Saturday, December 31, 2011

Brothers . December 2011

Of course this month's "Brothers" picture is of the boys wearing their matching Christmas jammies!
Brothers . December 2011
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)
(November 2011)
(October 2011)
(September 2011)
(August 2011)
(July 2011)
(June 2011)
(May 2011)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 34 Weeks

34 weeks old
19 pounds, 10 ounces (Harvick)
19 pounds, 2 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 34 Weeks)

No updates on the crawling progress this week.  Harvick continues to be the primary crawler, and Jarrett seems content (most of the time) to play with the toys in his immediate reach.  Both boys continue to be good sleepers, and have had very few issues with waking up in the night.  Because we have to wake them up 5 days/week, it is hard to get them to sleep in later on the weekends, but really, they do very well.  Harvick and Jarrett also continue to be good eaters.  We did have to switch the order of milk and solid-food meal at dinner, but the switch worked out well, and they continue to eat without much issue.

Matching jammies on Christmas morning - the jammies are a little big, but we bought "winter" themed ones so that they can wear them for more than just December.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

After the boys napped on Christmas, everyone ended up playing on our bed as they woke up slowly.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

In front of the (no-longer-decorated) Christmas Tree one last time!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Sporting their stocking stuffers - matching jackets (Ryder already has the same one!) and new hats.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

The matching Christmas shirts!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Tired boys, after a bath, and ready for bed.
Our neighbor gave us these coordinating jammies for Ryder (her son never liked wearing the footie jammies), but Ryder had already outgrown that size.  Luckily we saved them anyway - now Harvick and Jarrett can coordinate!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Reading a book together before bed.  All three boys really do enjoy reading!!
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)
Helmet countdown: 15 days (you may notice(?) that the countdown has skipped 3 days . . . Harvick's appointment had to be rescheduled, and it is now even sooner!).

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cute Babies!

Just a few quick pictures of Harvick and Jarrett (taken on their matching blankets, made in their colors).

Could these boys be any cuter?!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas . 2011

In order to spend time with all of our families, holidays are always spread out over a few days - and Christmas was no exception.

We first attended my parent's church for their Christmas Eve Eve Service on Friday night.  The church they are attending has a lot of the people who attended the church I grew up in.  It was great to see lots of familiar faces that I haven't seen in a long time!

Left: From the time we arrived (a little late) to the service, our boys were held by family and friends - here they are with Ryder sitting in my mom's lap, Harvick with my dad, and Jarrett with the Zellmers.

Right: An attempt at a group shot, following the service
(left to right: my dad with Jarrett, my mom with Ryder, me with Harvick, and Patrick)

Amy and I grew up attending the same church.  Her daughter, Jane, is 2 months older than Ryder, and her son, Ben, is just a week (I think) older than Harvick and Jarrett.
(left to right: Amy with Ben, me with Jarrett and Harvick)
The morning of Christmas Eve we had Patrick's mom (Jody), Ann, and his Grandparents over for brunch and presents.

Before family arrived, Harvick crawled over to Ann's present, and ripped the side of the bag, and pulled out several pieces of tissue paper.  That kid is fast!

Sitting with my babies in their matching Christmas shirts - just pretend my eyes are open more!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Opening presents.
(Ann with Jarrett on the left, me with Harvick on the right)

Left: Jarrett enjoying the paper and tissue.
Right: Harvick getting a closer look at the ornaments, with help from Grandma Jody.

An attempt at a family picture . . . however, Ryder wasn't wanting to cooperate, and Harvick and Jarrett were completely distracted by the Christmas Tree.
(left to right: Jarrett, Ryder, and Harvick)
We spent the afternoon at home relaxing, then headed out to our church for our Christmas Eve Service.  Thankfully, our church does a candlelit piece at the end (the previous night the service was nice, but I missed the candlelit part - the church I grew up in always did it at the end).

Left to right:
Ryder sitting with my dad, and Harvick with my mom
Jarrett with Patrick
Ryder with me during the candlelit songs - he was fascinated with the candle, and blew it out too soon twice!

Before going to the Christmas Eve Service, we had put a lasagna in the oven, so we had a hot dinner waiting for us when we got home!  We changed the boys into their new (matching!) jammies, and opened presents together.  We kept it very simple for the boys this year, and looking back, we are happy we did! 

Opening presents.
Jarrett (left) and Harvick (right) modeling their new hats!
The boys' main gift was this floor puzzle - they have all been enamored with it since it was opened!
Ryder showing his brothers how to turn the toy on.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)
Christmas morning we had my parents and Rory over.  It was nice getting to spend some time with Rory, and I know that Ryder absolutely loved being rambunctious with Rory (which, is on video, and I only know how to upload pictures)!

Opening gifts from the Harris Grandparents - unfortunately, we weren't able to see them on Christmas this year.
Presents from my parents and Rory.
After my parents and Rory left, we were able to spend the afternoon and evening with just us.  Ryder played with his brothers on their new puzzle mat, and we ended Christmas with un-decorating our tree.

Playing together on the puzzle mat
(Harvick on the left in each picture, Jarrett on the right)

One last family Christmas picture in our Christmas jammies!
Christmas . 2011
Ryder participated well in removing the ornaments, and Harvick and Jarrett watched eagerly.

It was a great Christmas!  We love that we were able to spend time with family, and not have the focus be on the presents.  After talking with a co-worker, whose response when I told her we do not celebrate Santa Claus in our home, was "What is Christmas without Santa??" our decision to focus on the true meaning of Christmas was confirmed.

Thank you to our family and friends that made this a Christmas to remember!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 33 Weeks

33 weeks old
19 pounds, 10 ounces (Harvick)
19 pounds, 2 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 33 Weeks)

Harvick is an official crawler.  He isn't crawling using his hands and knees, but he is a pro army-crawler, using his arms and pulling the rest of his body.  He can easily go across an entire room; however, he is easily distracted by toys and Ryder, so he often veers off course!  Jarrett does some army-crawling, but he is content with pivoting around to reach toys.

We are loving the part-time helmet wear, and I'm already counting the days until we go back to get Harvick's head scanned again, and hopefully get the okay to stop use of it completely (26 days, in case you want to count along with me)!

When we get home in the evening, this scene is often played out in the Family Room - Ryder gets his new step-stool from the 1/2 bath, and pushes over his box of MegaBlocks, while I get Harvick and Jarrett out of their carseats.  Ryder will sit and build towers, while Harvick and Jarrett will play with the single blocks Ryder puts out for them on the floor.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Switching up who wears the shirts.
Left: Harvick wearing the "I love my MOO-MMY" onesie.
Right: Jarrett wearing the "mommy & me" onesie.

Getting more use from the music table.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Sharing their basket of toys.  Ryder is rather diligent to pick up their toys, and to put the basket on the shelf - sometimes even when they are in the middle of playing!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Ryder was trying to show his brothers how to use the blocks - when they kept tipping the container over, he gave up!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Teething rings!
There aren't any signs of teeth yet, but they love to chew on them anyway.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

I LOVE triple baths!  However, it is hard to take a picture of all 3, looking up at me (rather than at the water or the toys), and still keep everyone in focus!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Monday, December 19, 2011


First - today Harvick had a follow-up head scan . . . and . . . he has been cleared to wear the helmet just part-time!!!  We go back in another month, where we anticipate he will be given the "all-clear" for discontinuing it completely!

Now . . . to explain the title of this post.  When we stopped by Carters on the day after Thanksgiving (looking for Christmas jammies!), I saw this shirt, and I absolutely could not resist:

This shirt is the perfect shirt for Harvick.  First, it's orange (his color), and the helmet is shaped like his, and is the same color as his!

Of course, I can't buy Harvick a shirt without getting Jarrett one . . . not only does this one coordinate, but can you spot how it is the perfect shirt for him?!

It's not as obvious at first, but take a second glance at the writing . . . "little DJ" . . . Dale Jarrett!

Can you believe that these 7 month old boys are wearing 12-18 month onesies, and 9-12 month pants?!  Clearly, these shirts will have to go into their boxes, when they outgrow them!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 32 Weeks

32 weeks old
19 pounds, 8 ounces (Harvick)
19 pounds, 2 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 32 Weeks)

Harvick and Jarrett continue to be active little boys!  They are all over the place when they are on the floor.  Still no "real" knees/hands crawling, but they sure are getting close!  Harvick can intentionally crawl backward, especially to reach a toy/brother/mom/dad.  Jarrett is less motivated by those things, and seems to find something within reach to entertain him.

Both Harvick and Jarrett have taken to eating solids like pros!  Harvick is always eager, but Jarrett has his more picky days with the purees.  Jarrett is the better eater of actual solids (snacks, bread pieces, or cooked egg yolks), but Harvick enjoys them also.  Both boys are able to easily pick up food pieces to feed to themself, but Harvick gives up more easily, and insists for you to feed him - Jarrett will work at it until he has eaten all of his pieces on his own!

We started making the switch this week to 12-18 month onesies.  Really, that's crazy!  Both boys measure just above average weight on the charts, but their length makes it so that they need to move on to the next size.  We use the onesie extenders, but they don't work on all onesies, and the next size really does fit.  They are still fitting into most of the 9-12 month jammies, with only a few exceptions, and are in 9-12 month pants pretty consistently.

Due to Ryder's LOVE of balls, there are plenty to go around.  Harvick and Jarrett seem to love them just as much as Ryder - and, Ryder is willing (most of the time!) to ensure each brother has one to play with.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Yes - I am that mom - I made the boys wear outfits that are clearly a bit too small just ONE MORE time.  These are actually size 12-18 month . . . and look at how short they are!  The sad thing is that I stretched the pant legs down for the picture, and it didn't really make it look any better!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Super babies!  When we can remember, we try to switch which onesie each boy wears!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Playing with the music table together.  They absolutely LOVE it!  We bought it for Ryder's first Christmas, and it has been worth every penny!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

I used to take frequent close-up shots of Ryder, but have found that I have taken very few of Harvick and Jarrett.  I finally had a chance this week!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Tired boys, after a bath, and ready for bed.
(Harvick laying down, Jarrett sitting up)

Say a prayer - Harvick's head scan is on Monday, and we're hoping he has made as much progress as they projected last month, and he will be able to have the helmet be moved to just part-time wear!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Ryder . "Winter Concert"

WARNING: LONG post ahead!

Ryder's school put on a "Winter Concert" this afternoon.  And . . . it was . . . interesting.  The things we do for our children!!

My day started out with a Dentist appointment (no worries, no cavities!), which meant I went in late for work.  I also had a lunch meeting, off-site.  At the end of the meeting, I could have taken off a little early - my boss even suggested I do so - but, there wasn't really anything else I could do in the short amount of time, it was too early to get Ryder, and I didn't really want to use additional leave anyway.  When I got back to the office, I quickly got out of my car, locked the door using the door lock (an old habit from when I drove my first car that didn't have a remote - you know, the one that I sold nearly 8 years ago!).  I was glad I went back - I was able to get several things done.  That is, until I went to leave . . . and my keys were not in my pocket.  I didn't freak out - I often carry my keys in my hand, and set them on the side of my computer (not all of my dress pants/dresses have pockets).  But, I glanced in my window, and saw the worst thing . . . my keys . . . sitting on my seat.   Seriously!  I was wearing a coat today that has silk-like fabric that lines the inside of my pockets, and they are at the right height that when I sit, things will slip out of them sometimes - I had to take off my coat at the Dentist office this morning because of this!  My keys must have slipped out as I was getting out, and I didn't notice - had I been in the habit of using my remote to lock my car, I would have figured it out!

Of course, I immediately call Patrick.  He left work right away, headed home to get my keys, and to hurry out to my office.  Ryder was still at the babysitters, and needed to get moved to the concert "venue".

I went inside, hoping that the Security Guard would maybe be able to pick the lock - I know of some guards that have done that.  The guard on duty was one of my favorites, and even has the tools to do it . . . but his wife had his truck today.  He went outside to see if he could do it if he had his tools, but said that it is not a car that is easily broken in to . . . which, I guess is good news, right?!

It was at this point that I teared up.  AT WORK.  How embarrassing.  Luckily for me I have an awesome awesome co-worker that didn't hesitate for even one second, and ran to grab her car keys.  And, amazingly enough - she has a carseat that Ryder needs to use in her car already - for her granddaughter.

So, I was able to get to the babysitter's house, pick up Ryder, move him to the concert venue, and Patrick just met us there with my keys.  Such drama.

Then . . . the concert . . .

All morning long, on the drive to the venue, sitting in the stands waiting for the concert to start - we talked with Ryder about getting on stage to "sing", dance, and ring the bells.  Every time we asked if he was going to, we received a "yeah" response.  An "okay" for when we told him he had to follow instructions, listen to his teacher, etc.  All signs lead to him participating well.  His teacher even reported to us that earlier this week, when the class practiced in front of the Elementary students, that Ryder did all of the hand actions "very well", and had no issues.

Well, all of the preparation was thrown out the window when it was time to go on stage.  He was hesitant to leave us, so Patrick walked him down (they had the parents sit with the toddlers in the stands).  He refused.  REFUSED. to let Patrick leave him on stage.  Patrick stayed with him - and, for the most part he was willing to stand there, but was not willing to participate.  He wasn't the only toddler that had a hard time - there were at least 5 or 6 other parents on stage too.  And, even some of the Elementary students refused to go on stage (or stay on stage) when it was there turn.

For the remainder of the (very long) concert, he sat with us very well.  The last song all students were supposed to go on stage to sing together.  Ryder had even less interest this time.  In his defense, he had never practiced this song with so many children, or in front of this many people.  Additionally, there were no hand motions to go along with the song, so he would have just stood there anyway.  So, he stood in the isle, next to us, very attentively watching his peers.

In the end - all the drama with my keys, borrowing a co-worker's car, rushing to be there in time . . . and, Ryder couldn't have cared less.

Oh, and both the camera and the video camera that we were diligent to pack, were stuck in the back of my keys-locked-in car.  So, my cell phone had to suffice.

Ryder, in his cute Christmas outfit (also above in the header picture), looking around at the rest of his class as they performed "Ring, Ring, Ring the Bells"

See the blonde boy, in the blue shirt, with a bow-tie?!  Ryder's teacher has told us that he is the friend Ryder plays with most.  He's super cute!  He has the ability to be quite verbal, but chooses not to talk at school - so, they get along well!
I have a feeling this is just the first of many concerts to come where we have a child less-than-excited to be there!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 6 Month Pictures

The new header family picture was taken when Heather Mickey came over to take Harvick and Jarrett's 6 month pictures.  Typically, she has blogged a handful of images within a few days, but it hasn't happened yet this year - so, I thought I would post a few of our favorites before it is too far past!



(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)
 We also wanted to be sure to capture a handful of Harvick with his helmet.  Despite it being temporary, it is a part of his life at age 6 months. 

(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Typical boys . . . always reaching out to touch/grab each other.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)
 And, I love a good comparison shot - so this is each of them, in similar positions . . .

(Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett - all age 6 months)
If you're ever looking for a great photographer, consider Heather Mickey!  We have loved every session she has done with us (and, this one marked the 9th one in just 2.5 years! - several of them are linked through this blog, just click on the "Hether Mickey" label in the right column to see more).  And, be sure to let her know we referred you!