Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Brothers . April 2013

TWO years!  We have successfully completed TWENTY-FOUR months of "Brothers" pictures!

I recently saw a blog whose writer takes a picture of her 5 children on the fifth of each month (or maybe it was 4 children on the fourth?).  I liked the idea of the same day each month - no worries about when to take the picture.  She doesn't take them in the same spot - just whenever she can on the right day, in whatever they are wearing.  It's an interesting idea, but I don't think I could be consistent enough on a specific day!

Last year we took the picture on Easter, but since it was (barely) in March this year, that wouldn't work.  However, the day of the Apraxia Walk presented a great chance - with all 3 boys wearing their Walk shirts (albeit, much too large for all of them!).

Brothers . April 2013
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

I thought that as they got older, these pictures might get easier...I was most definitely wrong - for now, at least.  The pictures aren't perfect each month, but I love them all!

One Year Ago: April 2012

All Brothers Posts

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Harvick & Jarrett . Toddler Bed

Out of necessity, we transitioned Ryder out of his crib a bit earlier than we had planned - at 18 months old.  So, with Harvick & Jarrett, we really didn't know the "right" timing.  In the end, we decided to take advantage of my last 3-day weekend (an extra night without work the next day!) for awhile, and over President's Day we transitioned the boys to the Toddler Bed.

My (limited) PhotoShop edited "before" picture.

While Patrick worked, the boys took advantage of the mattresses being on the floor.

Once the front rail was down, Jarrett & Harvick immediately climbed on Jarrett's bed.

Of course, we added the partial rail guard.

Ryder & Harvick wanted to help with the second crib.

Harvick enjoying his "new" bed.

Harvick was having a hard time covering himself up, so Ryder helped!


Both Harvick & Jarrett have adjusted well to their Toddler Bed.  About a month prior to transitioning, they had weaned themselves completely from their pacifiers.  A week or two after transitioning, they both reverted to wanting it at bedtime.  They both struggled slightly with having the new option of freedom at nap time - including a few instances of every single diaper pulled off of the bottom shelf, and strewn about the room.  They quickly learned that this wasn't okay!  We've had a few instances of one (or both) boys getting out of bed before falling asleep, but closing their door initially has helped with this (during naps we open it up again after about 20-30 minutes; at night it is opened when we go to bed).  The funny thing about this is that they each have the ability to open a door, but somehow seeing it closed is enough to stop them!

Although I want them to sleep in their own bed, I have to admit that the handful of times we have found them in each other's bed is about the cutest thing - these boys play hard (and rough!) with each other, but they have an undeniable connection!

Also - over the first weekend we had transitioned them, both Harvick & Jarrett climbed in bed with Ryder during their naps (Ryder has "quiet time" in his room at the same time).  Ryder loved it, and even helped them hide under the covers when he heard me coming back!  Clearly, this wasn't okay for the long-term, but it sure was hard being upset at them for wanting to be together!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Ryder . 3 3/4 Years Old

Ryder is just shy of 4 years old!  He weighs in at about 43 pounds, and in size XS Boys.

Ryder has made tremendous progress with his speech.  He is intelligible to most people, without any issue!  He still has some missing sounds (specifically /k/, and often /g/ and /l/), but he is working hard to increase his ability.  I have a separate post to recap our progress in speech - but, Ryder is doing so well!

His favorite color is green (I may have influenced this with "his color", but really, he does love green!). He would eat PB&J every single day of his life, if we let him.  He doesn't love to try new foods, but is a good sport about trying at least a few bites (usually it's 3 - "because I am just 3 years old").  Ryder LOVES to be outside.  And, while the warmer weather has made outside time more accessible, he loved to be out when it was cold too!

Ryder is a great helper to Patrick & me, and to his brothers.  He plays well with Harvick & with Jarrett separately - they play all together occasionally, but are typically split 2 and 1.  He has begun to recognize his brothers' speech deficiencies, and is so precious to watch as he helps his brothers "learn" new words.

Ryder loving the snow!

Ryder totally gets the concept of smiling for a picture...now, if I could just get him to have a natural smile when I request it!
The top left picture was taken first thing in the morning - it was dark, and he couldn't keep his eyes open with the flash!

On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Ryder & I headed to the Treehouse Museum - just the 2 of us!  Harvick & Jarrett had been sick with RSV, and my parents watched them while Ryder & I got to spend some time one-on-one on my day off!

Left: Patiently reading a book of Harvick's choice.
Center: Getting a "horsey" ride from Papa.
Right: Getting Patrick to draw a train for him - he watches so carefully!

Playing.  On the right, Ryder requested "a picture of my wu-cy (Lucy)".
Lucy is the neighbor dog.  His owners (our neighbors!) gave Ryder a stuffed version of their dog, Lucy, for Ryder's 1st birthday.  We named it Lucy, of course - Ryder LOVES this dog.

Playing outside.
Check out the height on Ryder's jump!

This box couldn't really fit all 3 boys - it didn't stop them from trying!
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

Helping Patrick.

Ryder frequently stomps around the house, with his arm up in the air like this, making trumpeting noises - he is an elephant, of course!  I asked him to "show me" when I had my camera in hand - I think he was skeptical that I might be teasing him about it - I really just wanted to capture what he does!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Harvick & Jarrett . 23 Months

23 months old
31 pounds, 11 ounces (Harvick)
32 pounds, 5 ounces (Jarrett)
(Compare to Ryder at 23 Months)

So...I'm a little late with this post (considering they are now closer to 24 months!).  Oh well, better late than never!

Not anything too big to report this past month.  Harvick & Jarrett have both adjusted well to their toddler bed (yet another topic I haven't posted!).  They did revert to taking their pacifier again to fall asleep (about a month prior to being transitioned, they gave it up on their own).  But, it's only a bedtime thing, and they readily put it away in the mornings.

The boys have started Early Intervention for Speech.  Progress, as expected, is slow.  Neither are verbalizing anything consistently.  Having a non-verbal child really demonstrates how much of our communication is non-verbal.  Harvick & Jarrett are able to communicate with us - we still lack the ability to know a specific request at times, but for the most part, we are able to help them with what they are wanting.

The boys enjoyed the warmer weather - taking advantage of playing outside!  Harvick & Jarrett like to be with Ryder whenever possible - often following him around when they are playing.
(And, look at Jarrett's face in the bottom picture - the kid cracks me up - he positioned himself all on his own!)

The Stomp Rocket Ryder got for his 2nd birthday remains a favorite toy.  Grandma Jody & Ann even bought the boys refill rockets!

Everyone loves the power 4-wheeler, but Harvick needs a bit of guidance directing it - Ryder was happy to help.

(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Funny how a box is such a fun toy!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

LOOK AT THOSE HATS!  I picked them up for $1 on a super clearance - both boys LOVE wearing them (even when they clearly don't match their outfits).
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Easter Eggs!
(Jarrett on the left/top, Harvick on the right/bottom)

Playing independently - I'm often asked if they play on their own, or always with each other.  They really do both!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Patrick is always so patient to let the boys help with his projects.  Everything takes a much longer time to complete, but they are always so proud of themselves for helping!
(Jarrett helping on the left, Harvick helping on the right)

In LESS THAN 2 weeks (see, I told you I was late!), we are going to have TWO CHILDREN AGE TWO!  It's going to be interesting...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Apraxia Walk . 2013

Yesterday was the Utah Walk for Children with Apraxia of Speech.  Whew - I just call it the "Apraxia Walk"!

The Walk wasn't quite what I had expected, but I am glad we participated.

We got to the Walk early to check-in.  It had rained all morning, and it was still rather cold.  The boys were layered well, which worked out fine, since their shirts were way too big for them - they just wore them over the layers & jacket!  The boys each played the "Go Fish" game, and ate a picnic lunch under the bowery.

The Walk was actually 2.5 miles (a 4K), rather than the "1ish" mile I had been told.  Our Team was mostly together, but I am missing pictures of several people (ahead of us).

Once back, we waited as they drew raffle winners, and then awarded the "Apraxia Stars" with a medal, and a bag of various trinkets.

(Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett)

Due to some last minute events, our Team was down a few people.  I also didn't get a chance to grab a picture of everyone there.  There is always next year, right?!

Left: Us (Jarrett with me, Harvick with Patrick, Ryder standing)
Top Row: Reed/Sheldon Family; Jim & Martha Harris
Bottom Row: Felice Gant & Mariah Ruiz; Gerry & Roxie Sianez

I wrote the following on Facebook last night:

It's been a long day. A good day, though. Thank you to everyone that has supported our family in the Apraxia Walk today - those that donated, bid, and/or purchased items in our auction. Those that were thinking of our family today. And, those that walked alongside us. I took plenty of pictures, but they'll be posted later. Tonight, I want you to know we appreciate you. We appreciate you more than I can express, really. THANK YOU!

I meant it. The auction we held was very successful - thanks to Felice (pictured above) for initiating it, the many donations made, and to the bidders!  I know many family & friends weren't able to physically be there to walk with us, but I appreciated all of those who reached out to let us know they would be making a donation, or would be thinking of us.

And, at the end of what turned out to be a very long event, I asked Patrick to take a picture with me.  I often thank everyone who supports our family, but don't often take the time to thank him directly.

Thank you Patrick!

With the support of all of you, our total Team Hansen donation to CASANA was $766.00!  Thank you!


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Easter . 2013

Easter Sunday we started our day at church.  When we got home, the boys walked with me around the neighborhood, while Patrick set up their gifts.  We spent WAY more than we ever have on Easter - but, with boys having summer birthdays, we really wanted them to have bicycles sooner.  So, Easter was big, but birthdays will be small!

As we walked back to the house, Patrick was waiting with a yard full of Easter Eggs, and their bikes on display!

Investigating their presents.

Searching around the yard for their eggs.

Taking their bikes out for a spin.  Ryder has mastered a tricycle we picked up at a yard sale last year - it is one where his feet are in front of him; he struggled a bit with his feet below him, but I'm sure he'll get it in no time!  Jarrett is just tall enough to reach the pedals, and Harvick is just a little shy of easily reaching - we may have to strap a block of wood onto the pedal.

Enjoying the contents of their eggs - various fruity cereal!

We then headed to Village Inn for lunch - this is the third year in a row!  Clearly, it's not a typical Easter meal, but the boys love breakfast!

At Village Inn.
(Ryder & Jarrett with Patrick, and Harvick with me)

Our afternoon was spent back at home playing outside, following naps for the boys.  You may have noticed that the boys also received a stuffed elephant each - Ryder has been in love with elephants ever since his first visit to the zoo on his first birthday.  Many nights he asks me if he can have an elephant (a stuffed one), to sleep with.  When a co-worker showed me the one she picked up for $5 at Kohls, I knew the boys needed one too!  So, after dinner, we let the boys watch "Horton Hears a Who".  They started out just sitting on the couch, and ended with their elephants in their arms - they each took a minute to go get theirs.

And, as you would expect, we attempted a family picture, with everyone in their Easter outfits.  Our first attempt was not good due to the bright sun, so we tried again later, and used our shaded porch.

The Hansen Family . Easter 2013
(Kayleen, Patrick, Jarrett, Ryder, and Harvick)

Such a fun Easter - loved that our day started out at church, and ended with reading the a children's book to the boys about the true meaning - with lots of other fun in between!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt (#2) . 2013

Although we participated in an Easter Egg Hunt already, we decided to give it another try at our city Egg Hunt!

It was a bit chilly that morning, so we had to pull out their jackets.  The boys were all good sports about having to wait!

At this Egg Hunt, they let everyone in, to circle around the area (rather than everyone entering through one point) - so much better!

Ryder LOVED getting eggs this time!

Harvick had fun collecting eggs with Grandma Jody.

Ann helped Jarrett, who wasn't really interested.  He wasn't upset at all, just didn't seem to care about the eggs (I maintain that he thinks he is cleaning up someone else's mess!).

My favorite part of this Egg Hunt, is that it is held in a really nice park.  We planned to let the boys stay for awhile (most people clear out within a few minutes).  They loved it!

Harvick (purple) & Jarrett (yellow) mastered the slide immediately - they know how to go down while sitting, but both find it hilarious to go down face first (they do this at home too!).

Ryder wasn't interested in the "little" slides, he went straight for the big one!

Harvick (purple) & Jarrett (yellow) enjoying the swings.

Meanwhile, Ryder enjoyed swinging with Grandma Jody's help.

The boys all returned to the slides, but this time Harvick (purple) and Jarrett (yellow) really wanted to go on the big one, like big brother.  Patrick went down with them at first.

It was quite a sight seeing our boys climb up - Harvick wanted to do it on his own, but the top step is aligned weird, so he needed someone to be with him.  Jarrett would go up partially on his own, but wanted to be helped on the top half.  And, Ryder was so patient as his brothers would go up!

Jarrett, loving going down on his own!

Harvick loved it too!

Ryder, the slide master!

The second Egg Hunt was a fun experience for the boys.  I'm still glad we did the one the week prior - it helped Ryder to better understand what to expect.  However, collecting eggs was not nearly as fun as the hour following!