Saturday, August 31, 2013

Brothers . August 2013

Last weekend, after Ryder's first soccer game (more on that later), I thought it would be a great Brothers picture - Harvick & Jarrett were each wearing a soccer shirt to support their big brother!  Ryder was wearing one as well, since he couldn't wear his new uniform shirt all day.

Of course, none of the boys saw it the same way I did...

So, when the boys were wearing "their color" tank tops today, we tried again.

Brothers . August 2013
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

All Previous Brothers Posts | August 2012 | August 2011

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Home Depot Kids Workshop & Treehouse . 08.03.2013

We've wanted to take the boys to the Home Depot (free!) Kid's Workshop, and the schedule finally aligned so that we could!  And, it was a great first project for the boys - trucks!

(On Saturday, August 3rd, we took the boys to their first Home Depot Kid's Workshop - to build Home Depot trucks!  Ryder and Harvick loved the project, and were eager to be involved in the construction.  Jarrett participated, but was overwhelmed with the noise.  The boys all picked "their" color to paint their trucks, with Ryder finishing off the bed of his truck in a mix of additional colors.

Following the workshop, we took the boys to the Treehouse Museum.  We chose to stay on the first floor, to encourage the boys to explore areas they often do not visit.  The boys especially loved playing in the safari area!)

The morning activities for that Saturday were perfect - we got home in time for lunch and "quiet time", and were able to spend our evening at Roy Days' Fireworks!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Harvick & Jarrett . Tube/Adenoid Surgery

Over a month ago, Harvick & Jarrett both had tubes placed in both ears.  Harvick also had his adenoids removed.  And, of course I did my best to document the day with some pictures.

(On July 18th Harvick & Jarrett both had tubes put in both ears, and Harvick had his adenoids removed.  The surgery was scheduled for 8:00am; however we had to wait nearly an hour for you before surgery began.  Jarrett went first, and Harvick followed about 45 minutes later.  In recovery Jarrett ONLY wanted Patrick; and Harvick ONLY wanted me.  The small puppy stuffed animals, along with a laptop & iPad kept you each entertained as we waited in recovery.

I stayed with you at home that afternoon.  Neither of you felt back to normal, and were lethargic.  However, neither of you were interested in napping in your own bed - so, we played together, and you each took turns falling asleep on the floor (something you NEVER do!).  You also each took turns taking care of each other.  Jarrett rubbed Harvick's back for nearly 5 minutes before Harvick could fall asleep, and you both laid together with Harvick rubbing Jarrett's back in order to wake up.  Your closeness amazes me - I pray it stays this way always.)

And., the FB updates for my non-FB family...

"Nothing helps you heal like being with your brother. When Harvick was tired earlier, Jarrett laid next to him, rubbing his back, to help him fall asleep. Now, the boys are both just groggy, and laying (awake) together, with Harvick comforting Jarrett. I pray they have this close (and reciprocal!) of a relationship always."

The results of the tube surgery is not noticeable in the boys' speech.  It is likely that with the fluid removed, the boys are both able to hear more clearly, which will in turn allow them to speak sooner/more clearly.  With the removal of Harvick's adenoids, he is snoring less, and breathing with more ease.

Overall, the boys did great with the surgery.  Jarrett was pretty much back to normal the next day, but it took Harvick a little longer - he ended up developing an infection from the adenoids being removed.  After a crazy strong antibiotic, the infection was resolved - day 6 following the surgery (day 2 of medicine), he was back to normal completely!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Everyday Memories . Popsicles

Most of the posts on this blog are the "big" things we do as a family.  But, I'd like to make more of an effort to post the "everyday" too.

(Hot weather means popsicles are a common after dinner treat!  Eating them outside is preferred - by all of us - less mess, and more fun!  This hot summer night I thought it would be best for you all to be shirtless (again, less mess!) - which provided for a perfect picture opportunity.  Such a routine event often goes without photographs.  As you grow older I hope it's nights like this that you remember.)

As a side note, the popsicles above - these - are some of my favorites.  They are the "fun" ones on a stick (instead of the OtterPop type), but they aren't crazy big!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ryder's Birthday . 07.17.2013

We celebrated Ryder's birthday with a fun-filled day together...

(Patrick and I took Ryder's birthday, July 17th - a Wednesday this year, off from work so that we could celebrate together as a family.  Ryder's primary request was to ride FrontRunner.  With Soccer Camp that evening, we had to keep the day a bit low-key.  Ryder started his day with new shoes - green ones, of course.  We rode FrontRunner to the Farmington Station where we walked to Cinemark's "Summer Movie Clubhouse" showing of "Happy Feet" ($1 admission!).  Before the movie, the boys played on the playset.  Following the movie, we shared a treat at Orange Leaf, before eating lunch at Cafe Zupas.  Thankfully we left the restaurant when we did - just in time to catch the train back to Roy!  We then took Ryder to Toys R Us, where we allowed him to pick any train - he chose Victor, Annie & Clarabel.  We made it to Soccer Camp that evening, and ended our night with cupcakes (with green frosting!) at the park.

It's hard to believe Ryder is FOUR!  One year ago, he was barely speaking - at age 4, he always has something to say.  He is remarkable with puzzles.  He is fiercely independent, but also craves the attention of his brothers.  Ryder's favorite toys are his trains.  He also loves books, cars, and dinosaurs.  His favorite foods include PB&J sandwiches, breakfast meals (pancakes, waffles, french toast), cucumbers, and any fruit.  Ryder's favorite color is green, his favorite number is 6 ("because I like to wake up at 6 o'clock"), and his favorite day is "FUN Friday!".  He wears a boys XS shirt, 5T/XS in pants, and a size 11 shoe.)

My FB status on Ryder's birthday...for family who reads the blog, but isn't on FB!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Get Air & MotorVu . 08.10.2013

Patrick and I used to go to the drive-in several times each summer.  But, we have yet to take the boys (that means it's been 5 summers since we've been!).  When Planes was being shown with Despicable Me 2, we thought it was the perfect opportunity!  That morning we wanted to do something active so that the boys would nap (or at least rest) well after lunch, hopefully making them less grumpy when the movie started (an hour past their bedtime!).

So, we headed back to Get Air (I have yet to blog our first visit...too many summer activities!) to jump on the "jumpolines" (as Ryder calls them).

(On Saturday, August 10th, we went took the boys back to Get Air to jump on the "jumpolines" (as Ryder calls them).  The boys all have such a great time jumping, and sliding on the curved trampolines.  They have all become brave, and will jump into the foam pit without hesitation - and are eager for Patrick to throw them in!

That evening we braved our first drive-in movie with the boys - for a Planes and Despicable Me 2 double feature!  We put a mattress in the bed of Patrick's truck, along with 2 camping chairs.  The boys all did well throughout the movie - Ryder fell asleep in the last 5 minutes.  We decided to stay for the second movie...Ryder woke up to watch it, while Harvick and Jarrett (and me!) fell asleep.  Another visit to the drive-in is definitely in our future!)

What other kids movies come out before it gets too cold for the drive-in??   I'd love to get in another visit this year!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Roy Days . 2013

I love fireworks!  And, Utah agrees with me...there are shows within 10-15 miles of our home nearly every weekend in June and July.  But, the schedules of young children don't permit us to see too many shows.  Roy Days has become a tradition - I believe since 2006 - for our family to attend.

Thankfully, this year was no exception!

(We continued our yearly tradition of attending the Roy Days fireworks.  We got to the park early to get a "good spot", and to eat our picnic dinner.  Also following tradition, we took a family self-timer photo - one with the clothes we wore to the park, and one after the boys changed into their jammies.  We were able to capture a good one for each, but the outtakes were the best!  The boys ran around playing until it was finally dark enough for the fireworks to begin!  The fireworks show was shorter than in prior years, but the boys still loved the whole show!  Going to fireworks makes for a late night, but it is worth it.)

I'm already looking forward to next year!

Take a look back...2012...and 2011 (and prior)...

Monday, August 12, 2013

Hogle Zoo (with Aunt Julie!) . 07.28.2013

One day we'll get brave (and rich?) and all FIVE of us will fly out to Georgia to visit Julie.  Until then...she has to come here!  And, when she does, a trip to the Zoo is in order - after all, we have have her to thank for our membership!

Julie - don't kill me for the group picture on the top left of the second page (it is smaller, at least), but it was so funny!  Your mom & Patrick both captured the shot!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Matching Boys

We're looking forward to cooler weather.  Hot days and evenings make for rowdy boys inside.  Recently, we took advantage of a cool weekend evening, and had the boys play in the front yard to burn off some energy before bed.

With the boys all in red shorts (a fun coincidence!), I thought it would make for a cute picture.

I should know better.

First, I asked for them to stand together...which just resulted in falling/pulling/pushing over...

I tried again...this time they knew it would be funny (to them!) if they fell together.

Then, taking advantage of them already laying together, we tried using that pose...

Then...we gave up.  I didn't get the "perfect" picture I was aiming to get, but we did capture our boys perfectly!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Brothers . July 2013

Summer is such a busy time for us.  Despite everything going on, we were able to capture a Brothers picture twice!  The first for Independence Day (with props, per Ryder's request), and again on Ryder's birthday.  I couldn't pick which day was best, so (thankfully!) it worked out to do them both.

Brothers . July 2013
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

Independence Day | Ryder's 4th Birthday

Friday, August 2, 2013

My Birthday . 08.02.2013

I had the best birthday today!

It started with opening presents in bed, with 3 eager helpers.  I worked, but left early to meet up with Patrick for a late lunch.  We picked up the boys early, and spent the late afternoon at the Aquatic Center.  We enjoyed dinner at home, including a mini birthday cake (Ryder insisted that I have one - I blew out the candles, but we saved the cake for another time).  We ended our evening going to Red Mango for my favorite treat (plus, it was FREE tonight!).  Also...the balloons in the last picture were another item Ryder insisted I receive - he picked purple for me, since it is my favorite!

I loved that we spent "extra" time together today, and that I got to celebrate with my favorite people!  Also thanks to the many friends and family that sent FB messages, texted, and called today!