Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Brothers . February 2012

Valentine's Day was the perfect opportunity to take a "Brothers" picture:

Brothers . February 2012
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

2012: 01
2011: 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 9 . REVIEW

Review.  Again.

Ryder participated much better this week than last, but the therapist did not introduce any new words.  We will work on reviewing words that he needs to correct:

bown (down)
hat (cat)
whoa (one - he can do it when reminded of the "n")
hore (four - he can do it when reminded of the "f")
hive (five - he can do it when reminded of the "f")
ix (six - he can do it when reminded of the "s")
who-ss (juice)
dye (bye)

deez (please - should be saying "peez" (words with "double consonants" are simplified to begin))
hee (three - should be saying "tee" (double consonant))

When Ryder pronounces a word incorrectly, we work with him to pronounce it correctly, even if it breaks the word into additional syllables ("cuh" "at" = cat).  The conversation will often go something like this:

Ryder: Hi, "hat".
Us: Are you saying hi to the cat?
Ryder: Yeah, hi "hat".
Us: Remember, it's with a "c".  "C" says "cuh", "cuh", "cuh".  Cat.  You try.
Ryder: "hat"
Us: Try it with the "c".
Ryder: "cuh", "cuh", "cuh", "hat"
Us: Say "cuh"
Ryder: "cuh"
Us: "at"
Ryder: "at"
Us: "cuuhh-at"

As long as Ryder attempts to pronounce the correct sounds, we only make him try 2-3 times.  If he refuses, our reaction depends on the situation.  We try as often as possible to work with him to correct the pronunciation.

We're still considering supplementing the Primary Children's therapy with private therapy (done at his school), but haven't made any concrete decisions.


Review: Previous Weeks

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bubble Bath!!!

Bathtime for the boys at our house consists of getting washed (body and hair) while the water runs, and filling up the tub after they are clean - they typically play in just water.

However, last weekend, Ryder went with me to Babies R Us, where he found a Thomas the Train Bubble Bath, and I couldn't resist!  The boys had a great time playing with all the bubbles!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 42 Weeks

42 weeks old
21 pounds, 11 ounces (Harvick)
20 pounds, 11 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 42 Weeks)

Jarrett has had ANOTHER tooth appear this past week.  Harvick remains at 0 teeth (which, continues to be fine with me, as I am still nursing them).

Harvick and Jarrett continue to enjoy standing, but have still shown only minimal interest in getting themselves into this position.  As they have become more mobile, they are interacting with Ryder more, and are both infatuated with him.  Ryder enjoys crawling alongside them, trying to get them to chase him - and they get equally excited with the attention!

Harvick and Jarrett continue to eat more solid food pieces - we were much more cautious with Ryder, but we now have a better grasp at what we can try sooner than we did previously.  And, the boys couldn't be happier.  Ryder has caught on to it as well, and often will offer his brothers a bite of his meal!

Getting ready for bed.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Cute boys!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Harvick, happy in the carrier at the Treehouse Museum.

Jarrett often crawls around with a toy in his mouth (you know, since his hands are busy with crawling!) - this time it is a piece to the alphabet puzzle the boys got for Christmas.

Working together.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Fascinated with the cat, Kate.
(Harvick in orange, Jarrett in blue)

Happy babies!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Out for a wagon ride - they were sitting up much better at the beginning, but were a bit squished (both being buckled in with one seatbelt!).
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 8 . REVIEW

Ryder attended Speech Therapy this week, but was not interested in participating in learning new sounds and/or words.  His assigned homework: review words he has learned, and continue to master them.

To be honest, it's hard to see progress between each session.  The first question we are asked at each session is "What is new?".  And, for the most part, very little changes week-to-week.  Ryder has picked up some sounds, and a handful of words, but he remains primarily non-verbal.  And, it's hard.  It's hard to see our little boy struggling to communicate.  Tonight, as he ate dinner, he kept trying to tell us something, but we couldn't figure it out.  We made every guess imaginable, and none of them were correct.  In the end, we just had to say "okay, thanks for telling us Ryder".  I mean, really.  That's not okay.  He tried so hard, but it really was not something we could decipher.  And, that is hard.

We are looking into supplementing his Speech Therapy with a private therapist who would provide the therapy at his school (through the school year, then we will have to make other arrangements).  Ryder does participate with the therapist at Primary Children's, but he doesn't seem to have a great connection with her.  We're sure it's a combination of many things - in a small room, having an entire closet full of new (to him) toys tempting him, not really knowing her outside of her asking him to make sounds/say words, etc.  We haven't made any official decision, but it is an option we are considering.

Apraxia of Speech is hard.  Very hard.


Review: Previous Weeks

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Trains, Trains, Trains!

This past weekend we indulged Ryder is his love of trains!

Saturday, we took the boys to the Treehouse Museum, where we snuck past the train table play area, just so that Ryder could participate in other areas - we knew once he saw the trains, he would not want to leave.
Participating in other areas of the museum.

Harvick (left) and Jarrett (right) traveled in their carriers (strollers are not permitted).

Ryder saw the train tables as he was playing in the farm area, and made a beeline for them.  He absolutely loves trains!!

Harvick and Jarrett got in on the train table action too!


When we left the Treehouse Museum we stopped at Target to pick up a few things, and while we were there, we let Ryder pick out a new train - the kind that they have at the museum (with magnets that attach them together).  For a kid that loves trains, he didn't actually own any connecting toy trains, and we decided we had to fix that!

On Sunday, after church, we stopped at Union Station, again.  It was freezing outside, but we bundled up (notice Ryder even wore one of my scarves!), and braved the chilly air.  Ryder absolutely loves seeing the big trains up close!

Exploring the trains.

Again, Harvick and Jarrett rode around in the carriers.
(Blue eyes (Patrick and Harvick) on the left, Brown eyes (Jarrett and me) on the right)

Resting on a pile of extra tracks.

We tried for another family shot, but still weren't able to make it work . . . one day we will . . .
Upon returning home, Ryder promptly pulled all of his train cars, and played with them, while sitting on his train (that he really has outgrown).

It was a great, train-filled, weekend!  How was yours?!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Valentine's Day . 2012

We had a great Valentine's Day this year!  Of course, the boys were spoiled with new books from Papa and Nana (my parents); and new clothes from Grandpa Jim and Grandma Martha (Patrick's dad & step-mom).

First thing Tuesday morning, I was given a handmade (by Patrick, of course!) glass art piece to hang in our home that represents each person, with their "color".  We got the boys ready for the day (all wearing red!), and followed our normal Tuesday routine.

Patrick and I were supposed to meet for lunch, but he surprised me at work before I left, with a huge bouquet of flowers, with a card from the boys!!  We still went to lunch, where he received his Valentine gift from me.

For dinner, we had picked up a heart-shaped Papa Murphy's pizza.  The boys took early baths gave Patrick their gift (chocolate, of course!), and then were given their present - cute stuffed dogs that are similar, but not the same.

Me, with 3 cute Valentines!
(Left to right: Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett)

It was great to spend the day doing something different, but not making it a huge event.

Hope you all had a great Valentine's as well!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 41 Weeks

41 weeks old
20 pounds, 13 ounces (Harvick)
20 pounds, 3 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 41 Weeks)

No big developments this past week.  Both Harvick and Jarrett enjoy standing to play, but neither really pull themself up on their own.  They do try when being helped, but we haven't seen them pull to standing yet.  Still no teeth for Harvick, and just 2 for Jarrett.

All three boys received haircuts over the weekend.  As expected, Harvick's is more noticeable than Jarrett's due to having more and darker hair.

At their 9-month check-up, we were referred to take Harvick back to Physical Therapy (the same place that treated his Torticollis (neck)).  Both boys have started to crawl on their hands and knees, but still do the army crawl most often . . . but . . . Harvick's is not a typical army crawl.  He uses his left arm/hand, and right leg, when crawling.  He will use his right arm/hand at times, but not as often.  He moves his left leg, but never uses it to propel himself forward.  We didn't worry about it at first (and, for those of you remembering the broken leg - it was his right one - the one he is using correctly).  Shortly after Harvick started crawling, Jarrett followed, crawling the exact same way.  However, after a week or two, Jarrett grew out of it, and started the army crawl, engaging both arms/hands and legs.  The assessment indicates no significant issue (no diagnosis), but that Harvick seems to have a weaker left hip/leg.  The interesting thing is that the Physical Therapist says there is no way to know for sure, but she suspects that Harvick's broken leg actually made it so that he is able to use it without issue - the broken bone healed stronger than it was previously (all broken bones do), and the muscle mass built up around it has likely enabled his ability.  The duration of therapy should be short, and given Harvick's record of quicker-than-expected healing, we only expect to have a few sessions, lasting only one or two months.  It really is a minor issue, and had Harvick not had the broken leg, his doctor probably would not have referred him to therapy.  But, because he did, and we now know what we can do to help, we will work with him.  The "weaker" issue does not seem to affect his "four-point" (hands and knees) crawling, or standing.  This kid defies all stereotypes (his Toriticollis and Plagiocephaly were also considered "a-typical")!

Messy boys, after eating teething biscuits.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

An accidental close-up of Harvick - but, look at those eyes!  I'm hoping they stay blue - Ryder's turned green when he was 14 months old.

They looked so cute in their "opposite" outfits, but both REFUSED to sit for a nice picture!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Jarrett, playing with Ryder!

All three boys love the cats, but Jarrett especially LOVES them!
(Jarrett on the top/left, Harvick on the bottom/right)

Church outfits - both hand-me-downs from Ryder (Ryder is pictured wearing the same shirt that Jarrett has on in his "41 Weeks" post!).
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Crawling toward me . . . and, yes, Jarrett is known as a pacifier-stealer!
(Jarrett on the left, and Harvick on the right)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 7 . "t"

SOUND: "t" (again)
PRIMARY WORD(S): top, toe
ADDITIONAL WORD(S): teeth (just "tee")
CONTINUED WORD(S): two, out, in, hot, eat, home, help

Ryder was scheduled to have an hour-long Speech Therapy session this week (to make up for the canceled session last week), but about 20 minutes into the session, it was apparent that he would not make it the full 60-minutes.  Unfortunately, the Speech Therapy has to be done in 30 minute increments, and although he likely would have lasted 40-45, it wasn't an option - given the expense of the therapy, we stopped it at 30 minutes.  In the end, I'm glad we did.  Speech Therapy is hard work for Ryder, and I don't want him to get to the point that he doesn't like going.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day . 2012

(Ooops . . . to the out-of-state family and/or friend that I accidentally sent Ryder's school Valentine to - I'm sorry.  Let me know you got the wrong one (it only has Ryder's picture), and I will send you the family one!)

Monday, February 13, 2012


Having a child (or even just being pregnant) brings out the comments from complete strangers.  But, having twins . . . (or, even more I would assume) . . . brings out the weird/strange/obnxious ones.  Patrick and I have frequently commented we should write some down, so that we remember in the years to come.  Posting them here accomplishes that.

A little backstory.  We don't know if Harvick and Jarrett are Fraternal or Identical.  I carried them the one way that either can be carried in pregnancy, and given they are the same gender, neither option was ruled out.  We chose not to have the genetic testing done at birth - there was no medical necessity, and it costs additional money.  When they were born, there was a pound difference, with an inch difference (Harvick was heavier and shorter; Jarrett weighed less and was longer).  It appeared that they were Fraternal . . . but, every now and again, a picture of them will make it seem that they might be Identical.  If they were the same weight and height, maybe they would look more similar??  All this being said, Patrick and I are now fairly confident they are Fraternal.

The most frequent question we get asked: "Are they twins?"

Situation #1:
Us: Yes
Stranger: No, they don't look anything alike, they must not be twins
Stranger: No, they don't look anything alike, were they conceived on different days??

Situation #2:
Us: Yes
Stranger: Oh my, they must be identical
Us: Well...
Stranger: (interrupting) What are their names?
Us: (pointing to each) This is Harvick, and this is Jarrett
Stranger: I bet this one (pointing to Harvick) is Jarrett, and this one (pointing to Jarrett) was born Harvick.  I'm sure you have mixed them up so many times that it is impossible to know which baby was born with each name.

True story.  The above situations have happened more times than either of us can count.  And, it has even happened back-to-back, within minutes of eachother!

Harvick (left) and Jarrett (right)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 40 Weeks

40 weeks old (9 months old)
20 pounds, 13 ounces; 29.5" (Harvick)
20 pounds, 3 ounces; 29.75" (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 40 Weeks)

Harvick and Jarrett are both about average weight - around the 50th percentile.  However, we have some long (tall?) boys - both measuring above the 90th percentile.  That would explain the reason they are wearing 18 month clothing already!

Harvick still shows no signs of teeth breaking through the gums, but is chewing on anything he can get his hands on.  Jarrett still just has the bottom two teeth.  As the boys are becoming more mobile it is funny to watch them interact with each other, especially when they are crawling around on the floor.  They often steal each other's toy, but neither seem to be bothered (most of the time!).
Both boys really enjoy "teething biscuits".  Typically, Harvick and Jarrett eat their dinner while either Patrick or I are getting dinner ready for the rest of the family - then, they sit in their highchairs while we eat - this keeps them quite content!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Playing with wood blocks before bed.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Getting a picture of them together is becoming impossible!
(TOP: Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right
BOTTOM: Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Playing with the Handy Manny tools together!

We've only eaten at a restaurant with all 5 of us a handful of times - over the weekend we went to Patricias - Harvick sat in the restaurant highchair, and Jarrett used one of the clip-on chairs - they fit perfectly together on the end!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Harvick and Jarrett standing - with help (not pictured - holding their legs!).  Both boys LOVE to stand!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Bath time!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 6

No new "homework" this week.  Ryder's Speech Therapy was canceled due to his Therapist being out sick.  We will "make up" the time next week, having an increased hour-long session . . . hopefully Ryder tolerates the extended time well, and is able to focus for the duration of the therapy.

Ryder's verbal vocabulary continues to be extremely limited, but in the past handful of days, he really seems to be making an effort to communicate things more.  Additionally, he is oftentimes more willing to try to say a word - even if it is completely the wrong sounds.  For example, tonight, before getting into the bathtub, I told him to say "tub".  Ryder has the "t" sound, as well as a "b" in some words.  Ultimately the closest he got (after several minutes of displaying by me, and repeating by him) was "dut" - clearly not the correct sounds - but, he made more of an effort than he was willing to do even a few weeks ago.


Review: Previous Weeks

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Salt Lake City . 02.04.2012

Ryder has recently become quite obsessed with trains.  You know it's bad when both Patrick and I hope that we might get stopped by a train as we cross the tracks each day.  It's not that either of us want to be delayed, but Ryder gets such joy from seeing a train (whether it is an actual train, or Front Runner).

Patrick and I have been thinking it would be really fun to take Ryder on Front Runner to Salt Lake - we could get off at the last stop, and walk to the Gateway where we could go to the Clark Planetarium.  After some checking online for hours/schedules, we decided we should do it on Saturday.

Enter into the story my friend, Jennika.  You see, Patrick and I have held off on purchasing a "multiples" stroller.  We keep waivering between getting a double one, or a triple one.  Ryder is old enough to walk with us, but he is still young, and we worry that he will need an opportunity to rest when we are out as well.  Jennika; however, made the decision much more easily, and purchased a double stroller that matched her carseats (it actually matches ours too, since we have the same ones).  I asked her early in the week if we could borrow it, and she graciously let us!

We decided to take an early train, leaving at 8:22am.  It was a cold morning, so we all bundled up well.

Harvick (left) and Jarrett (right) in the stroller.

Ryder was eagerly watching for the train to come.

Patrick and I each sat with Ryder as we rode down - he loved passing animals (we saw horses and cows) and other trains!

As we approached Salt Lake, Harvick (front) and Jarrett (back) were completely out.
Once in Salt Lake, we decided to not mess with Trax, and instead walked from the stop, to the far north end of Gateway - where we stopped at Barnes&Noble.  We wanted to be able to spend as much time at Clark Planetarium as possible, but in doing so, we had some spare time before it actually opened.  Ryder loves Barnes&Noble - the Kid's Area always has a train table!

Once we got to the Clark Planetarium, Ryder had a great time looking and interacting with all of the exhibits!

We took the noon train back home, where we fed Harvick and Jarrett their milk; and were able to get home in time to feed everyone lunch, and lay all 3 boys down for naps!

Our Saturday adventure was lots of fun, and has motivated Patrick and I to actually pick out a stroller of our own!  Thanks Jennika!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 39 Weeks

39 weeks old
20 pounds, 13 ounces (Harvick)
20 pounds, 3 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 39 Weeks)

Jarrett's second tooth (on the bottom) has come in.  Harvick remains toothless!  Jarrett has had the ability to crawl as much as Harvick, but is less proactive in engaging.  If Jarrett is placed on the floor sitting up, he is typically content, while Harvick almost immediately lays down to crawl away.  This week, especially, Jarrett has started to really crawl a lot - but, only when we lay him down.  Both boys love spending time standing up, but aren't trying to do it on their own yet.

Harvick and Jarrett continue to be great eaters, good sleepers, and happy in general!

Laughing!  Jarrett has a hard time keeping his eyes open when he is really laughing hard!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Playing with big brother!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

A common scene in our house!  Harvick and Jarrett are so rough, and tolerant, with each other.
(Harvick on the left (crawling), Jarrett on the right (sitting))

Cute boys!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Jarrett is quite possibly the loudest baby ever.  EVER.  I caught him mid-scream (of joy!), and love that it captures their personalities so well!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Playing before bed.
(Jarrett on the left (attacking), Harvick on the right (getting attacked))

Again, with Jarrett being the loudest baby - he is a complete maniac in the tub - screaming (again, of joy!) while splashing around like a crazy person.  Harvick is very tolerant, but has a much more similar bathtime-disposition to Ryder - they will play in the water, but rarely make a big mess.
(Jarrett (splashing!) on the left, Harvick (being quite patient) on the right)