Monday, December 30, 2013

Everyday Life . 12.2013

In between the "events", I try to take pictures of our "everyday".

Random photos of December.

We try to fit in lots of fun on the weekends!  We started out at Home Depot, building a toolbox, and then shopping for a few things we needed.  When we got home the boys played, and "helped" shovel the driveway.  On Sunday Grandma Jody and Ann came over, and the boys painted their own Christmas Tree ornament.

On a night that Patrick was teaching class, the boys were having a hard night.  I sent Patrick a text with these pictures to show them just how much they miss their dad!

Random photos...Ryder using my Christmas pillow to rest, Harvick in the bath, Ryder and Harvick working together to put the pillow in it's case, and the boys opening (and sampling!) a box of snacks from Nature Box.

One of my co-workers, Lesnie, gave me a new scarf as an early Christmas present - the boys thought it was hysterical to try it on!

More random photos...Ryder asleep in his carseat (something that rarely happens), Jarrett at the dentist (all the boys went, but I only got one photo), the boys playing trains together, Jarrett dressed himself in the construction costume, and Harvick & Jarrett shopping with Patrick at Costco.

The boys LOVE playing outside in the snow.  It doesn't matter how cold it was outside, they wanted to be out playing!

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