Friday, March 8, 2013

Treehouse Museum . 03.02.2013

When we found out Patrick's Aunt Jill was coming for the weekend, we thought it would be fun to invite his family to join the boys at the Treehouse Museum.  Especially considering it is his grandparents and aunt that gift the boys the membership!

It's hard to narrow down the pictures, since the boys engage in so many different activities...
While we waited for everyone to arrive, Patrick played with Harvick (blue) and Jarrett (gray) on the mid-level platform...apparently both were having fun playing with their tongues!

I love the picture on the far left - Harvick walking hand-in-hand with his Great Grandpa what appears to be matching outfits from the back!

Knocking the blocks over again and again (and again) is one of the favorite activities.  Jarrett takes this activity very seriously!

Jarrett, riding the horse!

Ryder showed us how to milk the cow, and of course Harvick wanted to try too - he needed a bit of help, though.

Ryder pulled his Great Aunt Jill away, to show her the teepee - he told her about the fire, then stepped "outside" to jump on the rocks along the stream.

Ryder & Harvick played with the pulley system for a rather long time - Harvick on the main floor, hooking the parachute jumper to the rope, and Ryder above, retrieving the little guy, and tossing him down again.

While Ryder and Harvick were playing with the pulley, Jarrett enjoyed some one-on-one time with his Great Grandpa, and then many (MANY) trips back and forth across a "bridge".

When Harvick noticed the platform stairs to get to the upper level (where Ryder was), he wanted to go up also.  Ryder came down a few levels to help him - the space between each platform was just a bit too high for Harvick to manage - despite Ryder's best efforts, Uncle Darrin came to the rescue, climbing into the structure to help Harvick (too bad I have no pictures of that part!).

Verl, Saundra, Darrin, and Jill - thanks again for joining us at the Treehouse, and for the membership.  I'm sure it was obvious while we were there - the boys absolutely love visiting!

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