With no out-of-state visits to family, or extended family coming to Utah to visit, our Thanksgiving was different for the first time in at least 5-6 years. Because we didn't have to work around any guests schedules, early in November I sent an invite to our in-state family about our Thanksgiving plans. We had received a reminder in the mail (thanks to our membership - thanks Julie!) about Hogle Zoo's annual "Feast with the Beast" event, and thought this would be fun for the boys. We invited any family to join us, if they would like, then to meet at Golden Coral in Layton for lunch at 12:30.
It worked out that Jody & Ann joined us at the Zoo, but that we were on our own for lunch.
Not the typical Thanksgiving, but it was great nonetheless!
I expected a small crowd at the Zoo, but it was PACKED! Turns out this is their biggest single day event (something Patrick was expecting, but I was shocked with how many people were there).
Walking around the Zoo. And, yes, the boys have matching handmade dinosaur hats, in their colors! |
Jarrett! |
Watching the elephants with their Thanksgiving treat - pumpkins! Ryder got such a kick out of watching the elephants stomp on the pumpkins to get them to break into smaller pieces. His favorite elephant was the "little" one - Zuri (who is actually just 2-3 weeks younger than Ryder!). |
Ryder! |
We visited the "Rocky Shores" exhibit, where Ryder got to see the polar bears eating their treat (fish in a pumpkin), but it was so incredibly crowded, it was impossible to get a picture. We found some seating in the same area where the boys could take a juice break. |
Harvick! |
We didn't take a stroller with us - 4 adults with 3 kids - we figured we could handle letting them walk!
Ryder is such a great big brother - as Patrick was walking with Harvick, he walked up, grabbed his hand, then turned to hug him before walking with him again! |
The train is under construction (good thing I knew about it early, and we could prep Ryder!), but the Carousel was working. Ryder, of course, wanted to ride on the "little" elephant. I don't think he has ever been on a different animal there. |
Walking out of the Zoo. Patrick jokingly told Harvick & Jarrett to hold hands...and they did! |
And, lunch...
Thanksgiving Feast at Golden Coral! |
While our Thanksgiving wasn't the "typical" traditional holiday, it was great for our family. I know it's cliche, but it's hard not to think of all the things you are thankful for on Thanksgiving. And, while my list is (very!) long, being with my family is something I am so grateful for. On the November 22nd, 4 years prior, Patrick and I found out we were pregnant with Ryder. Life has changed in innumerable ways since that morning, but I couldn't be happier for our 3 babies!
We rounded out our day with some time at home, naps for the boys, and a quick dinner for the boys. My parents came over to watch them while Patrick and I went to "Lincoln" (GREAT movie!), and Black Friday shopping!