Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ryder . 22 Months

22 months; 29 pounds

Clearly, this past month has brought a huge change into Ryder's life.  He went from being an only child (and only grandchild, for the most part) to having 2 siblings.  Ryder has adjusted well.  He still is fairly disinterested in his brothers, but he has no issues with jealousy - which, Patrick and I are very grateful! 

Ryder is saying more and more words (you may have noticed a "Ryder's Words" section on the right - it will be updated as he consistently says new things).  His favorite is "ball", with "balloon" a close second.  He consistently will say "dad/da-da" in reference to Patrick, but won't say it to him directly.  Once he does, I'll add it to the list!

Ryder discovered a new game - putting the rocks into an empty container . . . one by one.  He finds it super fun!

Using his brothers' monitor as a phone.

Ryder has discovered how to "wrestle" with Patrick.  Unfortunately, this means that whenever Patrick sits on the ground, Ryder is running over to him, trying to push him over!

Playing with a new Easter present from Nana and Papa.

Dying Easter eggs (again) with the neighbors.

Rediscovering his love of watermelon!

Cute boy!

Ryder LOVED the plastic Easter eggs - he would sort them by color, and put them together/take them apart over and over.

Mother's Day 2011.

CRAZY bath hair - proof this child needed a haircut!

Ryder has discovered he loves to sit int the rocking chair to watch a movie.

Reading.  He can go directly to the correct page when asked to find a color!

In April, I bought a package of Peeps - Ryder was grossed out by the texture at first, but when I offered him one again, he loved it!

Patrick "swaddling" Ryder in a Family Room blanket - Ryder was watching his favorite Baby Einstein movie, and didn't seem to mind it at all.

The "after" picture of his haircut . . . for some unknown reason, the camera was having issues, so pardon the dark-colored image.

We put a bouncer on the counter for one of the twins, and after they were done, Patrick set Ryder in it (to be funny), while he was drinking his milk - Ryder thought it was the best seat in the house!

Reading with Dad and Harvick.

I took a picture to capture how he carries his juice cup, in the crook of his arm, everywhere he goes.

Just 2 more months until this boy turns 2.  Where has the time gone?!?

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