Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Brothers . November 2011

It took a bit of work, but we managed a smiling "Brothers" picture for November!

Brothers . November 2011
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)
(October 2011)
(September 2011)
(August 2011)
(July 2011)
(June 2011)
(May 2011)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving . 2011

This Thanksgiving, Patrick and I are thankful for many things.  And, I'm sure you can guess the 3 boys at the top of our list!  They bring so much joy to our lives!

Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett
(and, yes, that is the natural pose that you do if I asked you to "show me your shirt and smile" - silly Ryder!)
 We celebrated this holiday, like we tend to many holidays - over an extended period!  First celebration was Wednesday night, when we had Patrick's (mom's side) extended family over for a "Dessert Bar", which also served as a birthday celebration for his mom, Aunt, and Uncle (whose birthdays are all in the end of November, or December).  You will notice I lack pictures of all atendees . . . some people aren't as willing photo subjects!

Jarrett with his Great Grandpa Verl (and his Great Aunt Jill in the background!).

Harvick with his Great Uncles Kris and David.
Thanksgiving we headed out to visit Rory, where we got a chance to visit for a bit.

Rory with Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett.
After visiting Rory, we went over to Patrick's Grandma's house to enjoy a Thankgiving feast with his family, where I really didn't take many pictures . . .

Ryder sorting the rocks and leaves outside.
Friday morning Patrick and I were able to continue our annual Black Friday early morning shopping (thanks to my parents who came over at 3:45am!).  Even though we got to the stores at least 4 hours after they had opened, we were able to pick up each of the "Doorbuster" deals we had intended to get - with the exception of fabric at JoAnns (seriously - we got a number as we walked in - there were over 130 people between the current person and us, and in the 30 minutes we were there, they only worked through 10 people - that means that if they went at that same pace, our number would have been reached after SIX hours!).

We concluded our Thanksgiving celebrations with my dad's youngest sister, Dolores, and her family coming over for dinner (take-out Patricias!).

Jarrett with his second-cousin(is that right?) Jesse, and Harvick with his Great Aunt Dolores.
And - this Thanksigiving, we are thankful for all of you who read this blog, and love and care for our family!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 29 Weeks

29 weeks old
18 pounds, 8 ounces (Harvick AND Jarrett!)

(Compare to Ryder at 29 Weeks)

These boys are growing up too fast!  They have made great strides in sitting up this week - Jarrett is still able to sit up a bit longer, but both still fall to the side after a few minutes.  Both Harvick and Jarrett are doing very well with their new routine (we changed it with the addition of solids).  I commented last week that Harvick is the better eater . . . we have learned that while Harvick remains the better eater of the pureed foods we've made, Jarrett actually does extremely well with small pieces of food - primarily breads, and soft fruits.

Spending some tummy time together in their playmat gym.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)


Sharing a toy after taking a bath.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Happy boys after eating . . . Jarrett happy because he's finished . . . Harvick happy because he got to eat solids!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

With his helmet on, Patrick's hat fits Harvick's head perfectly (the bill is pulled up in the photo because he didn't want to look up at me, which made it so you couldn't see his face).

Our three boys could not be enamored more with each other!  Ryder loves to "show" his brothers things, and they love to watch!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Wearing their matching souvenir shirts that came all the way from Spain (Portugal?).
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Playful . Happy . Silly

In preparation for Harvick and Jarrett's arrival, we did very minimal clothes shopping; however, when I saw this set of onesies on clearance, I couldn't resist.  Thankfully, the weather cooled down just in time that they were able to wear them.

You've already seen pictures of Harvick and Jarrett together here, here, and here - but, I wanted to put them side-by-side too!


Now . . . the problem . . . I save a few onesies/outfits from each boy.  Not a lot.  Just a few that have special meaning.  And, I can now see how some people save ALL of their children's baby clothes . . . how could I not add one of these to each boys' container?!  The "silly" one is perfect for Harvick - it is orange, and the monkey is sticking out his tongue!  But, which one fits Jarrett better . . . playful or happy?!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Phoenix . November 2011

Friday, we left the house about 4:30am, and drove through Las Vegas to Phoenix.  We made a long lunch stop in Vegas, and ate at Margaritaville - it was delicious!

Saturday was the reason we drove all the way to Phoenix . . . we were able to get tickets to Kevin Harvick's First Annual "West Coast" Fan Club Event.  We went to the track, shopped around the trailers, and watched the last half of Sprint Cup qualifying, and the first part of the Nationwide Race.  We left the race early, and went to stand in line to "register" with the Fan Club Event - we were person #4 and #5 in line.  After a long wait (the race went long, and they waited until it was over to let registration begin), we were able to procure front row seats inside.  A typical race-food dinner (hot dogs) was served, and a few other events happened.

Kevin Harvick, and his wife DeLana, came out for a "Q & A Session", hosted by Jamie Little - an ESPN Correspondent (remember her . . . she's super important in the story in just a bit!).

Jamie Little, Delana Harvick, and Kevin Harvick
After the Q&A, Fan Club Members were allowed to line up to get up to 2 items autographed by Delana and/or Kevin.  Well . . . the problem is that only Patrick is a Fan Club Member, and I wanted more than 2 items autographed!  After a few discussions with Kevin's PR people, I was allowed to get in line, and also have 2 items autographed!

Kevin seemed flattered, but not too shocked that we named our son Harvick.  One of his PR people told me that it happens "more than you might think" - but, typically his first name is used, and more often it is as a middle name!  After he signed our 4 items, I told Patrick to go around the table to get a picture with him - it turns out that going behind the table isn't allowed - but, no one stopped us (they stopped everyone else, though)!

Kevin signing Harvick's Birth Certificate; the signed Birth Certificate!; and Kevin Harvick and Patrick!

Harvick's picture autographed by Kevin (left) and DeLana (right)
But - the story doesn't end there!  All along, I have been saying that I was going to find a way to get Jarrett's Birth Certificate and picture autographed by Dale Jarrett - the problem was that I had no idea how that could happen.  When we found out Jamie Little was going to be at the Fan Club event, Patrick suggested that would be a better contact that Kevin Harvick (or his people) - both Jamie and Dale Jarrett are ESPN Correspondents!  Immediately following the Q&A, I followed Jamie out of the event tent, and stopped her and Kevin Harvick's PR guy, Josh.  Josh had been the person who allowed me to get the additional autographs, but honestly, he couldn't have cared less about our son's name.  However, Jamie loved that we had named our boys Harvick and Jarrett, and strongly encouraged Josh, and the other PR person - EJ - to help get the Birth Certificate signed!  Had I not been able to tell her, I don't think we would have gotten anywhere with my plan.  We left the event with EJ's phone number, and instructions to call her when we got to the track on Sunday!

Sunday was the "main race".  As part of the Fan Club package, we received 2 pit passes.  Now, let me explain - there are different types of passes - pit passes and garage passes.  Then, there are levels within each (I think).  The pit pass is the most basic.  The "best" (I think) is a "HOT garage pass".  Okay - back to the story - we redeemed our pit pass, and were able to walk around pit road, where we took a picture in front (back?) of Kevin Harvick's pit box, and with the tires that were to be used for the race.

We walked out on to the actual track, where I signed the start/finish line, and where we watched Driver Introductions.

At the end of the Driver Introductions, you are supposed to go over the barrier wall, and back into the stands . . . except we hadn't had a chance to see Kevin Harvick's car (it had been raining earlier, so they weren't out when we were on pit road) . . . so, I convinced Patrick to back the way we had entered the track to see the car!

Well, not only did we get to be thisclose to Kevin Harvick's car, but Kevin was within an arm's reach, as he prepared for the race.  While standing there, Patrick kept telling me we didn't have the right kind of pass (a "HOT garage pass"), and that we were going to get caught - it was at that point that he turned his pit pass around, so that someone wouldn't be able to easily tell we shouldn't be there!  Then, right as officials were asking everyone to get off the track, Kevin's PR person, EJ, saw us.  She informed us we weren't going to be able to meet Dale Jarrett in person, but that she would take the items, give them to Jamie who would take them to him in Homestead (Florida - the last race of the season), and have them shipped back to us.  As this conversation happened, they started the prayer and National Anthem . . . so, we stood in Kevin Harvick's "line" - literally, it went the car, Kevin, DeLana, Kevin Harvick employee, and then Patrick!  Complete once-in-a-lifetime thing.  Too bad I have no pictures to prove it!  We were; however, close enough to grab a few shots of Kevin getting into his car before we left.

So . . . now we keep our fingers crossed that we get Jarrett's Birth Certificate and picture, autographed, and in the mail!
At the start of the race (left), and the end of the race (right)
Overall, we had a great time . . . but, we were glad to get back to our boys on Monday!  Thanks to my parents for spending the weekend with them!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 28 Weeks

28 weeks old
18 pounds, 8 ounces (Harvick)
18 pounds, 5 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 28 Weeks)

In linking back to Ryder's 27 week post last week, I thought it was funny that Patrick's (mom's side) extended family came to Utah when Ryder was 27 weeks old, and they will be here again this week, when Harvick and Jarrett are just barely 28 weeks old!

Harvick and Jarrett are on the move!  They do not put any weight on their knees, but these boys can get around . . . they no longer will share the gym - they both scoot out of it, and around the room within minutes!

Patrick and I left the boys (more on that in another post) this past weekend - marking the first time we have left Harvick & Jarrett for a night, and the first time Patrick gone more than 24 hours without seeing Ryder (last fall I had a work conference that made it so I was away for about a day and a half).

We are regularly asked about the difference in personality of Harvick and Jarrett.  And, they really are quite similar - however, Harvick maintains his status as the whinier one (however, he does give you a good 5-10 minute warning that he is about to get upset), and Jarrett maintains his status as the baby to go from happy to angry in 1.2 seconds.  In the past few weeks, as we have started the boys on solid foods, we have found an additional difference - Harvick is the better eater, and Jarrett has become the better sleeper.

Harvick, not able to keep his eyes open, before bed.

Jarrett, not quite ready to fall asleep!
The boys playing with cars together.
(Harvick on his stomach, Jarrett on his back)



This is what happens when you don't buckle the boys into the Nap Nannys!

Jarrett's signature expression - content, and sucking his bottom lip.

Harvick Update: The original estimate for Harvick's "full-time" (23 hours/day) helmet wear was 3 months (we are told the overall average is a 3-8 month range).  When we went in this week (after wearing the helmet for 5 weeks), Harvick has had significant growth and improvement already!  He will wear the helmet for an additional month full-time, and then we are expected to receive the okay that he can wear it part-time (nap, night, and car seat wear)!  In total, Harvick is now expected to only have to wear the helmet for just over 9 weeks!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . NASCAR Pictures

Today we are attempting to deliver these pictures to their namesakes . . . we're hoping they will be flattered!

(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

(These pictures were taken by Heather Mickey - she came over to take Harvick and Jarrett's 6 month pictures (and family ones too!) recently.  Heather let us have these 2 pictures a little early, given our opportunity - we should get the rest from her soon!).

Friday, November 11, 2011

Red Mango

Several weeks ago we took the boys to Red Mango, again.  Surprisingly, Ryder enjoyed the yogurt, and was happy to dig in to Patrick and my bowls!

Harvick and Jarrett didn't want to be left out, despite not being able to actually eat the yogurt themselves (yet!).

It's only a matter of time before each boy requests their own bowl!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 27 Weeks

27 weeks old (6 months old)
18 pounds, 14 ounces; 28" long (Harvick)
18 pounds, 13 ounces; 28" long (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 27 Weeks)

Harvick and Jarrett turned 6 months old the end of last week!  I am finally able to tell people their age, without getting the comment, "Oh, no, they can't be __ (that young), they have to at least be __ (an age at least double) months".

They had their 6-month check-up this morning, and both boys are doing great.  They both measure almost exactly "average" in weight for a 6 month old (however, for twins, they are still way ahead of the curve), and they are both in the 91st percentile for length.

The past week or so both boys have had a runny nose, but neither have had a fever, or any other sick symptoms.  Ryder went through this for about 2 months before his first tooth finally appeared - so, maybe Harvick and Jarrett are just trying to be like their big brother?!

Harvick and Jarrett are moving around so much when on the floor!  They continue to roll (and roll and roll), and have started scooting both forward and side to side.  They especially love to move toward each other or Ryder!
I seem to have a caption each week of "Happy boys!" . . . but, it's true!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

I've been wanting to take a picture of the boys in one Nap Nanny, but haven't had a chance - until this week when we got them undressed in the Family Room (preparing for baths), and they were each sitting in their own.

Neither boy appreciated the picture - but, I love to have comparison shots!

(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

When Harvick and Jarrett figured out their toy basket was behind them on the table, both of them immediately turned to grab new toys!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

A quick "cat nap" in shirts Ryder got in his first Christmas stocking.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Reading good books.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)



I've received many comments from people what good boys Harvick and Jarrett are to always look at/smile at the camera . . . well, the truth is that a good majority of pictures look more like this, than the one shot I end up posting!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Voting Day . 2011

Did you vote today?!

We did!  And, a certain little boy enjoyed the stickers thoroughly!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fraternal or Identical (Part 2)?

So, every now and then Patrick and I will comment how similar Harvick and Jarrett look.  Since we never had their DNA tested, we aren't 100% sure whether they are fraternal or identical - typically, it seems obvious that they are fraternal . . . then . . . we see this . . .

Can you tell who is who?  Leave a comment!

(Part 1)
(Brothers Comparison)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 26 Weeks

26 weeks old
18 pounds, 8 ounces (Harvick)
18 pounds, 5 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 26 Weeks)

I feel like I keep saying the same thing each week - Harvick and Jarrett continue to do well.  No big developments since the last weekly post.  They are getting a bit of solid foods each night, but we will not be transitioning them for another couple weeks.  Harvick and Jarrett do fairly well with eating; however, depending on the night, one is usually better than the other - but, it switches.

Harvick and Jarrett are not putting any weight on their knees and hands to crawl, but they sure do move around when they are on the ground.  They've rolled now for months, but they are scooting around a bit, but rarely forward.

Spending time with both boys together.

Our 3 boys love spending time together, especially in the evenings!

LEFT: Reading to the boys in Ryder's bed before bedtime.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick in the middle, Ryder on the right)

RIGHT: Laying in the crib together, after everyone had a bath.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the top, Ryder on the bottom)


They are growing up too fast - they can both hold their own bottles when eating, although, we still have to help them - eating as much as they do takes a long time!
(Jarrett on the top, Harvick on the bottom)


Cute outfits!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

We keep trying to entice them to crawl - the toys are all just out of their reach.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)