Thursday, July 25, 2013

Pioneer Day . 2013

For the first time in at least three years, Patrick had Pioneer Day off!  I've been wanting to take all of the boys to a parade, and this was a perfect opportunity!  Luckily, our friends Jennika, Kaebrie, Leighton, and London could join us!

After the parade we headed home, and just hung out together.  A few days ago Ryder noticed the firework stands were once again open - he asked then if we could do fireworks again.  Of course, after spending his obligatory time having "Quiet Time" in his room following lunch, he reminded Patrick & I of his request.  He and I headed out to buy some - he loved picking them out - and lit them at bedtime with the boys.

We loved having a mid-week day off together!

And, in case you're bored, you can see our celebrations in 2012 and 2011 as well.  The comment at the bottom of my 2011 post rings true still (2 years later!)...

And, speaking of "Pioneers", the topic must be on people's minds in Utah this week . . . I have been told no less than a dozen times (honest!), that I would "make a great Pioneer woman" when I talk with people about Harvick and Jarrett.  I'm thinking it's a Utah thing . . . where else would someone say that?!

Seriously, I still am often told that when people hear the birth weights of the boys.  Where else in the world is someone so often compared to a "pioneer"?!

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