Thursday, September 29, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 21 Weeks

21 weeks old
17 pounds, 3 ounces (Harvick)
17 pounds, 6 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 21 Weeks)

Harvick and Jarrett are doing great!  Both boys are starting to sit up on their own - although, they can only hold the position upright for a few seconds at a time, before leaning too far forward.

We've noticed several of their 6-9 month onesies are already getting a bit snug - it will be time to move to the 9-12 month ones soon.  Also, they are on the last bit of size 2 diapers now, and will be in size 3 as soon as the remaining box is used!

Watching a little Toy Story 3 together, before bed.
(Harvick on the left, Ryder in the middle, Jarrett on the right)



Sitting in their Bumbos while I do dishes - in their matching shirts!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)



Tummy time!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

They love being next to eachother!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Harvick Update: Harvick had additional appointments this week, in regards to his neck/head.  The official diagnosis for his neck is Congenital Torticollis, and the flattening of his head is Plagiocephaly.  Their is no for sure thing that caused the Torticollis - it is a possible combination of a fairly consistent position in utero (head down), having a (very) high birth weight, and being a multiple.  According to PCMC Physical Therapy, Harvick has "mild, a-typical" Torticollis.  Harvick will be attending Physical Therapy bi-weekly, and we have been given exercises to do with him daily.  Fortunately, we have an amazing childcare provider who is more than willing to do them when he is with her, as well.

The Plagiocephaly also has no for sure cause.  It is most likely a combination of again, a large birth weight, being a multiple, and having Torticollis - which has lessened his ability to look all directions.

Harvick was scanned on Wednesday morning, and the information was submitted to insurance for pre-authorization.  After some encouragement to move things along quickly, our insurance approved the pre-authorization, and Harvick's helmet will be ordered.  The helmets are extremely pricey - insurance does cover a good portion, but our portion still remains expensive.

Harvick will be required to wear the helmet for 23 hours/day (basically all of the time, with the exception of baths, and for the neck exercises).  The estimated duration is 3 months - but, depending on his growth rate, it could possibly be less, or even longer.

We are encouraged to find out that we are on the early-end of treating the Plagiocephaly, and Harvick is in the ideal range of when to be fitted for a helmet!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Brothers . September 2011

Good thing my goal was to take the Brothers picture anytime during the month, and not on a specific date!  This past weekend, the last weekend of September, we realized we needed to take the picture - weekdays are often too busy in the evenings.

Here's the problem - I'm no camera genius.  Typically, I leave my camera settings to the green rectangle and on auto-focus.  I mean, why do things manually?!  That's like buying a stick-shift, when an automatic will do all the work for you!  I know, I know, those of you reading this that are photographers (my father-in-law) cringe at the thought of me saying this.

Anyway - I've started to take some pictures without the flash, trying to use natural lighting.  But - that only works with subjects that sit still.  My three boys are not in that category.  So, this month, it's impossible for me to pick the picture to post.  The top picture I like better, but it is slightly blurry - the bottom picture is in focus, but I like the expressions less.

Brothers . September 2011
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)
(August 2011)
(July 2011)
June 2011)
May 2011)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Patrick's Birthday . 2011

After having kids, birthdays are not nearly as big of a deal for Patrick and I anymore.  However, this year, the boys did a great job presenting Patrick with their gifts . . .

First thing in the morning, each boy wore a piece of new Harvick apparel.

Jarrett wearing the hat.

Harvick wearing the shirt.

Ryder (who refused to stop drinking his milk) wearing the hoodie.
And, this is what was waiting for Patrick when he got home from work.

(Jarrett on the left, Ryder in the middle, Harvick on the right)


Sunday, September 25, 2011


My parents treated us to dinner at Patrick's favorite place - Patricias - for his birthday.  Following dinner, we walked across the parking lot to a school playground to let Ryder play for a bit.

Ryder hasn't really been the biggest fan of slides.  He enjoys going down with someone, but won't go down on his own willingly.

That is - until this visit!

Ryder was willing to go down the twisty tall slide if I helped him at the top, and Patrick caught him - however; he would somehow turn onto his stomach as he slid every time.  He definitely preferred when Patrick would go down with him!

But - after Patrick showed him the smaller straight slides, he was completely happy with going down by himself!

Ready! . . . Set . . . Go!!!
 And, of course - what playground playtime would be complete without a little climbing?!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 20 Weeks

20 weeks old
17 pounds, 3 ounces (Harvick)
17 pounds, 6 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 20 Weeks)

I remember talking with Patrick about how funny Ryder was when he would play with his tongue, or suck on his bottom lip.  It's funny to me now that Harvick does the tongue thing, while Jarrett does the same lip thing!  This week it was hard to find pictures where Harvick isn't sticking his tongue out!

Both Harvick and Jarrett continue to be good-tempered babies most of the time.  However, when they do get upset, Ryder is getting really good at "helping" his brothers - he will give them their pacifiers, and will even stand/sit in front of them, shaking a toy or rattle.  Typically, Harvick and Jarrett are calmed easily with a little attention - and, Ryder does a great job!

Jarrett has nearly mastered putting his pacifier in his own mouth, but sometimes forgets, and just sucks on the ribbon.  Harvick also is able to put his pacifier in his mouth, but doesn't do it as often as Jarrett (he also doesn't use it as much, in general).

Harvick sticking his tongue out!

Smiling Jarrett.

Cute boys.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Happy babies - and more tongue action.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)



Seriously - how many ways can I say these boys are cute?!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Getting kisses from Ryder.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)
Harvick has a flat spot on the bottom left (when looking from the back) of his head that was caused by his position in utero, and his brother on top of him.  We took him to a specialist at PCMC earlier this week, and it was determined our little guy will be required to wear a helmet to correct the issue.  Fortunately, we have caught it early, and he will hopefully not have to wear the helmet too long.  The hardest part now is getting insurance to cover part of the cost.  As we progress, updates will follow.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Brownies, Anyone??

When your dad is the biggest chocolate lover EVER it is a gene that is strong enough to be inherited . . .

Seriously.  This kid loves chocolate.  Anyone notice how his eyes were closed??  He would close them, and say "mmmmm" as he was licking the batter!

Ryder loved every second of getting to lick the spatula.  And, despite Patrick being quite proud of his little boy, I'm pretty sure he was also a little disappointed that he will have to share from now on (and . . . soon enough . . . with three boys!).

Monday, September 19, 2011

Tracy Aviary . 09.17.2011

Grandma Jody and Ann invited us to join them at Tracy Aviary to visit the Owl Exhibit.  Despite the morning rain, Saturday was a great day to visit.  We were able to walk through the Aviary, and spend some time playing at Liberty Park!

Ryder was in charge of directing us.
For most of the time at the aviary Harvick and Jarrett were carried in the slings.


After a (very) short time, Ryder preferred to walk on his own (still directing us with his map!).

Left to Right:
Patrick (with Jarrett), Ryder, Ann (in back), Grandma Jody

Ryder counting the birds (vultures?) with Patrick.

Ryder liked the wood cut-outs of birds, and even posed (for a 1/2 second, so I missed it) in front of this one.

Looking at the flamingos (and ducks - not pictured) with Ann.
At the end of our time at the Aviary, Harvick and Jarrett were worn out . . .

Uh . . . squishing them into one stroller isn't going to work much longer . . .
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)
And, I wanted to be sure to get a family picture . . . even if Ryder refused to put down his juice cup, and Harvick and Jarrett were in the stroller . . .

Tracy Aviary . 09.17.2011

Left to Right:
Kayleen, Ryder, Jarrett, Harvick, and Patrick

I wish other people would have been around (it was pretty empty), so that I could have gotten a picture of all 7 of us together.  I also didn't manage any pictures once we were at Liberty Park . . . Grandma Jody and Ann bought Ryder 2 rubber ducks that he played with in the fountain (even though the water was turned off, there was newly fallen rain in the channels).

We had a great time, and Ryder definitely had fun (despite a few tantrums)!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 19 Weeks

19 weeks old
16 pounds, 10 ounces (Harvick)
16 pounds, 10 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 19 Weeks)

SUCCESS!!! Both Harvick and Jarrett are finally sleeping through the night without being swaddled (we were able to stop this with Ryder by 6 weeks).  Due to Harvick's and Jarrett's cramped quarters while I was pregnant, they really are quite comfortable being restricted while sleeping.  About 2 weeks ago Harvick started to wake up in the very early morning, and was upset when he couldn't move.  We decided to try having him sleep without being swaddled, but keep swaddling Jarrett.  After a week, we put both boys to bed without being swaddled . . . and, it worked!

Harvick frequently is playing with his tongue, and sticking it out.  Jarrett hardly ever does this, but likes to pull his bottom lip in to suck on.   Both boys continue to roll from back to stomach, with Jarrett doing it much more frequently still.

This past weekend we went up to Brigham City for Peach Days, but don't have pictures to really show for it.  We stopped at a park when we first got there to let Ryder play while Harvick and Jarrett ate.  We then walked through the vendors and had lunch.  The carnival games were still a bit too advanced for Ryder, and he wasn't interested in getting his face arm painted this time.  We still enjoyed our time up there, and will be going back again next year - hopefully Ryder will enjoy the games!

Such cute boys!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Talking with each other before changing into their jammies.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Harvick giving Patrick a hug!

Ryder loves to ride on Patrick and my back . . . watch out, if you are on the floor, he will likely climb on.  Patrick stood up to hand me Harvick (so I could feed him), and Ryder held on tight - despite Harvick's expression, he wasn't scared!

Jarrett telling Patrick about his day!

Jarrett looks much older than 4 months in this picture.  He loved sitting on the couch, and watching his surroundings.

One of Jarrett's most common expressions . . . he is a very loud talker (almost screamer), and laughs while he does it!

Harvick showing off some of that tongue action I referenced . . . don't worry, he still can fit his fingers in his mouth too!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tuesday Night

I voted yesterday!  Yes, I realize, that in-and-of-itself doesn't sound like a "post-worthy" topic.  But, let me repeat myself . . . I voted yesterday WITH THREE BOYS, and NO Patrick.  You see, Patrick was teaching a class last night, and wouldn't get home in time for me to vote before the polls close.

Primary elections, especially local ones, are often viewed as less important (most of my co-workers who I told I didn't have a chance to vote didn't even know it was a voting day - seriously, many of them were confused, telling me the Presidential election isn't this year).  However, Patrick and I both have an interest in local government, and want to be a part of our city's future decisions.

So . . . off to the polls I went . . . three boys in tow . . .

I carried Jarrett in a sling (he was awake), I carried Harvick in his carseat (he was taking a cat nap) in my right arm, and held Ryder's hand with my left hand.  We were quite the sight, I'm sure.

Ryder did a great job of listening while we were there, and was rewarded with his very own "ball" (since it was a circle) sticker . . .
Ryder loved his sticker, but didn't want to stand still for a picture.
By the time we got home, we were running a little late.  Ryder was a great big brother, and helped entertain his little brothers while I got some things put away.

Ryder shook one of the stuffed caterpillars for Harvick and Jarrett to watch.
(Harvick on the left (back), Jarrett on the right (tummy))
Before Ryder and I could have dinner, kisses were given out.

First a kiss for Jarrett (and a confused look about me taking a picture)

Then, a kiss for Harvick.
Dinner was served (despite have cold cereal, we still had veggies and fruit - so it would count as a good meal!), we played, and, of course ended the night with baths!

Harvick LOVES playing with his tongue - but, it doesn't stop him from putting his hands in his mouth!

A skeptical Ryder - I couldn't coax a smile out of him at all.

Happy Jarrett!
I made it through the evening on my own.  Really, it's an accomplishment - especially on bath night!