Monday, March 11, 2013

Harvick & Jarrett . 22 Months

22 months old
29 pounds, 13 ounces (Harvick)
31 pounds, 5 ounces (Jarrett)
(Compare to Ryder at 22 Months)

For Ryder's 22 month update, he had a huge life change - going from an only child, to the oldest of 3!  Harvick & Jarrett have not had such an event.

The boys are extremely active, and are most often found attempting to wrestle with each other.  They continue to not speak, but are able to communicate their needs and wants.  And, true to traits first mentioned at just a few weeks old, Harvick remains the whinier of the two - he is slow to anger, and slow to resolve issues; whereas Jarrett is quick to anger, and also quick to resolve his frustration.

The boys have officially moved to toddler beds - this deserves a full separate post!

And, on to the real reason most people check the blog - the pictures...


Jarrett has an independent spirit.  He wants to be able to figure things out for himself, and is willing to take the time needed.  He is feisty - he lets you know his opinion.  And, he has a wonderful sense of humor.  One of my favorite things he does is cover his mouth with both hands when he is laughing at something (center row, left picture).

I love seeing the boys reading, especially when they look through a book together.
(left picture: Ryder with Harvick; center picture: the boys reading with Patrick; right picture: Ryder with Jarrett)


Harvick is a happy boy.  He loves to make others happy, and will do just about anything for his brothers.  Harvick has a kind heart, and loves to help others.  If given 3 of nearly anything, Harvick will distribute it between his brothers and himself - never keeping it all for himself.

Messy boys, after a special Valentine's cookie.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Rides on Patrick's back are a favorite pastime of all the boys.  On the left, Ryder offered a ride to Jarrett.

We LOVE our membership to the Treehouse, and go more often than I blog our visits.
Jarrett (top) loves to lay across this table to gather his art supplies - we typically don't allow laying on tables, but he is just so cute about it, that we let him when we are there!
Harvick (bottom), true to his personality, enjoyed feeding the babies...but notice which "crib" he chose - the one with TWO babies together.

Harvick (left) LOVES to wear hats, and thought it was pretty fun to wear Ryder's old slippers - such a character!
Jarrett (right) will "wear" the two largest plastic rings on his feet, and walk around.  We joke that they are his "high heels".

For the most part, the boys play well together...but, they also enjoy some individual play.

1 comment:

AMY said...

It seems I am the last of my friends to move my boy to a toddler bed. You are a brave woman. I would love to talk logistics of moving boys to a toddler bed (in my mind it will be different than when I moved J, a girl, at 20months) hope it goes well for you. Hope to see you soon.