 pounds (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 12 Weeks)

Wahoo!!! Harvick's harness was taken off this week!  We did it gradually - giving him breaks from it in the early morning and evenings during the week.  Saturday we he was out of it about 1/2 the day, and finally on Sunday we took it off permanently!  He has adjusted so well, and shows no indication that there was an issue with his leg at all!

These boys are almost 3 months old, and like with all children - it is going by too quickly.  They are, for the most part, very well-behaved babies.  We are still working to extend their sleeping time at night - right now they are fed at 9:00pm, go to bed about 10:00pm, and are waking up around 5:30am.  So, about 7.5 hours of sleeping.  They have adjusted very well to a routine, and drink tons of milk!

Harvick continues to be the more whiny of the two, but Jarrett gives no warning when he is mad.  Both boys absolutely love being outside, and will almost always stay completely content when laying on a blanket in the grass.

One of the last days Harvick wore his harness.

Happy baby!

Laying on the grass while Ryder played on the playground - we love going to the Farmers Market on Saturdays!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Trying out "tummy time" for the first time (for Harvick) in 4 weeks!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Yes, I know - I have a lot of "favorite" shirts - this is, again, one of them!

Another "favorite" shirt! It reads:
If my toys could talk . . .
Helicopter: Wow! This baby is cute!
Baseball: Yeah, he has great hair!

Happy together!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Wearing their matching jammies one last time (technically, they are a size too small, but for Harvick's first night wearing jammies in 4 months, I couldn't resist!).
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pioneer Day 2011

Between Patrick not loving parades, and needing to work in order to get things caught up - it was just Ryder and me at the Ogden Pioneer Day Parade this year.

I lathered Ryder in sunscreen, packed tons of cold drinks, snacks, and a few books/toys, and we headed to the Parade while my parents watched Harvick and Jarrett.

In order to get a "good" seat, you have to get there early.  Ryder was, for the most part, very well behaved while we waited for the parade. 

Keeping himself entertained with a toy before the parade started.

Ryder was very intrigued by the police car sirens, as soon as he could hear them he would drop what he was playing with to look for them to approach.

While you wait (and during) numerous people walk up and down the parade route selling various drinks and treats - Ryder would point to them, but was never too insistent that he wanted something . . . until the giant popsicles rolled by.  Fortunately, there was a WHITE one (stain free!) - so, I gave in.  Ryder ate at least 1/2 of it, but started to dislike it once it was melting (it was 100 degrees, so it melted fast!).

Unfortunately, there were large gaps between the floats, so the parade was a bit slow-moving.  Ryder absolutely loved the horses and the marching bands.  He would start pointing with anticipation when he could see them approaching.

Overall, we had a really great time at the parade.  When he started to lose interest (after about an hour and a half - the parade is about 2 hours), we decided to leave.  In order to get back to our car we had to walk south, and the parade was heading north, so he still got to see most of the floats!

Waving goodbye to the parade.
Next year will be interesting . . . a three year old, and two one year olds at the parade . . . wish us luck!

And, speaking of "Pioneers", the topic must be on people's minds in Utah this week . . . I have been told no less than a dozen times (honest!), that I would "make a great Pioneer woman" when I talk with people about Harvick and Jarrett.  I'm thinking it's a Utah thing . . . where else would someone say that?!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Brothers . July 2011

We took this "Brothers" picture on the 4th this month, but I hesitated posting in, just in case I could fit another one in this month - one without Harvick's harness or Ryder's bandage.  But, the more I think about it, the more I like this picture.  The purpose of this self-imposed monthly assignment is to capture the boys, together, as they are.  I don't have to do it on a certain day of the month, or for a special occasion - I just want to take a few minutes in the month to capture them.

The former "pose" for the boys didn't work out in the rocking chair - Harvick needed a little more room, so we did it on the couch.  Harvick and Jarrett had a long day, and were too tired to wake up for the picture - so, they just slept through it.

BROTHERS . July 2011
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)
 (June 2011)
(May 2011)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pretty Flowers!

I returned to work this week.  And, honestly, I enjoy working, so it isn't too bad.  Of course, since I am only back part-time for the first 4 weeks, it is a great schedule . . . when I start back full-time (August 15), and then especially when I have to start working 5 days/week again (September 6), it may be a different story. 

Just like when I returned to work after having Ryder, I received flowers again this time . . .

Aren't they pretty?!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 11 Weeks

11 weeks old
13 pounds, 13 ounces (Harvick)
13 pounds (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 11 Weeks)

It's the last week for Harvick to wear his harness!  He has been a great sport about the whole thing, but you can tell that it is now annoying him - now that his leg is healing, he is gaining strength again, and wanting to kick it freely.  Thankfully, only a few more days until it is off permanently!  After a couple of weeks, we will go back to PCMC to have another x-ray taken, and as long as everything still looks good, we will just go back in 6 months, and at a year.

Harvick and Jarrett love being together when they are awake - both boys are typically content laying together on the floor.  Of course, they both like additional interaction, but they also seem to keep each other entertained.  They continue to latch on to each other, if they are close enough - my favorite is when they latch on to each others nose, or forehead!

Wearing the shirt Ryder wore for Patrick's birthday (yes, I know - it's odd, but I can remember what we did when Ryder was wearing certain shirts).

If they are close enough, they typically will reach out to touch each other - whether awake or asleep.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Hanging out in new sunglasses (Tara, our neighbor, bought them for Harvick and Jarrett, since she knows how careful we are to have Ryder wear his).


After the 9:00pm feeding both boys fall sound asleep as they are drinking - it's funny to me when they are too tired to take the last swallow, and just let it drip out - their extreme tiredness doesn't last too long - they almost always wake up when we burp them.


Ryder "shared" his hat with Harvick.

Hanging out together on Ryder's bed before their baths (they even have matching diapers!).  They aren't often without clothes at the same time, since we typically change one at a time - I took the opportunity to take pictures of them together - I think I should do it more often!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ryder . 24 Months

24 Months (2 Years); 32 pounds, 10 ounces; 36.25"

Ryder is an awesome big brother.  He is always offering to give his brothers kisses (still mostly on the head), and rocking their car seats while they wait to be moved to the car.  Ryder continues to work with them to give them their pacifiers, and has started to do it when they are just fussy - not just when they are angry!  Ryder also finds it fun to count his brothers . . . what would he have done if there had only been one?!

Ryder continues to be fairly non-verbal, but finds ways to communicate with us.  He frequently signs "more", and also uses lots of pointing to get what he wants.  His doctor (along with Patrick and I) remains unconcerned with his delayed speech, but has still recommended a speech evaluation to be on the safe side. 

Ryder continues to love balls and balloons, but has shown a renewed interest in cars/trucks recently as well.  He can often be found pulling out as many vehicles as he can from his toy bins to find just the right one.  Of course, he likes playing with them best on the tile, since they roll much easier - however, it is annoying to have so many toys in the kitchen.  Because of this, we have Ryder clean up his toys nightly before going to bed!  Ryder also continues to love reading, but has really started to enjoy reading on his own as well.  Often, he will find a book, and sit with it as he turns each page on his own - he will often babble as he progresses, and point out things at times (primarily balls and balloons).

Ryder can be found driving this truck around the kitchen almost daily.

Sitting with Patrick to watch TV.

Ryder thinks taking off his shoes is the funniest thing - we aren't sure why.  He is really great to take them off when we get home, and put them on his shoe shelf in the laundry room.

"Helping" Patrick outside.

Ryder loves swinging - we traded one of the "traditional" swing seats for this one - he typically prefers it, but also enjoys the other one at time.

Here he is enjoying the regular seat!

We make Ryder wear his sunglasses most of the time he is outside.  While he is GREAT at taking them off (sometimes too often), he struggles with putting them on correctly - they are usually upside down when he does it himself.

Enjoying a "Mighty Mini Popsicle" - these were a great find because they are just the right size for Ryder to enjoy - the bigger (regular) size is too overwhelming for him.

Reading together.

Ryder used to do this when he first land to stand on his own - he recently started doing it again, and thinks it is hilarious every single time!

Who knew that I shouldn't have put his Bumbo away?!  He loves to pull this out and sit in it while he plays!

Helping Jarrett with his pacifier.

Taking a bath (with his stitches).

Ryder recently found my "shape ball" from when I was a child - now he has two of every shape.  He really enjoys matching the shapes together before putting them in the ball.

Too cute!

We went to the opening weekend of the Ogden Farmers Market, and Ryder loved running around, looking at the tractors on display - he was fascinated with the huge wheels.

Again with the shape ball.

Kissing Harvick.

Reading to himself.

Ryder has several puzzles, but has only recently started to pull them off the shelf to play with.  This numbers one is his favorite, and he can complete it 100% on his own!

"The Very Lazy Lion" is easily Ryder's favorite pop-up book (and he has several).  He gets so excited to see the next animal that he gets impatient, and wants to turn the page before I have finished reading the current one.

Reading to himself.

Wow!  This boy of ours is TWO.  I know I have said it several times in recent posts - but, really - he is TWO YEARS old, and time has just gone so quickly.  These first two years have been awesome, and we can't wait to see Ryder grow and learn even more in the years to come.

Now - for those of you who received my emails prior to them being posted on the blog, you will remember that I did a WEEKLY update for the first year, and for the second year I have been doing them MONTHLY.  Well, that time has come to an end.  Keeping up with same for Harvick and Jarrett is a lot of work, plus all of the family posts.  So - an update dedicated to just Ryder will come quarterly from now on - the next one will be October . . . no worries, though, the family posts will continue, so you will see his cute little face often!