Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas . 2011

In order to spend time with all of our families, holidays are always spread out over a few days - and Christmas was no exception.

We first attended my parent's church for their Christmas Eve Eve Service on Friday night.  The church they are attending has a lot of the people who attended the church I grew up in.  It was great to see lots of familiar faces that I haven't seen in a long time!

Left: From the time we arrived (a little late) to the service, our boys were held by family and friends - here they are with Ryder sitting in my mom's lap, Harvick with my dad, and Jarrett with the Zellmers.

Right: An attempt at a group shot, following the service
(left to right: my dad with Jarrett, my mom with Ryder, me with Harvick, and Patrick)

Amy and I grew up attending the same church.  Her daughter, Jane, is 2 months older than Ryder, and her son, Ben, is just a week (I think) older than Harvick and Jarrett.
(left to right: Amy with Ben, me with Jarrett and Harvick)
The morning of Christmas Eve we had Patrick's mom (Jody), Ann, and his Grandparents over for brunch and presents.

Before family arrived, Harvick crawled over to Ann's present, and ripped the side of the bag, and pulled out several pieces of tissue paper.  That kid is fast!

Sitting with my babies in their matching Christmas shirts - just pretend my eyes are open more!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Opening presents.
(Ann with Jarrett on the left, me with Harvick on the right)

Left: Jarrett enjoying the paper and tissue.
Right: Harvick getting a closer look at the ornaments, with help from Grandma Jody.

An attempt at a family picture . . . however, Ryder wasn't wanting to cooperate, and Harvick and Jarrett were completely distracted by the Christmas Tree.
(left to right: Jarrett, Ryder, and Harvick)
We spent the afternoon at home relaxing, then headed out to our church for our Christmas Eve Service.  Thankfully, our church does a candlelit piece at the end (the previous night the service was nice, but I missed the candlelit part - the church I grew up in always did it at the end).

Left to right:
Ryder sitting with my dad, and Harvick with my mom
Jarrett with Patrick
Ryder with me during the candlelit songs - he was fascinated with the candle, and blew it out too soon twice!

Before going to the Christmas Eve Service, we had put a lasagna in the oven, so we had a hot dinner waiting for us when we got home!  We changed the boys into their new (matching!) jammies, and opened presents together.  We kept it very simple for the boys this year, and looking back, we are happy we did! 

Opening presents.
Jarrett (left) and Harvick (right) modeling their new hats!
The boys' main gift was this floor puzzle - they have all been enamored with it since it was opened!
Ryder showing his brothers how to turn the toy on.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)
Christmas morning we had my parents and Rory over.  It was nice getting to spend some time with Rory, and I know that Ryder absolutely loved being rambunctious with Rory (which, is on video, and I only know how to upload pictures)!

Opening gifts from the Harris Grandparents - unfortunately, we weren't able to see them on Christmas this year.
Presents from my parents and Rory.
After my parents and Rory left, we were able to spend the afternoon and evening with just us.  Ryder played with his brothers on their new puzzle mat, and we ended Christmas with un-decorating our tree.

Playing together on the puzzle mat
(Harvick on the left in each picture, Jarrett on the right)

One last family Christmas picture in our Christmas jammies!
Christmas . 2011
Ryder participated well in removing the ornaments, and Harvick and Jarrett watched eagerly.

It was a great Christmas!  We love that we were able to spend time with family, and not have the focus be on the presents.  After talking with a co-worker, whose response when I told her we do not celebrate Santa Claus in our home, was "What is Christmas without Santa??" our decision to focus on the true meaning of Christmas was confirmed.

Thank you to our family and friends that made this a Christmas to remember!

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