Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day . 2012

This year, we celebrated Mother's Day with Patrick's Mom on Friday evening, and then with my Mom on Saturday evening.

Sunday was left for us to spend the day together, just us!  Two years ago, for my first Mother's Day, Patrick and I took Ryder to the park near our home, and spent time together just playing.  This year, I thought it would be fun to do the same again!

We had planned to eat breakfast at home, then head to church, but Patrick decided we should just go out instead!  Breakfast is, by far, the easiest meal for us to eat out...or, at least breakfast food is.  All three boys eat it without question!

Eating breakfast.
(Ryder, Jarrett, and Harvick)
We made it, a little late, to church for the first service.  After church, we went to a local park we haven't visited before.  Ryder had a blast on the two different playsets, while Harvick and Jarrett had fun on the blanket in the grass.  It was so nice to spend time outside, playing together!

Playing at the park.
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

My cute boys!
(Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett)
Then, since we were out anyway...we went to lunch!  The boys all did great, and the meal was yummy.

Once home, the boys all went down for naps, and I was even able to rest for a little bit before getting things around the house done.  For dinner, we kept it simple, and did fruits, veggies, and cereal outside!  The boys were able to play in the yard - Ryder with his trains, and the rocks; and Harvick and Jarrett with their (birthday) water table - still without water.
Time together outside.

Once inside, Ryder and Jarrett sat together to watch a Baby Einstein (a rare treat!), meanwhile Harvick was too interested in helping Patrick with the dishwasher to be bothered with the movie.
The day was so much fun!  If you look back up through the pictures, you'll see the gift I was given - beautiful a handmade glass pendant, with the boys "colors".  I love it!


The only way to get a picture of the boys, where you can read their shirts, was to make them lay down!
Ryder: MOM'S #1 FAN
Harvick and Jarrett: my MOM is the BEST

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