Monday, June 18, 2012

Aquatic Center . 06.18.2012

For the second week in a row, we went to the Aquatic Center this evening!  Our friends, the Reed Family, were able to make it again as well!

Jennika was nice enough to pick up two swim seats for the boys, like the ones she has for her girls - since she lives closer that way than I do, she really saved me some time!

As expected, the boys loved it - especially Jarrett!  Seeing the 4 babies in the water, floating around in their seats, I wonder how many people around us thought that the babies might be quadruplets!  

Four babies, in their swim seats!
(Harvick, Jarrett, Leighton, and London)

Ryder did much better this week than last, until he slipped and fell face first in the pool.  He was in just deep enough water that he couldn't stand up on his own easily.  Patrick witnessed the fall, and he and Jennika were pulling him up within seconds.  He was completely fine, but lost all willingness to play in the water.  He would sit with Patrick or me, but didn't want to run around with Kaebrie, chasing a water toy, anymore.  Oh well, it was still better than last week!

By the time I had the camera, Ryder was wanting to get out.  Good thing Kaebrie would smile for me!

The pool requires "breaks" every hour(or two?) where everyone has to get out - the boys took advantage of the time, and had a drink and snack!

(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Thanks again Reed Family.  Two weeks in a row...we may skip next week...but, are you up for it again in 2 weeks?!

Seeing these pictures makes me realize just how much I either need to replace my flash (it burned out!), or actually learn how to use the settings on the camera...with it so bright out, I couldn't see the display well anyway, and didn't realize how bad some of the lighting was!

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