Sunday, September 30, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 40

This week, for the first time, I reached the point where I told Ryder to STOP TALKING.  Without trying to sound too dramatic, I wondered if this day would come.  I've always believed Ryder would be able to speak, but it has been, and continues to be a long, hard road.

Ryder is expressing himself more and more verbally.  He still struggles with saying the correct sounds within words, and struggles with many words completely.

But, his increased verbal expression is really a great improvement.

His Speech Therapy this week went well.  He gets fixated on the trains, and sometimes struggles with cooperating with his SLP.  As I've said many times previously, we are so incredibly thankful for his SLP - she doesn't give up, or get frustrated, she just moves with Ryder at his pace (which, is a very fast pace!).  Ryder's worst session with his SLP is better than any session he had at PCMC - our 4 month "review" of Ryder's situation is an easy one.  We will continue with his SLP, and not pursue therapy through PCMC.

I forget what this activity is called, but Ryder is working on saying the words on each "flashcard", then upon saying it correctly puts it in the correct place (they have velcro).  The sounds in the second words builds upon the first word...bee, beat; A, ape; etc.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Patrick's Birthday . 2012

Patrick isn't a huge fan of celebrating his birthday.  Honestly, he allows any celebrations because he knows I enjoy celebrating.  On his actual birthday, we met up for lunch at his favorite Mexican restaurant.  Dinner was simple - Papa Murphy's pizza.

We agreed to not really exchange much for birthdays this year - but, I hated to not do anything.  I asked Ryder about 2 weeks before Patrick's birthday what he wanted to get him.  Without hesitating, he had an answer - he wanted to give Patrick a "hooc-hee" (cookie).  You see, one of Ryder's favorite books is "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" - in the birthday version of this book, the mouse can have whatever he wants for breakfast - after going through several choices, he decides he wants a cookie!  Ryder thought it was the perfect gift!  I checked with him again a few days before Patrick's birthday, and Ryder's answer was consistent - a cookie.

TOP: Patrick with (left to right) Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett (while eating their cookies!).
BOTTOM: Some awesome open-mouth kisses from Harvick and Jarrett.

We enjoyed a fun evening at home with the boys, just playing together.

When Ryder was old enough to sit up (6 months?), Patrick showed him that his legs could be a "slide"...and Ryder has never forgotten - he loves when Patrick will let him "slide"!

After sliding down Patrick's legs over and over (and over), Ryder offered his legs as a slide...not sure that it is as fun for Patrick, as it is for Ryder!

Silly babies in their jammies!
TOP: Harvick does the splits (purposefully!) every time he is in footie jammies, or socks.  We all think it is so cute - Harvick typically will clap for himself at his achievement.
BOTTOM: Jarrett throws random temper tantrums - without reason.  Luckily, he is able to get over them quickly!

Patrick's birthday was simple, but a fun day!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Random Evenings

Today a friend commented that I haven't been updating the blog as much as I had been recently.  This person hasn't updated their blog since NOVEMBER...but...

So, tonight, rather than just skipping a night because I have too many pictures of the things I want to blog, you get a snapshot into our typical evenings.  Our routine in the evening varies slightly, depending on the night, but typically the boys have some time to play with any (or every!) toy they want after dinner.  I love when Patrick and I have the time to just be with them, letting them lead our interactions.  When I can, I try to take a snapshot or two, to try to remember these nights.  I do love having pictures of our weekend outings, or holidays, but the pictures of our everyday are often my favorite.

Sitting on the couch, all at separate times.  Ever since Harvick & Jarrett figured out how to climb on the couch on their own (for probably 4-5 months now), you can find them randomly sitting there, often without any toy, or the TV on, just enjoying their accomplishment.
(Jarrett, Harvick, and Ryder)

Sometimes the boys will all interact together in a joint game/activities, and other nights they prefer to all play on their own, with only occasional interaction.  It's fun to see them work together, but also great to watch as they develop individual personalities!
(Harvick, Jarrett, and Ryder)

It's the simple things that bring us the most joy, right?  Evenings like the ones pictured above is just that for me.  Nothing fancy, no special effort/time/etc.  Just us.  Being a family.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Harvest Moon Festival . 2012

Ogden's Harvest Moon Festival was Saturday.  I had seen it advertised, and thought it might be fun for the boys - combined with Union Station having a Steam Locomotive on display for the weekend!  Patrick's mom suggested joining us, followed by dinner, to celebrate Patrick's birthday.

We decided to start at the east end of 25th Street, as ending at the trains would be the best for Ryder!  We walked around the vendors, but didn't really find anything too exciting.  As we approached Union Station there were several art/activities for children.  Ryder wasn't too interested, but did participate in the Nature Center painting (using various "fall items" - leaves, pumpkins, corn on the cob, branches, etc) as paintbrushes, and the bean bag toss.  At the end of the street there was a "Tumble Bus" - an old school bus retro-fitted to be a traveling gym for kids.  Ryder LOVED it!  Exiting the bus on the slide was extra fun.

After walking the length of the street, we headed to Union Station to see the trains.

Looking at the trains on display.
(Right: Harvick was sad about something...and I think his sad face is the cutest!)

Ryder loves climbing in/on the trains.

Family picture in front of Steam Locomotive #844!

Harvest Moon Festival . Union Station . 2012
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Harvick, Jarrett, and Ryder (too excited about the trains to stand still for a picture!).

After exploring the trains, we headed inside for Patrick's Birthday Dinner, at Union Grill!  Patrick's grandma was able to join us as well.

(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

After dinner, we let the boys play at the fountain for a bit before heading back to our car to go home.  They loved the freedom to run around after having to sit still for dinner!

Playing at the fountain.  Ryder thought it was fun to dip his fingers in the cold water!

The Harvest Moon Festival was okay, but visiting Union Station was the highlight of the evening!  Dinner at Union Grill was great, and Ryder enjoyed being able to see the train through the window while he ate.  Thanks to Jody for a yummy dinner!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 39

Ryder did well again in therapy this week.  We practice as we drive to the library about how he will act.  I think he is better understanding he has control of his emotions.

Ryder was definitely more interested in playing with the trains, than he was in doing his speech work, but with some coercion he will a willing participant.

At the SLP's request, Patrick and I added to his "frequently used" vocabulary list.  This list is the words that Ryder says, or would like to say, regularly - but, that he is unable to correctly enunciate.  As we added, I decided to organize the words a bit more, removing previous words that he now can say without issue - it was quite insightful!  Ryder really is progressing.

I was able to get in contact with Ryder's SLP at Preschool - she says he is willing to cooperate, and make efforts to produce the sounds requested.  His current goal will be to work on the "b" sound.

TOP: The SLP puts her hand up to stop the trains from continuing across the bridge.  Without her insistence, Ryder would be content with not speaking, and just playing with trains!

BOTTOM: Ryder intently listens (and practices) as the SLP shows him the new worksheet she has for him to use this week.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Peach Days . 2012

Since 2008, Patrick and I have been going to Brigham City for their annual Peach Days.  Even though last year was a bit hard with a 2 year old, and infant twins, we enjoyed ourselves, and were looking forward to go back again.

Friday morning Patrick and I facilitated my parent's Yard Sale.  We decided to take the boys out to Brigham after picking them up from the babysitters.  I texted a friend (former co-worker) who lives in Brigham, and she met us for dinner.  

We walked around the vendors, where we ran into some of my previous co-workers manning one of the Coke booths.  I knew Vicki took a picture of Ryder and I, but was surprised when it was emailed to all of that area's employees!  Luckily, it got forwarded to me too.

Ryder and me at Peach Days!

The carnival rides were pricey (again), so we first looked around to see if Ryder would be interested.  Upon seeing the train, and a car ride, he quickly decided which rides he was interested in riding.  We had the discussion with Ryder, over and over, that he would only get to do two carnival rides.  He understood, and was excited to ride!

Ryder, on the car and train carnival rides.

Harvick (left) and Jarrett (right) waited patiently in the stroller while Ryder was on the year I'm sure they  will want to be on the rides too!

We walked around additional vendors, but when Ryder didn't want to walk anymore, he convinced "Reece" (Charisse) to carry him.  I think he weighs nearly as much as she does.  Patrick and I both told him no, but Charisse willingly gave in to his request.

Charisse carrying Ryder around the vendors!

Before we could leave, I asked Charisse to take a picture of us in front of the peach (and other fruits/veggies) display.  I wish I would have gotten one with her in it too!

Peach Days . 2012
(in the stroller: Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Ryder has discovered the joys of taking pictures, and almost always wants to take one after he has  been in a picture himself.  We're working on him aiming the camera at the subject - Patrick was caught as he was bending down a bit because it looked as though Ryder was aiming low.

As we were walking back to our car, we walked along the street with free children's games - the games were similar to those at Tomato Days from 2 weeks prior, but had very long lines - not worth it!  That is, until Ryder saw the train ride.  It was free, and the line was minimal - so he was able to ride!

Ryder, enjoying the free train ride.  He had hoped to sit in the "green caboose", but when it was taken by the boys in front of him in line, he happily chose the purple car.

We had a fun evening!  Thanks to Charisse giving up her Friday evening, it was even more fun!  Whenever you transfer offices the hardest part of moving/changing positions is leaving the friendships you've made.  Leaving Brigham was hard for me - working in a small office, with the same team daily for 2 years led to several great relationships.  Charisse was on the hiring panel that promoted me to the position that took me to Brigham.  We became friends quickly, and I cherish the friendship we have maintained.  And, to top it off, Charisse loves my boys.  She regularly comes to visit, and even came to the hospital when Harvick & Jarrett were born!  

A blurry shot (I didn't have my flash with me) of Charisse walking with Harvick back to our car, while Patrick is ahead, pushing the stroller.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 16 Months

16 months old
25 pounds, 5 ounces (Harvick)
26 pounds, 7 ounces (Jarrett)
(Compare to Ryder at 16 Months)

Wow!  The past few weeks have been, this blog post has just been set aside.  I do enjoy blogging, but I've also made an effort to not stress about getting specific "topics" posted!

In the time between turning 15 months and 16 months, both boys primary method of moving is walking...well, running, really.  A favorite game seems to be to circle around the kitchen island - chasing each other.  Truthfully, anything that they can run a circle around works well!

Teeth counts are finally increasing - both boys are at 9 - Harvick has 6 on top, 3 on bottom); Jarrett has 5 on top, 4 on bottom).  They have several more that are just about to pop through, but our boys seem to take their time getting teeth.

Neither boy is talking, relating words to objects (they babble).  Of course, this is concerning, in that they seem to have similar patters to their older brother.  And, although we would find a way to work with it, having either (or both) of them have to deal with Apraxia of Speech terrifies me.  This being said, odds are stacked against them talking early - boys are typically later talkers than girls, and multiples are later than, they are at the bottom of the totem pole.  Only time will be able to tell us.

Harvick and Jarrett continue to be the closest of friends, and the greatest of enemies, within seconds of the other emotion.  They are rough with each other, but they have no issues at church with other kids.  Harvick enjoys more independent play, with Jarrett prefers to play with Ryder (especially with trains).  It is so much fun watching them play together!


My Aunt Colleen has saved yogurt cups, and has them with the toys for her granddaughter to play with when she is visiting.  While we were there, Harvick and Jarrett LOVED we decided to save our cups too!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Cute boys!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)


Really?!  An OREO as a sample at Costco?!  Why is that a sample?  Hasn't everyone had an Oreo??
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

First thing in the morning (can you tell which is a weekend vs work day?!), the boys all drink milk.  Ryder thinks it is fun to sit with his brothers and me!

Playing together!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

They both think it is hilarious to sit in the toy/pretend food box.  I don't think it's as funny...but I do think they are super cute!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it!  Jarrett (right) was exhausted - it was right before bed - and Harvick (left) was concerned because he was feeling squished.  So funny!

Reading together.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Tackling and wresting.  It happens all the time.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Watching TV together.  Ryder and Jarrett are completely interested in the program, while Harvick would rather not watch TV at all.  Silly boys.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Aquatic Center . 2012

When we first started going to the local Aquatic Center, I blogged it here, here, here, and here...but, I can only imagine that those posts get boring to most people when done weekly.  So, the pictures have been piling up in a folder, just waiting for the season to be over.  Be prepared for what is quite possibly too many pictures for one post...

The Aquatic Center requires a "Safety Break" every 2 hours - a chance to use the bathroom (and NOT THE POOL!), get more sunscreen applied, and get a snack.  The boys always enjoy the snack part!

Jarrett, still a bit unsure of himself with walking, enjoyed crawling around the shallow end - and, it was even more him when Harvick and Ryder would join him!
We skipped a week when we went to Colorado...but were still able to make it to an Aquatic Center there on Monday!

Ryder (top) and Kaebrie (bottom) enjoying the "frog slide".  Once Ryder got over his fear of going down the slide, it was hard to pry him away!

Ryder quickly realized the water wasn't too deep at the bottom of the slide,  and thought it was the  most fun when he slid down on his stomach, face first!

Harvick (left and right) and Jarrett (center) in the pool!

Exploring the pool.  With Jarrett (in blue) more sure of his balance, he would switch between walking around, and laying down in the shallow water.

The "Safety Break".  Ryder loves walking around in his hooded towel (with his sunglasses still on!).
(Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett)

A new found way of sliding - on the stomach, feet first!

Ryder, sliding down the "typical" way.

When big brother does something, you must try it also!

Ryder, the view from the start of the slide!

Reference a picture just a few above...when big brother (and now twin brother) tries something, you must also try!

While Harvick enjoyed going down the slide, Jarrett LOVED it - he would go again and again.  And AGAIN!

Ryder, on the slide.

"Safety Break"
(Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett)

Harvick (in orange) and Jarrett (in blue) enjoying the water!

Harvick, loving the water!

Jarrett, face first down the slide!

08.27.2012 - I called the week prior to ensure the hours wouldn't be changing (we had tried to go on a Friday, and were surprised by the pool closing a 1/2 hour early).  I was told Sundays and Mondays (the days they don't offer parties) did NOT change...I guess they forgot to tell me that the change wasn't in how late they would be open, but that they would NOT be open.  That night we met Jennika and her family...and after packing up a combined 6 kids, we didn't want to waste the evening - so we headed to a different Aquatic Center that was still open.
The Aquatic Center has these fun bouncer/jumper things - just enough for the babies!
(from left to right, top to bottom: Harvick, London, Jarrett, and Leighton)

Ryder and Kaebrie, lounging at the pool's edge.
(Jennika captured this picture with her phone!)

Running through the splash pad area of the pool.

09.03.2012 - Labor Day - The LAST DAY of the season.  We participated in Tomato Days in the morning, headed home to let the boys nap, then out to the Aquatic Center once they woke up.  Doing this allowed us to be there for quite a bit longer than our typical Mondays!
Eating dinner at the pool.
Jarrett (left) and Harvick (right(center?)) are wearing their new wrap-around sunglasses.  After having their regular sunglasses slip in the pool, especially when going down the slide, I found these...hopefully they still fit next year!

Harvick (top) and Jarrett (bottom) jumping in on the count of "3"!  The both love jumping in the water.

Me, with my 3 favorite swimmers!

Ryder, with Jarrett immediately behind him, going down the slide!



"Safety Break"...enjoying a shared churro!
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

My cute boy, happy to be at the pool!

Left: Me, with Ryder
Right: An attempt of a self-portrait of everyone at the pool.

Tired swimmers, ready for bed.
Every week that we went swimming, we bring the boys' jammies to the pool - I would shower each of them, and Patrick would get them dressed in their jammies.  It made getting home, and getting the boys to bed much easier!  The babies only got milk this week because we had forgotten their bottles in the cooler when we ate dinner.

Wow!  What a fun summer!  I absolutely loved taking the boys to the pool each week.  It is a ridiculous amount of work, but completely worth it.  It was so much fun watching the boys gain confidence with being in the water each week.  Ryder went from timid, not wanting to let Patrick or I out of reaching distance, to going down the "Frog Slide" over and over and over - often face first.  Harvick never loved the bigger (deeper) pool, but became more adventerous each week with exploring the "splash pad" area.  Jarrett defintely is our fish.  He LOVES the water, and isn't afraid to get wet - whether it's going face first down the slide, or crawling/walking through the sprinklers, he is up for it!

The only picture(s) we didn't manage to capture that I wish we would have is me taking each of the boys down the "curly slide" - the one that is 3 stories tall.  Ryder agreed to "just ONE TIME, MOM!", and after taking him down, I couldn't not take the babies!  But...asking Patrick to take pictures with a camera, while standing in the middle of the pool, with 2 toddlers, was a bit too much!

I loved this summer tradition - I'm hoping to keep it up every year..

And, a thanks to Jody & Ann for the punch passes we were given at Christmas!