WARNING: LONG post ahead!
Ryder's school put on a "Winter Concert" this afternoon. And . . . it was . . . interesting. The things we do for our children!!
My day started out with a Dentist appointment (no worries, no cavities!), which meant I went in late for work. I also had a lunch meeting, off-site. At the end of the meeting, I could have taken off a little early - my boss even suggested I do so - but, there wasn't really anything else I could do in the short amount of time, it was too early to get Ryder, and I didn't really want to use additional leave anyway. When I got back to the office, I quickly got out of my car, locked the door using the door lock (an old habit from when I drove my first car that didn't have a remote - you know, the one that I sold nearly 8 years ago!). I was glad I went back - I was able to get several things done. That is, until I went to leave . . . and my keys were not in my pocket. I didn't freak out - I often carry my keys in my hand, and set them on the side of my computer (not all of my dress pants/dresses have pockets). But, I glanced in my window, and saw the worst thing . . . my keys . . . sitting on my seat. Seriously! I was wearing a coat today that has silk-like fabric that lines the inside of my pockets, and they are at the right height that when I sit, things will slip out of them sometimes - I had to take off my coat at the Dentist office this morning because of this! My keys must have slipped out as I was getting out, and I didn't notice - had I been in the habit of using my remote to lock my car, I would have figured it out!
Of course, I immediately call Patrick. He left work right away, headed home to get my keys, and to hurry out to my office. Ryder was still at the babysitters, and needed to get moved to the concert "venue".
I went inside, hoping that the Security Guard would maybe be able to pick the lock - I know of some guards that have done that. The guard on duty was one of my favorites, and even has the tools to do it . . . but his wife had his truck today. He went outside to see if he could do it if he had his tools, but said that it is not a car that is easily broken in to . . . which, I guess is good news, right?!
It was at this point that I teared up. AT WORK. How embarrassing. Luckily for me I have an awesome awesome co-worker that didn't hesitate for even one second, and ran to grab her car keys. And, amazingly enough - she has a carseat that Ryder needs to use in her car already - for her granddaughter.
So, I was able to get to the babysitter's house, pick up Ryder, move him to the concert venue, and Patrick just met us there with my keys. Such drama.
Then . . . the concert . . .
All morning long, on the drive to the venue, sitting in the stands waiting for the concert to start - we talked with Ryder about getting on stage to "sing", dance, and ring the bells. Every time we asked if he was going to, we received a "yeah" response. An "okay" for when we told him he had to follow instructions, listen to his teacher, etc. All signs lead to him participating well. His teacher even reported to us that earlier this week, when the class practiced in front of the Elementary students, that Ryder did all of the hand actions "very well", and had no issues.
Well, all of the preparation was thrown out the window when it was time to go on stage. He was hesitant to leave us, so Patrick walked him down (they had the parents sit with the toddlers in the stands). He refused. REFUSED. to let Patrick leave him on stage. Patrick stayed with him - and, for the most part he was willing to stand there, but was not willing to participate. He wasn't the only toddler that had a hard time - there were at least 5 or 6 other parents on stage too. And, even some of the Elementary students refused to go on stage (or stay on stage) when it was there turn.
For the remainder of the (very long) concert, he sat with us very well. The last song all students were supposed to go on stage to sing together. Ryder had even less interest this time. In his defense, he had never practiced this song with so many children, or in front of this many people. Additionally, there were no hand motions to go along with the song, so he would have just stood there anyway. So, he stood in the isle, next to us, very attentively watching his peers.
In the end - all the drama with my keys, borrowing a co-worker's car, rushing to be there in time . . . and, Ryder couldn't have cared less.
Oh, and both the camera and the video camera that we were diligent to pack, were stuck in the back of my keys-locked-in car. So, my cell phone had to suffice.
Ryder, in his cute Christmas outfit (also above in the header picture), looking around at the rest of his class as they performed "Ring, Ring, Ring the Bells"
See the blonde boy, in the blue shirt, with a bow-tie?! Ryder's teacher has told us that he is the friend Ryder plays with most. He's super cute! He has the ability to be quite verbal, but chooses not to talk at school - so, they get along well! |
I have a feeling this is just the first of many concerts to come where we have a child less-than-excited to be there!