Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ryder . 34 Weeks

34 weeks; 20 pounds, 13 ounces.
Ryder's movement is still primarily backwards, or side-to-side; however, he is so close to crawling "for real".  He pulls himself up into the correct position, gets all excited, then either lays down, or goes backwards. 
Bath time.  I seem to be picking out similar shots each week - maybe because he smiles so much in the tub!

Watching the cats.  It's hard to capture his excitement about the cats in a picture.  When Ryder sees one of the cats, he gets so excited - even if he just sees them walking by, or sitting on the ground.

Talking to me, as I encourage him to crawl toward me.

Mr. Adorable - I think that sums it up.

Ryder went to our new neighbor's 1st birthday party (lucky for us, the neighbor boy (Ryan) and Ryder are only 4 months apart - we are hoping they will be good friends) - his favorite part, by far, was the balloon we got to take home!

A side profile of the crawling position.

We had a fun weekend - Sunday, especially was busy.  We went to lunch with two couples, each with a baby.  It was our first real experience eating out with other families with young children.  It went well.  We also went to the birthday party I mentioned above - Ryder loved trying out some cake!.

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