Saturday, June 30, 2012

Brothers . June 2012

The June Brothers picture was taken on Father's Day (just like last year!).  No one was in the mood for pictures, but I really wanted one in their Father's Day shirts, and without a flash, my time with sunlight through the window was limited.  I promised the boys that if they would smile, I would not take "a ton"...and, after only 4 shots, I got this one.  Fastest Brothers picture ever!

Brothers . June 2012
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)
One Year Ago: June 2011

All Brothers Posts

Friday, June 29, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 26 . "b" + Vowel Sequencing

Just private Speech Therapy this week.

Ryder did an awesome job.  His attention span was brief, as usual, but he was willing to participate.  The SLP was also willing to continuously change what she was doing, based on his interests.

This week, we will be focusing on "b" + vowel sequencing.  Meaning, a "b" + vowel word in repetition with itself, and also with another "b" + vowel word.

bee bee bee bee
boo boo boo boo
bee bee boo boo
boo boo bee bee
bee boo bee boo

The repetition of a CV (consonant + vowel) word is important, and increases his ability to learn more complex sounds and words.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Eye Update

Patrick has Congenital Cataracts.  His were diagnosed as a child.  He had surgery the surgery to remove the cataracts when he was 10.  Yet, he still wears (very) strong prescription glasses in order to see clearly.  He always will.

The technical definition (from here): A Congenital Cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye that is present at birth.  The lens of the eye is normally clear.

This definition confused me because of the "present at birth"...turns out it is in reference to the gene.  Not the actual cataract being present.

All of our boys have been checked at birth, and receive regular (various intervals, increasing in length each time) Opthamologist examinations.  And, in case you're wondering - they get harder for the boys each time.  Today were the next set of follow-ups, for all three boys.  At Ryder's initial appointment, the Opthamologist (one of Patrick's childhood doctors) told us that we need to get to age 3.  At that point, the risk significantly decreases.  None of our boys will ever be "safe" from not getting cataracts, and will always require yearly evaluations, but the risk decreases as a child ages.

Harvick and Jarrett were cleared.  No signs of cataracts!

Ryder's diagnosis was not the same as it has been the many times before.  He has cataracts.  In both eyes.  He will require surgery (likely within 1-6 months) to have them removed.  He will be fully sedated each time. The eye will be bandaged for a period of time (depending on the severity).


It was hard to hear this morning.  Ryder is up against such a mountain with his verbal expression.  Now, he has to deal with this.

Truthfully, modern technology is amazing.  And, we are able to catch it at an early age.  And, in the near 2 decades since Patrick's surgery, technology has improved enough that they will do the lens replacement surgery at children Ryder's age (even as young as 1 now).

We have already been scheduled to meet with a PEDIATRIC Opthamologist who will further evaluate Ryder's specific scenario.  We will be able to ask specific questions.  How soon is his surgery needed?  How long between the surgeries?  Recovery time?  How may it affect his vision while he is recovering?  Will he be able to participate in Speech Therapy during recovery - a lot of the therapy relies on visual cues - really, much of it.

So, for now - what we can do is pray.  Pray that Ryder's doctors will be knowledgeable.  That they are able to treat the issue - regardless of the severity.

Truthfully, the diagnosis was much harder for me to hear.  Patrick has experienced this himself.  He knows what it is like.  He has undergone the surgery, and the recovery.  And, other than being slightly terrified of stitches (I mean, really - who can blame him - he had stitches in his EYES) - he is fine.  Not a traumatizing experience.  And, we have trust in Ryder's current Opthamologist who indicated today that the long-term prognosis is good.  Ryder does need the surgery, there is no question, but following surgery he is expected to have "good vision" in the future.  "Good" does mean that Ryder will require glasses - whether it's immediate, or in a few years.

Once we know more, I will post another update...until then, we do appreciate your prayers...

And, because I can...a re-post of my cute boy...

My (oldest) baby.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


For those of you not interested in the eating habits of our boys while they nursed...this post should simply be skipped.

Before Ryder was born, Patrick and I made the decision that I would nurse Ryder.  After much research, I felt it would be best for me to nurse 6 months.  When we started Ryder on "solids" my plan was to wean him.  Then, 6 months came...and I wasn't ready.  Ryder started eating solids, and I continued to nurse him - just at night, before bed.  It was a great bonding time for us.  At 9 months, it felt right - and Ryder was weaned.  We made the choice to transition to him going to bed without a "bedtime feeding".  Why transition to a bottle, then have to transition to nothing later?  And, after a few harder nights, it worked.

Fortunately, while nursing Ryder I had a ... we'll say...HEALTHY supply of milk.  When I worked I would pump.  After nursing, when time allowed, I would pump.  For several months, I would even walk up in the middle of the night (1:00ish) to pump - I couldn't go all night without issues.  After weaning Ryder from nursing, there was enough stored milk in the freezer that he only drank breastmilk for 3 additional months, then was slowly transitioned to whole milk over the next 3 months.

So - when we found out I was pregnant with twins, the feeding part was something I didn't worry about.  I knew I had a plentiful supply for Ryder.  It was one less thing to worry about.

After giving birth to two children, roughly the size of most "singleton" 3+ month olds, I worried.  Patrick assured me.  Supported me.  Encouraged me.  But, I worried.  And, a few days in, I was right to milk wasn't as plentiful as it had been before.  I didn't give up, and within a few more days, there was no issue.

Harvick and Jarrett nursed (in tandem) well.  I planned to follow the same "schedule" we had with Ryder.  But, when 9 months came, I wasn't ready.  So, I nursed them until they turned 1 year.  The night of their party they nursed one last time, and the next night they went to bed without the nighttime feeding.

This milk...well, was even more plentiful.  I have a spreadsheet calculating how long it will last (who's surprised?!) - Harvick and Jarrett will drink 100% breastmilk until they are at least 15 months old.  Then, over 3 additional months will transition to whole milk.

Why do I write this (has anyone even read this far??)?  It's because this blog is a journal for me.  It records the events of our life as they happen.  So that one day...I will be able to remember things as I scrapbook.

The decision to breastfeed was an easy choice for me.  But, by no means was it an easy process.  I struggled with supply at times (really, I did).  I wanted to quite at numerous occasions.  I endured much criticism and teasing from co-workers as I would shut my office door, or more recently with Harvick and Jarrett - walk to the bathroom "lounge".  It wasn't easy.  But, it was worth it.

And, in case you didn't believe me...a little picture evidence of what has become known as the "Hansen Dairy Case"...
Each bag you see has 15 - 4oz bags.  In the freezer body, the larger bags are 2 deep.  At the height of supply, two shelves of our second freezer had to be used - I took pictures shortly after this time, so only one additional shelf was being used.  At one point, our freezers held over 1,700 4oz bags.  That's over FIFTY gallons!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dinosaur Park . 06.23.2012

Saturday morning we took advantage of another free admission, and headed to Dinosaur Park.  Of course, being a free weekend, the park was packed.  Luckily, we had planned accordingly, and got there just as they opened!

Ryder wore his dinosaur shirt, and was excited to see all the dinosaurs...and they lived up to the hype!  He kept running around, exclaiming "whoa" and pointing to all the dinosaurs.  It helped that he was "in charge" of looking for the next dinosaurs - he loved picking which path to take.

After walking around for a bit, we headed to the playground area.  Harvick and Jarrett were tentative of the smallest slide at first, but after going down a handful of times, seemed to like it more.  Then...Harvick got the great idea to slide down, head first, on his stomach - NOT something we showed him.  Once down one time, there was no stopping him.  He and Jarrett went down over and over again!

(Harvick on the slide on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Taking turns sliding down the slide!

Ryder was a bit hesitant of the large dinosaur slide, but after watching a few other children go down, he was completely game for it.  He loved it!

Before leaving, we briefly walked through the first floor, but after not capturing Ryder's interest, we headed out.

We're so grateful for the free admission to local places this summer.  Dinosaur Park was definitely fun, but at $19 per visit (next year, it will be $29!), it would be hard to justify for only a few hours of fun.

Another fun weekend.  Together!

Friday, June 22, 2012

My Boys!

It's pointless to deny that I take a lot (too many?) pictures.  It's true.  I do take a lot.

But, I'm happy that I do.  The next pictures are just random pictures taken the other night.  No special occasion.  No special outfits.  Just playing, together.  And, I think more than the posed pictures I take, I like these.  Real life.  My boys.

(Ryder: nearly 3 years old)

(Harvick: 13 months old)

(Jarrett: 13 months old)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 25

This week Ryder had Early Intervention and Private Speech Therapy.

Ryder threw an immediate fit at the beginning of the Early Intervention Therapy. After only a few minutes, he calmed down, and was willing to participate without issue.  They were able to complete the remainder of the therapy with Ryder's full participation.

The plan with the SLP was to meet at the front of the library, and let her take Ryder back to do therapy.  I would follow in a few minutes, sitting within earshot, but out of eyesight.  Ryder; however, had different plans - he was insistent that I join them, telling me "mom, come wif (with) nee (me)".  So, I went with him.  Ryder sat on the floor with the SLP, while I sat in a chair within reaching distance - I watched and listened to everything, but did not interact.  Ryder in awesome!  His attention span is definitely that of a 2-year-old, and thankfully his SLP is willing to continuously change her method of engaging him.  Last week, Ryder decided the SLP's u-shape mat that holds flashcards looks like a train track.  And - this week - the SLP brought 3 train cars for the newly named mat.  Ryder was so excited!  Also - at the end of a successful therapy session, Ryder was given his pick of train stickers!

Ryder is making progress.  It's slow.  But, it's steady.  His words are becoming more intelligible to people other than Patrick and myself.  He is trying more frequently to parrot words with us.  He is starting to see his own success, and I think he is motivated by it.  Don't get me wrong - we are still a long way from discontinuing therapy.  A very long way.  But, progress is important, even when it is slow.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Union Station . 06.16.2012

Saturday we took advantage of free admission at the Union Station Museum!  We didn't really know what to expect from the museum, but figured the worst case scenario would be if Ryder didn't like it, we would just spend time outside with the real trains.

Turns out, Ryder LOVED it!  The "Museum" is really more of a large-scale gallery.  But, it was the perfect size for Ryder.  He enjoyed the various displays and models, but especially loved the model train course!

Ryder, exploring the Museum.

After spending time inside, we took the boys outside where we explored the trains.  As always, Ryder had so much fun walking around and climbing on the trains!

(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)
Of course, we attempted a few family photos...

And, I had to get one of just Patrick and Ryder in their matching shirts...Patrick has had his for years, and I recently found the same shirt for Ryder - same store, but probably 5(?) years apart!

Harvick and Jarrett took a break from being carried, and played in the rocks!

(Harvick on the top, Jarrett on the bottom)

Finally, when it was time to leave we were prepared for Ryder to want to stay...but, he was so good - told the trains bye, and was willing to leave...I asked him if he would take one more picture with me, and I'm so glad I did...

We had a fun (and free!) Saturday.  I never imaged walking around at Union Station could be so fun...but, through Ryder's eyes, it was the best time!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Tonight, as my parents and Rory left (of course, they wanted to see the boys the first chance they could after getting back from Kauai!), we walked outside with the boys.  We decided to let the boys play a bit - it was too late to go walking, but inside was nice and tidy from having toys already picked up.

Luckily for us, our neighbors were out also, and Ryan and Ryder played together in the front.  Before we knew it, they had wandered to our backyard...Tara and I walked back together to get them, and as we turned toward the playset, we saw them, swinging - together.  I ran back to the front to grab my camera...

Seriously, is that not the cutest thing?!  They did it on their own, 100%.  And, of course, neither wanted to stop.  Good thing we just live next door to each other!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Aquatic Center . 06.18.2012

For the second week in a row, we went to the Aquatic Center this evening!  Our friends, the Reed Family, were able to make it again as well!

Jennika was nice enough to pick up two swim seats for the boys, like the ones she has for her girls - since she lives closer that way than I do, she really saved me some time!

As expected, the boys loved it - especially Jarrett!  Seeing the 4 babies in the water, floating around in their seats, I wonder how many people around us thought that the babies might be quadruplets!  

Four babies, in their swim seats!
(Harvick, Jarrett, Leighton, and London)

Ryder did much better this week than last, until he slipped and fell face first in the pool.  He was in just deep enough water that he couldn't stand up on his own easily.  Patrick witnessed the fall, and he and Jennika were pulling him up within seconds.  He was completely fine, but lost all willingness to play in the water.  He would sit with Patrick or me, but didn't want to run around with Kaebrie, chasing a water toy, anymore.  Oh well, it was still better than last week!

By the time I had the camera, Ryder was wanting to get out.  Good thing Kaebrie would smile for me!

The pool requires "breaks" every hour(or two?) where everyone has to get out - the boys took advantage of the time, and had a drink and snack!

(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Thanks again Reed Family.  Two weeks in a row...we may skip next week...but, are you up for it again in 2 weeks?!

Seeing these pictures makes me realize just how much I either need to replace my flash (it burned out!), or actually learn how to use the settings on the camera...with it so bright out, I couldn't see the display well anyway, and didn't realize how bad some of the lighting was!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day . 2012

For Father's Day this year, we celebrated with Patrick's dad last night, and will have to hold off on a celebration for my dad until they are back from Kauai.

Today, we spent the day as a family.  The five of us.  Days like this are some of my favorite!  We decided to follow a similar routine to Mother's Day...

First thing this morning Patrick opened his presents from us.  Patrick will almost always tell me not to buy anything.  He tends to like bigger items, things that we save/budget for anyway, so they aren't really surprises.  But, I didn't want to do nothing.  So, he got a practical gift (a new outside broom), a fun gift (t-shirt), then a gift that I told him was for him ultimately, but the boys would be the ones to use it...a toy lawn mower!  All three boys love to be outside with Patrick when he mows, and we've talked about getting a toy one, but keep putting it off.  It was a bit of a silly "Father's Day" gift, but I think it was actually a good was something that will allow the boys to spend more time with Patrick!

Following presents, we headed out to breakfast.  A few weeks ago, I had a work meeting at a locally-owned restaurant that is nearby,  and loved their "Breakfast Special" - so, we went there.  As usual, the boys do great with breakfast foods!

Breakfast at Beez Cafe
We were able to make it to church (first service!) on time, and then headed to a park.  Ryder enjoyed playing on the playsets with Patrick and me, while Harvick and Jarrett were content playing on the blanket.  It was a very warm day, but the park has many mature trees, so we stayed cool (enough) in the shade!

Jarrett (left) skipped his nap at church, so he slept for a few minutes at the park; Ryder (middle) wanted Patrick or I to watch (and cheer!) him go down the slides; Harvick (right) LOVES to stand on his own!
Patrick, and his boys!

Next up, we went to lunch...and after our first choice being closed, we stopped at Costa Vida on our way back home.  The boys, again, did really well in the restaurant.

Jarrett (left) and Harvick (right) "bonking" heads with Patrick.  All three of our boys, at this age, think it is HYSTERICAL!

Once home, the boys napped...a bit inconsistently.  We played together, and Ryder helped Patrick mow!  We kept it simple at dinner (and, unfortunately, it is getting to hot for our "eat outside" dinners), and played some more.  I walked with the boys while Patrick mowed a bit more, and we got back in time for Ryder to "finish helping".



Again, laying down to take pictures of the shirts!
This year, I found "MY DAD IS RAD" shirts for all 3 boys, from 2 different stores!
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

Today was a great day!  We spent the day together, and that is what was the most important.  Our three boys love their dad.  He is patient.  Kind.  Caring.  And, loves them intensely.  He is an awesome dad!  Happy Father's Day, Patrick!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 24

Ryder had PCMC and Private Therapy this week.

It was Ryder's last PCMC session.  We attended, not knowing this in advance.  But, after seeing Ryder not participating, and the Therapist not engaging him, at the end of the session I spoke with her, and explained my concerns.  Ryder did okay to start with at PCMC, but has struggled more than he has progressed.  The last several sessions have been more frustrating than productive, and more of a review of words Ryder was taught by the Early Intervention Therapist, his Private Therapist, or Patrick and me.  PCMC served it's purpose in getting Ryder the official diagnosis of Apraxia of Speech, and was instrumental in allowing him to qualify for the School District's SpecialEd Preschool.  But, it has reached the point where we need to take a break.  I've been reading the book, "Speaking of Apraxia", and in it is a chapter that talks about how you know the Therapist is working for your child.  It's hard.  There is no black and white line.  It is gray.  Blurry gray.  Ultimately, after being reminded that WE ARE PAYING HER for the service, and that we should be able to expect a certain level of progress, the decision was made.  We aren't closing the door to PCMC, in fact, we are in their records as taking a "4 month minimum break".  We'll give Ryder some breathing room this summer (continuing with Early Intervention and Private Therapy), allow him to start Preschool, and then re-evaluate his therapy needs in October.

Conversely, Ryder's Private Speech Therapy went well.  After Ryder initially not wanting to participate, I left the immediate area – I was just out of eyesight, but could still hear him.  Ryder did much better without me present…which is something Patrick and I suspected when school was ending.  The SLP and I made a plan for next week to not have me be actively engaged (but be nearby), and see how Ryder does with the change.  He is an independent little guy, and seems to be at his best engagement when it is one-on-one.

When I got the book I mentioned above, "Speaking of Apraxia", a chapter introduction that I read has stuck with me...

"Imagine if you will, a little boy who has a dream, a dream to communicate.  He wishes he could answer your question so that you understand his response.  He wishes he could ask for clarification when he doesn't know exactly what you want him to say or do.  He wishes to connect with his friends in their verbal play, or to raise his hand in eagerness to answer his teacher.  Because in his mind, he knows what he wants to say, yet he just can't get it out.  Imagine this little boy is yours."

This statement reflects our son.  It is Ryder.  And, this week has made it clear for Patrick and me – we will do whatever it takes to help Ryder.  We need to make informed decisions on Ryder’s behalf, but we also need to be cognisant of our “gut feeling” in the situation.  Ryder wants to communicate verbally, and until he can – we are his voice.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Weekend Projects . Concrete Fence Strip

Recently, Patrick and I decided to take down the front fence in order to lay a concrete border(strip?) under the fence, to create a more polished look.  Although having the boys "help" us during projects makes the project last infinitely longer, we do our best to include them - even if it is just having them be with us outside!

For this project, Jim and Martha were able to come over to help with prepping and completing the concrete.  It was great to have extra help with both the project, and keeping track of the boys!

I took minimal pictures of the project, but of course captured some of the boys as they played!

Ryder, pulling Jarrett in the wagon.

After pulling Jarrett around in the wagon, Ryder wanted a ride too...and if I was going to pull 2 of the boys around, I  might as well put them all in together.  Luckily, Ryder acted as the seat belt for Harvick (since there is only one!).

Harvick crawled away from the blanket, and Ryder went over to coerce him to come back.

Cute babies!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Although we don't have 3 of the same toy, luckily we have 3 different ones!
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett - and, notice how he is sitting on the dinosaur!)

Ryder, helping with the project!

Although it takes more work to have the boys with us while we work on projects, we love to include them.  Eventually, they will all be able to really help!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Birthday Celebrations!

This past weekend, we helped to celebrate three 1st birthdays!  First up was Leighton and London on Saturday.  The party was at a family member's home, and was super fun for the boys.

All three boys LOVED the girl's push/ride out perfectly for the boys that there are 3 kids in the family!
(Ryder in red, Harvick in yellow, Jarrett in green)

Ryder swinging.

Jumping on the mini-trampoline!
(left to right: Harvick, Jarrett, Ryder, and Kaebrie)

Sunday we celebrated our neighbor, Reece's birthday at a nearby Park!  I didn't pull my camera out during the party, with the exception of one picture when we first got there.

Harvick (orange) and Jarrett (blue) want to walk so badly.  They loved walking together, with Patrick!

We had a fun weekend celebrating with friends.  It's great to have several friends with kids so close in age to our boys!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Aquatic Center . 06.11.2012

With our weekend schedules full, we are having a hard time fitting in time at the local Aquatic Center.  Luckily, they stay open late one night each week, so we decided to take advantage of the time today, after work.  While in the office today, I mentioned it to Jennika (remember, she has 3 girls - the same ages as our boys (including twins!)), and invited her (and maybe bugged her a little about it!).

Jennika's oldest daughter, Kaebrie had no hesitation in the water.  Ryder...well...he didn't like it.  I don't know if it was because the water was a bit cool, or if he was scared, or if he just didn't like the unfamiliar environment.  While he didn't have as much fun splashing around as we had hoped, he was very positive about it once we got home, and is looking forward to taking a beach ball with him next time - silly kid!  Harvick and Jarrett were also a bit unsure, but enjoyed being in the water. 

The Hansen Family!

The Reed Family!
We haven't purchased the boys any water floaties, not knowing if they would even be interested - Ryder never liked things like that.  We were able to borrow a swim seat Jennika had bought for the girls...Jarrett LOVED it, Harvick was a bit confused by it, and wouldn't stand upright - he wanted to lean forward.  I think if he had more time (and more attention), he would have enjoyed it more.

(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)
I think buying swim seats will make our next visit much more fun!

We had a great time with friends tonight.  Having so many young children is hard, and it is so nice to have someone that can relate so closely.

Thanks for a fun night, Reed Family...are you up for it again soon?!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sleepy Babies

This afternoon, all three boys woke up from their naps earlier than usual.  After two days of an out-of-the-ordinary schedule, they just weren't happy about it.  When I went into Harvick and Jarrett's room, they were both sleepy, and for the first time in awhile, were both willing to snuggle a bit before really waking up.

Patrick and I had a long to-do list to complete during the boys' naps, but I couldn't resist a few minutes of rocking with my babies.  Patrick took Ryder outside to do a few things, and I rocked with Harvick and Jarrett until they were ready to get down to play.

I love these babies, and I know life with children in general passes so quickly, but with twins, it's hard to even keep up.  I was happy to make my "when the boys are in bed tonight" list a little longer...

(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Without fail, if you hold the boys upright, and spin in a fast circle, they all laugh hysterically.  When Patrick was doing it with the boys recently, I tried to take a few pictures to capture the laughter...capturing such fast-moving smiles is difficult...hence some bluriness!


