Monday, April 30, 2012

Brothers . April 2012

Celebrate!!  We were able to complete a full 12 months of "Brothers" pictures!  Of course, now, I have no end date in mind...making it a year was hard some months...but, I'm so glad we did it.  Clearly, each stage has it's own difficulties, but I'm hopeful to keep this tradition continuing.

April's picture was taken on Easter, hence the cute coordinating shirts!

Brothers . April 2012
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)
Previous Brothers Posts

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 17

Ryder had private Speech Therapy and Early Intervention this week.  He continues to make gradual progress.  Very gradual.  Early Intervention will end in July, when Ryder turns 3 - it's taken Ryder quite a while to "warm up" to this Therapist, so it will be sad to see the sessions end.

On a speech-related note, Ryder has been approved for the SpecialEd Preschool through our School District.  He will attend 2 hours/day, 4 days/week.  The school's bus will pick him up at the babysitter's home, and take him back. 

Monday was Ryder's Preschool Evaluation.  Despite me asking them to skip the hearing and vision tests (Ryder's hearing was tested by the Utah School for the Deaf and Blind in August, and he scored "at least average", and his vision is closely monitored by an Opthamologist due to the possibility of Congenital Cataracts), they insisted.  And, as I thought, it put Ryder in a bad mood.  Really, though, who likes things being stuck into your ears?!

The second test, Articulation, was not much better.  The woman providing the testing was very static.  She showed Ryder a picture similar to this one:

Picture Source
And, she asked him "What is the horse doing?".  Ryder responded, "No thank you" (we've worked hard with Ryder that he say "no thank you" when he doesn't want something, rather than just yelling "no").  She asked again.  He buried his head in my shoulder.  I asked Ryder to tell me the color of the horse.  "Brown".  To tell me what a horse says.  "Neigh neigh".  Ryder, tell me what the horse is doing.  "Up!".  I respond to him, telling him that is correct, the horse is jumping up over the fence.  The woman, without expression, says "That's wrong.  The horse is "jumping"".

Uh.  Yes, lady, I can see that.  However, Ryder can't say "jumping".  So, rather than finding different words that would demonstrate his ability to articulate specific sounds, she gave up.

The third (and final) test was similar to the one he had in August to qualify for Early Intervention.  It measures his comprehension/cognitive language versus the expressive language.  The first part of the test was the comprehension/cognitive piece.  And, Ryder was still in a foul mood.  However, within 5 minutes Ryder was participating willingly.  This lady was MUCH more engaging.  She moved the order when Ryder was losing interest in the current activity.  She played catch with him to get him to answer the questions.  When it came to the expressive piece, Ryder tried.  Hard, really.  But, he scored extremely low - which, of course, we expect.

After the three tests, I met with the Director.  He said based on the third test alone, Ryder qualifies for the Preschool.  He may have the Early Intervention Therapist re-test the Articulation, but regardless of the score, it wouldn't change his qualification.

There's good and bad in this.  Patrick and I are grateful that Ryder will get significantly more Speech Therapy - although the Preschool is theoretically 8 hours/week, not all of this time will be speech-focused, but it will be more than he receives now.  It's hard, though, to say that our little boy is in SpecialEd Preschool.  There's a stigma attached to it.  There shouldn't be.  But, there is.  We're confident this will be a good choice made for Ryder.  He will do well.  It's just hard on this end.  Ryder will love it.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 51 Weeks

51 weeks old
22 pounds, 2 ounces (Harvick)
22 pounds, 11 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 51 Weeks)

Harvick has evened the tooth count score, and now both he and Jarrett are at 4 teeth (2 top, 2 bottom) each.  Ryder took a long time to get all of his teeth, and I think his brothers are following in his footsteps.

Harvick had Physical Therapy this week, and has been deemed as "graduated"!  He still has some minor work to do, in regards to standing using his left leg (he can, but he doesn't do it, unless he is prompted - he relies on his right leg).  However, the minimal work can be accomplished with us at home.  We really liked working with the Physical Therapist (the same one for Torticollis previously), but are happy to end those appointments!

Both Harvick and Jarrett are constantly pulling up, and walking along things (couch/ottoman/chair/etc), but neither attempt to walk independently.  They are both great standers, but still prefer to hold on to something, rather than stand unassisted.

As far as the babies being sick, they are both on the mend.  Their doctor prescribed Jarrett a new antibiotic, after the throwing up issue, on Monday.  It is the same one he got back in March, and his little body is reacting much better to this one!  Harvick still doesn't seem to be improving as much, so after calling their doctor today, he was prescribed a different (more fast acting) antibiotic - he took the first dose tonight, so hopefully he sees some improvement quickly.  Both boys ended up getting infections in each eye (we aren't totally convinced it was actually "Pink Eye", it was definitely an infection, but "Pink Eye" might be far reaching).  Thankfully, the drops, although they both hated them, worked well, and we have been able to discontinue the use of them.

Boys bathing together!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)
Notice both of their tongues sticking out in the center picture!  Twins?!

I am still nursing Harvick and Jarrett before they go to sleep.  I think it's super cute when they fall asleep after nursing, with their hands intertwined!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Even though the boys weren't feeling well, we took them outside for a little fresh air and sunshine on Sunday.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Harvick didn't want to be held while he drank his milk, and luckily for him Ryder was more than happy to help keep his bottle "up!" while he drank.

More proof of the kisses!

Bath time!
(Harvick on the top, Jarrett on the bottom)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

You're Invited! . Lansing Going Away Party

I do not have any memories of church that do not include Sarah (Sorensen) Lansing.  When her family moved to Utah, our church split our class into 2, according to the alphabet.  And, as "S" last names, we were together.

Sarah and I have made many (many!) memories together.  We have been friends for as long as I can remember.  I went on family vacations with her family.  I spent more nights at her house, than at anyone else's home.  I still have her parent's (no longer in use) home phone number memorized.  It's one of those phone numbers I dialed constantly.

In High School, Derek Lansing, helped to tutor me in Calculus.  We may, or may not, have spent several tutoring "sessions" on a side tangent about Sarah.  I remember him deciding to ask her out on their first date.

And now, Sarah and Derek are moving.  To California.  Which, is too far away in my opinion.  Unfortunately for me, they didn't ask me.

So...since I can't stop them, the least I can do is throw them a Going Away Party.  And, you're invited!  Join us  as we celebrate their new adventure!
To my friend, Sarah, I will miss you...and, luckily, California is within visiting distance!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Ryder . 2 3/4 Years Old

Last week, Ryder turned 2 and 3/4 years old.  After doing weekly updates his first year, monthly his second, I'm glad I moved to quarterly!  Currently, he is wearing mostly 5T and boys size 4/5 (xs) shirts, 4T pants, size 9 shoes, and weighs about 36 pounds.

As with each update, Ryder has changed quite a bit between then and now.  At the last post, we had recently shared Ryder's Apraxia of Speech diagnosis.  Now, it's something we're accustomed to working with daily.  The hardest part is figuring out when it is appropriate to share the information with others.  I'm not a fan of people telling me that he isn't talking much.  Or when he is told/asked something that he can't respond to.  I want to jump in.  I want to explain the reason.  That our little boy is incredibly smart.  That he completely understands what you just said, but that there is no way for him to be able to answer.  For the most part, we leave it alone.  We let the comments go.  But, it's definitely been a lesson in patience.  Ryder has made progress, although it's slow.  There is progress.

Ryder continues to be a great big brother.  He definitely has his moments.  And, Harvick and Jarrett's mobility have presented new challenges to his ability to share.  He likes to be in charge, but they are also learning that they want a choice in what toy they are playing with and/or where they are playing.  Overall, Ryder does a great job.  He often asks to feed them their bottles, and will help feed their pureed food as well.

Ryder has loved being in school this last year, and looks forwards to Tuesdays and Thursdays.  He made one friend quickly, but in the past few months has added to his list of friends.  The teacher has told us about a specific little boy (15 months) who recently started in the class - Ryder has taken a protective, almost "big brother" role with him.  Ryder likes to make sure the little boy keeps up with the rest of the class!

Perhaps my most favorite change since the last update is that Ryder is potty-trained.  As posted recently, this is a new thing for Ryder.  He has taken to it well, and we are extremely happy with how quick his progress has been.  Ryder loves wearing his underwear!

Currently, Ryder's favorite foods change on a regular basis.  Some constants are snack items - fruit snacks, granola bars, dried fruit, cheeseballs, and most cookies/crackers.  He has taken after his father with his love of chocolate - Patrick leaves the 5 lb bag of chocolate chips (Costco!) open on the shelf, and will regularly eat a small handful.  Ryder has learned this, and will often parrot Patrick, and help himself to the "chips" as well.  Luckily, we've taught him to only take 2 at a time, and we are much more vigilant about keeping the pantry door closed!  Ryder also wants his milk to be chocolate ("brown milk") - which, is at least 90-95% regular milk, with just a splash of chocolate milk added!

Ryder's fascination with cars, trucks, and especially trains continues.  His ability to remember every. single. train track's location is amazing.  He has made getting stopped by a train something that I hope for as we drive home.  And, when there is no train in sight, his backseat comment of "Oh man, no train" makes me smile every time.  Ryder also loves to be chased - especially around our island, kitchen table, or really anything you can circle.  He has really mastered the art of being on the opposite side!

And, enough are some pictures...

Puzzles and painting.

Ryder continues his love of reading!

Ryder LOVED going to Salt Lake on Front Runner!

Going down the slide at the indoor play area at our local mall.  We thought this would be a great indoor play activity during the winter, but Ryder didn't find it very interesting.

We frequently attempt family self-portraits - one of these days, it's going to be really easy...

Ryder pointing out the trains on his Valentines present from the Harris' and Aunt Julie!

Ryder has slept (or rested) with his arms like this since he was little!
Playing with his brothers.

Happy boy!

Playing "train" on top of our stroller box...when Ryder would reach the front, he would jump off, and fall to the floor laughing hysterically!

Reference back to that love of chocolate...Ryder sneaking in a few chocolate chips as he "decorates" the cookies.

Putting food on your fingers isn't just for olives!

As soon as St. Patrick's Day passed, we got out the Easter decorations.  Last year, Ryder loved putting together, and pulling apart, the eggs - it really helped him with his colors.  This year, it was super funny to do a dive across them.

Ryder discovered if he closes his eyes (or covers them) when the camera flashes, that it is super him.

(And, isn't the tape measure on his pants the cutest thing - he did that 100% on his own, to be like Patrick!)

Ryder . 2.75 years old.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sick Babies. Again.

Our babies are sick.  Again.

Thursday night everything was fine.  No indications of anyone being sick.  Well...that's not entirely true - all three boys have had a bit of a cough/congestion, but nothing out of the ordinary for this time of year.  Plus, Harvick and Jarrett are getting teeth.

Friday morning.  All boys are fine.  No worries.

Friday afternoon, when I go to pick everyone up from the babysitter, Jarrett's left eye is all goopy, and slightly inflamed.  The babysitter says it started mid-day, and she has cleaned it twice already.  We got home, I cleaned it again.  By the time Patrick gets home, shortly after, I have cleaned it again, and it needs to be cleaned even more.  We use the eye drops Jarrett was given last month for his eye infection (different eye).

Friday night was our monthly "Grandparent Dinner Night".  Jarrett's eye was obviously not good.  Definitely has some kind of eye infection.

Saturday morning comes.  Jarrett's left eye is matted shut.  He can't open it at all.  Harvick wakes up with loads of green mucous - rubbed all over, and entirely filling his nose.

Jarrett, and his matted eye.
Luckily, my parents were available to help out.  Patrick was needing to install a window at a friend's house, and could have delayed it, but it would be best if he could just get it done.  My dad stayed with Ryder, and my mom accompanied the babies and me.

I took the babies to InstaCare (why do the co-pays have to be double?!).

Jarrett has a left ear infection (still), which is likely what lead to his eye infection - this time "Conjunctivitis" (pink eye).  He also has a sinus infection (still).

Harvick has a right ear infection, and a minor sinus infection (still).  Luckily, no signs of Conjunctivitis!

Both boys were given a new (stronger) antibiotic, and Jarrett gets new eye drops.  I asked the doctor for 2 prescriptions of eye drops - it's only a matter of time until Harvick and/or Ryder also contract the Conjunctivitis - he gave us a refill, just in case.

Turns out, Harvick began to develop Conjunctivitis in each eye, and it was good to already have the eye drops!
Harvick, and the beginning stages of Conjunctivitis.
Then, after some frustration with getting the prescriptions filled, the boys finally get medicine after lunch, before their nap.  Up until now, they have both had full appetites.

Within 2 hours, Jarrett woke up, puking.  He proceeded to throw up 7 times, before settling down for the night at 11:30pm.  Not fun.

This morning, Jarrett, again couldn't keep food down, but threw up for the last time just before we gave the boys showers.

Both babies seemed to slightly improve throughout the day.  Jarrett was able to keep down all breastmilk, and his meager lunch and dinner (brown rice and applesauce).

Having a Pedialyte Freezer Pop (popsicle), after dinner.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)
This afternoon, we put a call in to the doctor who saw the babies at InstaCare.  He has given us some advise with the antibiotics, and we will hold off giving it to Jarrett until we are able to see how he is doing without the medication.

Both babies eyes have already nearly been cleared of infection.  The swelling that Jarrett experienced was resolved almost immediately, once he received the new eye drops.

Patrick commented today that we have exponentially aged this weekend - between both of us being sick (I forgot to mention that!), two sick babies, and quite the energetic toddler, this weekend has been a challenge, for sure.  Luckily for us, the timing worked out well...even though it made our weekend plans come to a halt, it was nice we were both home!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 16 . "oy"

SOUND: "oy"
PRIMARY WORD(S): toy, boy
HAND SIGNAL: "o", "e" (eee) - using your thumb and pointer finger, touch each side of your mouth, as you say "eee" (or, using your pointer and middle finger from each hand, press them on the each side of your lips, as you as you say "eee".

According to Meriam-Webster Dictionary, a "diphthong" is defined as:
1 : a gliding, monosyllabic speech sound (as the vowel combination at the end of toy) that starts at or near the articulatory position for one vowel and moves to or toward the position of another

Basically, a diphthong is two vowel sounds, run together to form one.

I didn't even realize this was named.  I just thought it was two vowels.  But, when you are breaking down, literally, every part of every sound, you learn all sorts of new things.

Diphthongs are hard to learn for any child.  But, a child with Apraxia of Speech - it's immensely harder.  Diphthongs are advanced sounds.  Typically, sounds that won't develop until a child is able to correctly say both the short and long vowel sounds for each vowel.  Ryder can not do this yet.  However, he has the ability to say "out" - a word we were assigned to work on at the beginning of therapy.  On Tuesday, the PCMC Therapist said that she hadn't expected Ryder to say the word (out) correctly - that he would say "oat", or "ought".  However, Ryder can say it (and does often - he loves to go outside!).  Due to his ability to correctly say the "ou" diphthong the Therapist suggested trying "oy".

Surprisingly, Ryder was almost able to say it correctly when first demonstrated and asked.  He tends to add an "h" to the beginning, though.  So "toy", is pronounced by Ryder as "tuh-hoy".  But, every (tiny) bit of progress helps.  Slowly.  It helps.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 50 Weeks

50 weeks old
22 pounds, 2 ounces (Harvick)
22 pounds, 11 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 50 Weeks)

FIFTY Weeks.  It's nuts.  My BABIES are just 2 weeks shy of their first birthday.  I know that it is so cliche to say that time has flown.  But, my goodness, I can't believe it has been almost a year since we welcomed them to our family.  Perhaps I'm a bit nostalgic...

Harvick and Jarrett are learning new things daily.  They interact with each other so well, and fight with each other so hard.  The whole "twin speak" phenomenon - it's true.  Our boys really do communicate with each other.  It's amazing how much they communicate, non-verbally, especially.  Patrick and I recently talked with a friend of ours and her (identical) twin sister.  They told us how they have an uncanny ability to know what each other is thinking.  And, how they are able to give each other simple looks, to "explain" something that someone just said.  It was funny to hear their stories...and a bit crazy that we are already seeing those traits in our boys.

Both babies have learned how to give kisses...the open mouth, sometimes a bit of a lick, wet kisses.  Harvick is more consistent, and willing, to give kisses, but boys will do it.  It is definitely one of my favorite things...even if I do have to wipe my lips after kissing them!

Not the greatest picture, but I wanted to show off their coordinating BabyLegs (thanks Jennika!).  Harvick and Jarrett wore theirs this weekend, along with Ryder!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Proof of the kiss!

Spending some time outside, it was a bit of a chilly night - but, all 3 boys love being outside!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

I'm still nursing the boys - I had planned on doing it for 9 months (like I did with Ryder), but as we got closer to that time, decided to extend it.  At a year(ish), we will stop the bedtime nursing.  The boys have learned the routine, and know that once they are in their jammies, and I sit down, it's time to they are, both ready and excited!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Jarrett loves "talking" when he is playing - I caught hm as he was getting excited about something.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Harvick . Leg Update (Part 3)

(Part 1, Part 2)

Harvick had a follow up with the Pediatric Orthopedic Doctor at PCMC this morning.  At his last appointment, we were given the okay to wait 9 months (rather than the typical 6) for his appointment, due to his immense progress.

And, once again, Harvick displayed just how remarkable his healing has been.  The x-ray indicated that Harvick's leg has healed completely.  The doctor has given us the all-clear for no additional appointments - originally, we were told that they would follow the healing for "about" 2 years to ensure it heals fully.  Due to the fact Harvick was not weight-bearing at the time of the accident, it has led to an increased rate of healing.

Thanks to everyone for their well wishes and prayers for our little guy!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

He Pooped!

WARNING (in case you couldn't tell by the title): this post may be a bit too detailed for some...

I know.  I know.  The post title might be a bit much.  But, at our house, poop is the current topic of conversation.

Patrick and I have talked a lot about when we would potty train Ryder.  Due to his lack of verbal communication, we knew it would be a challenge to get Ryder to tell us he needed to use the bathroom.  But, after much discussion, we set the date to be the weekend following Easter.  We like the idea of Ryder having to use the bathroom in multiple locations - at school, the babysitters, and at home.  We figured the more variety he had, the better he would learn to communicate his need.  We decided on our date, figuring we would be going to Colorado (which, didn't end up working out) at the beginning of April, then there was Easter (and we would want to participate in community and church things), so we settled on the following weekend.

Saturday, when Ryder woke up, we had him try to go to the bathroom, and then we just put underwear back on him.  No diaper.  No Pull-Up.  Not even any pants.  Just underwear on the bottom (with a shirt and socks/BabyLegs to keep warm).

Reading a book, wearing his underwear.
Really, he did very well over the weekend.  We filled him up with as much liquid as we could get him to drink on Saturday morning, and then made him try every 10 minutes.  After a few successes, he started to figure it out, and we stretched the time between attempts over the course of the 2 days.  He had a poop accident Saturday, and a pee and poop accident Sunday.  Monday, he did awesome at the babysitter, but had another poop accident once we got home.

Now, we've read (and read. and read.) about potty training.  We know that boys typically are slower at getting potty trained.  That pooping in the toilet is hard to figure out.  Yes.  We know.  But, I still went to every co-worker who has had a child they potty-trained, and sought advice.  The resounding response - it will happen - it will take time - be patient.

Yesterday (Tuesday), Ryder had an accident in AfterCare at school (not his fault!), and no accidents at home.  But, also no poop.
Today, another accident-free day at the babysitters.  Patrick and I were on high-alert tonight, watching for any signs - to hopefully avoid an accident.

AND...the title already gave it away, we were cleaning up the Family Room, to get ready for baths, Ryder told us "poop"...he ran to the bathroom, Patrick helped him sit up on the toilet, and he did it!!!
Ryder, with his NEW train!
Ryder was SO PROUD of himself!  And, super excited that he would (finally, for him) get the train that has been sitting on the counter - since Saturday, we have told him he would get it when he pooped in the toilet.

I'd like to point out that we aren't claiming to have potty trained him, successfully, in just 5 days.  Ryder is the second soundest sleeper (with me being the first!) I know.  He doesn't wake up in the night.  And, when he does, it isn't because he has a wet diaper, it is because he wants to come into our room (where he lays on the floor, without waking us up...we're working on it...).  Getting him to stay dry during a nap will come, he is already doing fairly well - but, at night...that will take much. MUCH. longer.  And, that is okay.  We'll be patient.  Although, if you have nighttime-training advice, feel free to share!...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Playing with Dad

All three of our boys love. LOVE. to play on the floor.  They love to be rough, and already all of them love to "wrestle" (well, they love when they are caught and tickled!).  It makes me happy to see our boys interacting so well with eachother...and a little nervous for future wrestling matches in the Family Room...

While both Patrick and I will "wrestle" with the boys, Patrick is definitely the more energetic one with them . . .
TOP: Ryder
LEFT: Jarrett
RIGHT: Harvick

Friday, April 13, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 15

Ryder met with his private Speech Therapist, as well as the Early Intervention Therapist this week.  Ryder continues to make (very) gradual progress overall, but it is hard to see it when reviewing it a week at a time.

The private Speech Therapist reported that Ryder did well in Therapy.  She uses multiple tools, including her iPad, to engage him in various speech exercises.  Additionally, she asked for pictures of our family, and she would work with Ryder to learn the correct pronunciation of each person's name/title.

In Early Intervention Therapy, Ryder participated fairly well, but when you compare it to the first several months, he has improved in participation immensely. 

Neither therapy had anything new to work on, just to continue the exercises he has been given.  The more consistent we are with Ryder's speech expectations, the more he accomplishes.

Ryder has been scheduled for a Preschool Evaluation later this month, so we should know more about what next year holds for us, soon.


Review: Previous Weeks

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 49 Weeks

49 weeks old
22 pounds, 2 ounces (Harvick)
22 pounds, 11 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 49 Weeks)

Harvick has (finally!) increased his tooth count to 3.  He has another 2 teeth along the top ready to cut through, but have yet to make an appearance.  Jarrett remains steady at 4 teeth.

These boys are growing too fast!  I can't believe that in less than 1 month they will be 1 year old.  Having twins is so hard.  So very hard.  But, they are the greatest little boys!  They both have such good (overall) dispositions.  They interact with each other so well, and are already each other's worst enemy and greatest friend.  They completely adore their big brother, who in turn adores them.  They find the smallest things to be overwhelmingly hilarious, and have the cutest - very different from each other - laughs.

We're getting ready for their 1 year party - watch for invites soon!

Ryder, helping Jarrett with his morning bottle.

YAY for Peeps!!!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Two naughty boys standing in the tub.  They both know they aren't supposed to do this!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

More swinging pictures!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)
Jarrett will close his eyes when he is laughing hard and/or when he thinks he is's cute until I want a picture of him doing something he is enjoying!

Trying on Ryder's safety glasses.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Jarrett wasn't sure about giving Harvick a ride in the walker.

Look at those blue eyes!

Playing together.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter . 2012

On Easter Sunday, our church held 3 services (instead of the usual 2), to accommodate additional people attending.  We chose to go to the earliest service.  Ryder, for the second time (ever), did not want to go to class - he stayed with us during the Praise & Worship songs, but quickly realized he would have more fun in class with his friends, once the sermon started.  Harvick and Jarrett have attended class a few times now, but typically stay with us (when we go at our normal time, they will fall asleep in the car (morning nap) on our way, and stay asleep for more than half of the service).  This week; however, they were not wanting to sit with us, so we also took them to class!

Once we got home from church, we set up our own Easter Egg Hunt in our backyard, like we did last year.
Ryder had fun finding all of the eggs.  This year, I filled them with Colorful Goldfish, Fruity Cheerios, and Trix - that way, all 3 of the boys could enjoy it.  Ryder opened them all up into one bowl to mix them together.

And, a side note - Ryder has been able to learn a new word..."robot"...interesting, considering it is his only 2-syllable word he says correctly.  Good thing his Easter basket (purchased last year) had a robot on it!

Harvick (orange) and Jarrett (blue) may or may not have snacked on the goodies!

Opening presents.
Harvick (top) and Jarrett (center) were given stuffed lambs to sleep with - Ryder got the same thing for his first Easter!
Ryder opened the remainder of "realistic looking" tools that I bought for him before we was born - I couldn't pass up the clearance, and have been waiting a long time to give them to him - he has been given a couple previous to this.
We had intended to stay home for the day, but decided at the last minute to keep with what we did last year, and go out for lunch - to Village Inn.  I know, breakfast food isn't a "traditional" Easter meal, but we love it!

After lunch, we came home, and put all three boys down for their naps.  Upon waking up, Ryder got to open an additional present!

Our train-obsessed boy finally has a track to play with his trains!
Finally, at the end of the day, I really wanted to capture a family picture.  We set up the camera outside (thanks to Jim for the tripod!), and attempted a family shot.  Ryder realized it was great fun to run with Patrick as he would get the camera set up, and then run back to get in place...we may have to try that trick again!

Easter . 04.08.2012
(Kayleen, Harvick, Ryder, Patrick, Jarrett)
We had a great Easter this year.  It was definitely fun to have the boys participating in activities.  And, as much as we had fun, we kept things (presents) very simple.  It was perfect.