I promise this blog will return to a more-picture-less-words blog soon!
Sometimes I have to take time to process things. And, since publishing my year update last week, that is what I have done. Process.
I can't tell you, those of you who reached out in person, through Facebook, or email, how much it means to me. I know it means a lot to Patrick also - but, he's not quite as sappy as me! It means we are supported. That you may not know what daily struggles we face, but that you are there.
Through the blog, and Facebook, I've learned just how many resources I have through friends.
I am grateful for these people, amazing friends, that have reached out to offer their advice, suggestions, and just support in general.
I hope these blog posts, ones in which I write about my feelings, my thoughts, my struggles, don't make you feel bad for me. I find comfort in being able to record these things. And, I pray that maybe there is someone out there, whose child has been recently diagnosed, who is searching for someone that understands them right now. The fear. The frustration, the anger. The unknown. In December 2011, I spent countless hours each evening searching. I found many blogs and websites that discuss the therapies they've encountered, and the progress (or lack of) their child has made - but nothing with the feeling.
The support I received through writing this last post, led me to contact a friend who reached out to me a few weeks prior. She and her husband are worried for their daughter. They are seeing signs in her, that she remembers me sharing about Ryder. She felt lost. Lonely. And, didn't know what she should do. I gave her all the info I could via text. And then, I had left it at that. I didn't want to bug her about it. I worried I would be a pest.
But, the day after hitting publish, I texted her again. I asked how the next steps had gone, and what I could do to help. Her first text back to me: Thank you. She thanked me for taking the time to follow-up with her. She was lonely in this journey. I felt a kick in the gut for that - I KNOW how lonely it feels. Yet, I still questioned my next step. It was because of the response I received from the post that led me to follow-up. I realized how much it had meant to me to feel supported, and decided to do the same for someone else.
Finally, in a response, to someone who reached out to me, I told her what writing this last blog post reminded me - I do have support. All around me. I just have to take the step to seek it - like my friend did with me.
You are part of our support network. And, for that, I can not thank you enough.
From 09/01/2012 - Fun in the bathtub! (Harvick, Jarrett, and Ryder) |