Monday, July 2, 2012

Aquatic Center . 07.02.2012

After skipping last Monday, we headed back to the Aquatic Center this evening.  This week, the Reed Family wasn't able to come with us, but our neighbor, Tara, and her kids met us there!

After Ryder's fall last visit, he has been quite hesitant when we talk about going back.  So, we pulled out the floater vest he purchased for him 2 summers ago - he only used it occasionally then.  He didn't want to put it on at first, but after explaining to him it would help if he fell again, he agreed...and once it was on, he loved it - in his words, he was a "robot"!

Taking a break, and filling up on juice and snacks!

We spent more time in the smaller of the pools this time, and as expected (based on baths!), our Jarrett is the fish of the family.  He LOVED the water.  Could not get enough crawling around, splashing...licking...he had so much fun!

Ryder...still dressed as a "robot" this point, he thought he was quite fashionable,  regardless of our repeated offer to let him take off the floater!

Harvick enjoyed the water, but tired of it much more quickly than Jarrett.  The third picture is his "I'm tired and cold" face.

Jarrett - our fish!

We're looking forward to our next visit...hope to see you there Reed Family!

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