17 pounds, 3 ounces (Harvick)
17 pounds, 6 ounces (Jarrett)
(Compare to Ryder at 21 Weeks)
Harvick and Jarrett are doing great! Both boys are starting to sit up on their own - although, they can only hold the position upright for a few seconds at a time, before leaning too far forward.
We've noticed several of their 6-9 month onesies are already getting a bit snug - it will be time to move to the 9-12 month ones soon. Also, they are on the last bit of size 2 diapers now, and will be in size 3 as soon as the remaining box is used!
Watching a little Toy Story 3 together, before bed. (Harvick on the left, Ryder in the middle, Jarrett on the right) |
(Jarrett) |
(Harvick) |
Sitting in their Bumbos while I do dishes - in their matching shirts! (Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right) |
(Jarrett) |
(Harvick) |
Tummy time! (Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right) |
They love being next to eachother! (Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right) |
Harvick Update: Harvick had additional appointments this week, in regards to his neck/head. The official diagnosis for his neck is Congenital Torticollis, and the flattening of his head is Plagiocephaly. Their is no for sure thing that caused the Torticollis - it is a possible combination of a fairly consistent position in utero (head down), having a (very) high birth weight, and being a multiple. According to PCMC Physical Therapy, Harvick has "mild, a-typical" Torticollis. Harvick will be attending Physical Therapy bi-weekly, and we have been given exercises to do with him daily. Fortunately, we have an amazing childcare provider who is more than willing to do them when he is with her, as well.
The Plagiocephaly also has no for sure cause. It is most likely a combination of again, a large birth weight, being a multiple, and having Torticollis - which has lessened his ability to look all directions.
Harvick was scanned on Wednesday morning, and the information was submitted to insurance for pre-authorization. After some encouragement to move things along quickly, our insurance approved the pre-authorization, and Harvick's helmet will be ordered. The helmets are extremely pricey - insurance does cover a good portion, but our portion still remains expensive.
Harvick will be required to wear the helmet for 23 hours/day (basically all of the time, with the exception of baths, and for the neck exercises). The estimated duration is 3 months - but, depending on his growth rate, it could possibly be less, or even longer.
We are encouraged to find out that we are on the early-end of treating the Plagiocephaly, and Harvick is in the ideal range of when to be fitted for a helmet!