I took too many pictures over Christmas. Way too many! So, while you may feel this post is overloaded with pictures, just know it is literally a very small percentage of the actual pictures captured.
In evaluating our Christmas plans this year, Patrick and I made the decision to seperate each of our family celebrations (3) into different days. Patrick's mom chose first, and picked Christmas Eve (Monday) morning. Our church, and my parent's church, were both hosting Christmas Eve services that would conflict - and since we each wanted to attend our own, it left us to pick a different day for Christmas celebrations with my family - my mom chose Saturday. With Sunday open, and know we both worked the day after Thanksgiving, Patrick's dad had no issue with moving our celebration with them to Sunday.
So...in order...
Saturday morning started with opening their babysitter's presents - the favorite was easily the PlayDough and MoonDough! We played together in jammies that morning. |
Saturday night my parents and Rory came over to celebrate with us. This year they all loved opening presents - it didn't even matter if it was their own, or someone else's - they wanted to open it! |
Our church was canceled Sunday morning (due to all the services the next day), so we took advantage of the extra free time, again playing with the boys that morning. |
Jim & Martha came over that night. Their favorite gift from them was easily the new Christmas Train! |
I wanted a "Brothers" picture that evening...clearly, I had no willing participants... (Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett) |
I love their "Christmas" shirts I found - festive, but not limited to Christmas! (Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett) |
Monday morning we headed to Jody & Ann's house for breakfast and presents with them, and Verl & Saundra. Harvick loved imitating Ann, wearing a bow on his head, and of course, Jarrett didn't want to be left out! |
Christmas Eve Service at Alpine West Haven. For how young our boys are, and the fact that we are outnumbered by them, they did remarkably well. Ryder even got to hold his own candle, and was extremely careful (hence the solemn face). |
After coming home for dinner, we had the boys open new Christmas jammies - matching, of course! |
An attempt at a family photo, in Christmas jammies. When we saw this one, despite Patrick's head being partially cut off, we called it good enough! Click here for 2011's picture. |
Opening presents, Christmas Eve night, from us! |
The main gift was a shared one for the boys - more track pieces and accessories. They love having more diverse track layouts to play with now! |
Christmas Morning breakfast! |
Jarrett took a tumble off of his chair, while climbing up to play - hitting his chin on the table, then falling to the tile floor. Poor little guy got quite a fat lip. Jarrett is by far my least snuggly baby, but was more than willing to sit and be snuggled while he calmed down. Ryder went to grab his blanket for him, then ran back to their rooms, and grabbed his and Harvick's - so they could sit with Patrick! |
And, then, within seconds of getting off of my lap, this occurred...these boys love to wrestle...not sure what I think about it... |
More playing together! Christmas Day left us with no plans - we all stayed in our jammies all day, and just had a fun day together. |
After taking a bath, before bed, we let the boys open one last present - a personalized book with their names! |
This Christmas was so great for our family. Like last year, we asked family and friends to buy the boys useful things and/or "experiences", rather than a bunch of toys. Clearly, they still got toys, but really, not too many! Our decision to not celebrate Christmas with a visit from Santa Claus was a good one for us. We did our best to focus on the true meaning of Christmas, while still having fun. Being given the opportunity to enjoy a day together, no other obligations, was a perfect Christmas!