For those of you not interested in the eating habits of our boys while they nursed...this post should simply be skipped.
Before Ryder was born, Patrick and I made the decision that I would nurse Ryder. After much research, I felt it would be best for me to nurse 6 months. When we started Ryder on "solids" my plan was to wean him. Then, 6 months came...and I wasn't ready. Ryder started eating solids, and I continued to nurse him - just at night, before bed. It was a great bonding time for us. At 9 months, it felt right - and Ryder was weaned. We made the choice to transition to him going to bed without a "bedtime feeding". Why transition to a bottle, then have to transition to nothing later? And, after a few harder nights, it worked.
Fortunately, while nursing Ryder I had a ... we'll say...HEALTHY supply of milk. When I worked I would pump. After nursing, when time allowed, I would pump. For several months, I would even walk up in the middle of the night (1:00ish) to pump - I couldn't go all night without issues. After weaning Ryder from nursing, there was enough stored milk in the freezer that he only drank breastmilk for 3 additional months, then was slowly transitioned to whole milk over the next 3 months.
So - when we found out I was pregnant with twins, the feeding part was something I didn't worry about. I knew I had a plentiful supply for Ryder. It was one less thing to worry about.
After giving birth to two children, roughly the size of most "singleton" 3+ month olds, I worried. Patrick assured me. Supported me. Encouraged me. But, I worried. And, a few days in, I was right to milk wasn't as plentiful as it had been before. I didn't give up, and within a few more days, there was no issue.
Harvick and Jarrett nursed (in tandem) well. I planned to follow the same "schedule" we had with Ryder. But, when 9 months came, I wasn't ready. So, I nursed them until they turned 1 year. The night of their party they nursed one last time, and the next night they went to bed without the nighttime feeding.
This milk...well, was even more plentiful. I have a spreadsheet calculating how long it will last (who's surprised?!) - Harvick and Jarrett will drink 100% breastmilk until they are at least 15 months old. Then, over 3 additional months will transition to whole milk.
Why do I write this (has anyone even read this far??)? It's because this blog is a journal for me. It records the events of our life as they happen. So that one day...
one day...I will be able to remember things as I scrapbook.
The decision to breastfeed was an easy choice for me. But, by no means was it an easy process. I struggled with supply at times (really, I did). I wanted to quite at numerous occasions. I endured much criticism and teasing from co-workers as I would shut my office door, or more recently with Harvick and Jarrett - walk to the bathroom "lounge". It wasn't easy. But, it was worth it.
And, in case you didn't believe me...a little picture evidence of what has become known as the "Hansen Dairy Case"...
Each bag you see has 15 - 4oz bags. In the freezer body, the larger bags are 2 deep. At the height of supply, two shelves of our second freezer had to be used - I took pictures shortly after this time, so only one additional shelf was being used. At one point, our freezers held over 1,700 4oz bags. That's over FIFTY gallons! |