Monday, October 26, 2009

Ryder . 14 Weeks

14 weeks old, and over the 16 pound mark . . . 16 pounds, 3 ounces.

He is now able to fit into size 3 diapers.  Luckily, he can still fit in size 2 for a little while longer since we still have several left, but SIZE THREE.  That's the size of diapers that most one year olds fit in (the pound range is 16-28).


More smiling!

No matter how hard we try, Ryder enjoys sucking on his hands.  He has even mastered the skill of pulling on the pacifier ribbon so that the pacifier comes out of his mouth, making his mouth available for his hand.

Ryder is spending more time in his “Bumbo” – it helps him to sit up on his own!

Lastly, a picture of Ryder and myself in front of our NEW home (see more below).  It isn’t super flattering, and you really can’t see Ryder – the wind gusted when Patrick took the picture so my eyes are closed, and Ryder turned his face toward me – but, you can see the house!

Last week I said that we had listed our house for sale the middle of the previous week . . . well, it officially went "on the market" on 10/17, and Patrick and I signed the acceptance paperwork for an offer made on 10/22!  Just FIVE days later!!!  Patrick and I spent several hours on Saturday looking at houses, and have one that we REALLY like, and 2 others that we think would be okay.  We have been negotiating back and forth this morning on the house we really like, and have made a preliminary offer that has been accepted (the Realtor for the developer is out of town).  We meet with our Realtor, as well as the developer's Realtor on Thursday evening to make it official! Patrick and I have never been big on taking a long time to do something once we made the decision.  And, this is no exception!  I went from being worried that our house would take a long time to sell, and worrying about the timing of buying a new house, to having sold ours, and making an offer on another in less than two weeks.  And, because I am REALLY excited about the possibility of getting this house . . . some fun information:
- It will be finished by 11/30 (perfect timing, since we become homeless at 12:01am on 12/14).
- It is 3,727 square feet.  Only the main floor (it is a rambler) will be finished - 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms.  The basement will be completely unfinished - when we finish it (and, really, it will be several years from now), the designers planned it to be 1 bed, 1 bath, cold storage, and a HUGE HUGE family room.  But, really, we could have 3 beds, 1 bath, cold storage, and still have a large family room.
So . . . those of you who I send this to that are in Utah, mark your calendars for the first two weekends of December (5th, 6th, 12, and 13th) as possible dates to help us move!  And, note that it was to HELP US MOVE - not to just come over and hold Ryder.  Really, we have a lot of stuff, and could use the help!

Finally, this is my last "part-time" week.  I return to work full-time next week.  Ryder seems to like his CC provider, and we know for sure that she enjoys him.  As much as I have enjoyed being home with him, I'm okay going back to full-time.  And, luckily for me, I still get to have Fridays off with him every week . . . so long as Governor Herbert doesn't decide to switch state employees back to 5-day work weeks.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ryder . 13 Weeks

13 weeks old, and officially 3 months old.  He has almost reached 16 pounds . . . 15 pounds, 13 ounces.

No new "developments" this week.  He is more and more vocal every day!

Ryder telling me stories about his day . . .

Walking at the park, no matter how hard I try, Ryder just loves his first.  He will even pull the pacifier out, so that his fingers have room.

Ryder LOVES these rattles that Patrick bought for him.  He will hold on to them for a long time - they help calm him down when he is upset (he has something to grab), and provide lots of laughs when he shakes them around.

Lastly, a picture of Ryder upset.  He had just been smiling, and talking to me, but when I pulled out the camera he wasn't thrilled.  Notice the lower lip . . . classic!

Some things, unrelated to Ryder:

I applied for two Supervisor positions last week.  I should (hopefully) hear back today or tomorrow if I have been selected for an interview, with interviews being conducted soon.  So, wish me luck!

As most of you know, we listed our house up for sale the middle of last week.  Now, begins the juggling act of the timing of selling our house, and buying a new one.  The realtor had a photographer come by this morning and take pictures so that they can be posted with the house listing.  If you know of anyone wanting to buy a home in Roy, send them our way!!!  If you are interested - the MLS for our home is 919738.  The picture posted right now is just a temporary one - there will be a much better one of the front, plus lots of the inside and backyard added later this week!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ryder . 12 Weeks

12 weeks old.  He will be 3 MONTHS on Saturday.  The time has gone by quickly.  He is weighing in at 15 pounds, 6 ounces.

Ryder has now discovered that he can rub his eyes with his fist, along with using his fist as a pacifier.

Sometimes Ryder will be super smiley and laughing, but when I pull out the camera, it all comes to a hault.  Here he is looking at me, confused why I have the camera in his face.

Another look of bewilderment . . . just moments before he was smiling and laughing while in his swing.

This one isn't of Ryder - but, it is a picture of the pretty flowers he and Patrick sent me on my first day back to work.

Ryder likes to make a fist so often, that Patrick has decided to teach him how to fist bump . . . or, as we call it at our house the "terrorist fist bump" - like FOX called the fist bump between President and Michelle Obama the night of a victory speech.

Lastly, a picture of Ryder just out of the shower.  He loves taking a shower, and is always so happy during and after it (notice his fist . . . he is just practicing!).

My first week back to work went well.  Ryder has enjoyed going to Robina's house - he has two new friends there, Lily and Jackson.  You should ask him about them, I'm sure he would love to tell you some stories!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Ryder . 11 Weeks

11 weeks old, and now weiging in at 15 pounds, 3 ounces.

Ryder continues to become more efficient at using his hand as a pacifier.  We try to replace it with the actual pacifier, but he is just so proud of himself that he can use his own hand.

Ryder showing off his skills of using his hand as a pacifier.

The cold weather isn't going to stop us from walking.  Ryder just gets all bundled up . . . long sleeves, pants, socks, a blanket, all wrapped up in a car seat blanket (kind of like a sleeping bag), and topped off with a hat!

This past week, we purchased a carrier/sling, and Saturday morning Patrick and Ryder played Rock Band together!  Ryder enjoys this method better than being held facing away from the TV.

Ryder wearing a new shirt (a recycling one . . . so, naturally, one of Patick's favorites), with a goofy expression!

Lastly, a picture of Ryder at 3 weeks old.  I was going through the pictures, and this one makes me laugh.  Ryder fell asleep on Patrick's lap, and naturally put himself in this position - luckily, the camera was close!

I return to work tomorrow.  We took Ryder to meet his child care provider (Robina) last week.  He, of course, liked her - I don't think he has met anyone he doesn't like yet.