Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween . 2011

Halloween at our house is pretty much the same as any other day.  Ryder did get to take a special treat to the babysitters to share - some BooBerry cereal, and homemade mini pumpkin chocolate chip muffins.

When we came home after work, the blinds were shut, porch automatic light shut off, and the pumpkins were brought inside.  For dinner, we picked up a Papa Murphys Jack-O-Lantern pizza; however, after it is baked, it pretty much just looks like a normal pizza.

However, the boys did wear festive shirts - last year I picked them up on an after-Halloween clearance.  Ryder wore the pumpkin one you have seen here and here.

Harvick (left): "Daddy's little MONSTER"
Jarrett (right): "I LOVE MY MUMMY"
And, of course, I attempted a group shot.  In order to see everyone's shirts, they had to be laying down (or standing!).  Harvick and Jarrett were fine with that idea . . . Ryder thought it was just about the funniest thing ever to lay down for a 1/2 second, then rapidly try to get up . . . silly kid . . .

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