Thursday, May 31, 2012

Brothers . May 2012

Last month marked 1 year of the "Brothers" pictures.  This month, May, is the first month where I can link back to the same time last year.
And, WOW.  What a difference a year makes!
Brothers . May 2012
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)
We attempted a picture after the boys' birthday party, just before changing into their jammies.  They were all tired.  No one wanted to cooperate.  The only reason you're really seeing smiles is because Harvick was trying to get away, and Ryder thought it was funny to hold his arm so he couldn't.
With a not-that-great picture from the birthday, we made another attempt on Mother's Day.
While it would be awesome to have an everyone-look-at-the-camera-and-smile shot, that just isn't going to happen.  It's for the sake of the memory.  Capturing my boys together each month.  Seeing the subtle changes month-to-month, and the HUGE changes when you compare year-to-year.
It's (at times very) challenging.  And, completely worth it.
Previous Brothers Posts

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I've caved.  Partially.

I am now on Facebook.  But, so far, my posts are all just links back to the blog!  I like the blog format.  I like that it is public, but that really only people that know me read it.

But, Facebook connects you with people.  People I see regularly.  People I grew up with, but have lost touch.  People from school.  From church.

So, I caved.  And joined the meca of all social networks.  Facebook.

All this said, this morning when I finally decided to start inviting friends, I nearly had a heart attack.  Just ask anyone that was in the office this morning.  It brings back all my school year insecurities.  I feel like I'm a confident person.  But, something about clicking that little "Add Friend" button scared me.  I don't particularly enjoy rejection (who does?).  In the end, I just clicked.  I started with a few of my co-workers who promised not to decline.  Added some friends, some family, and did a few of those look at someone's friends, and click those too.

It's a weird thing, Facebook.  Not sure how long it will last...but...if you're reading this, and I didn't "friend" you, take no offense.  I'm just getting started.  Friend me! 

Kayleen Hansen

Create Your Badge

Here's to keeping in touch more easily!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

HAFB Air Show . 2012

After talking with my friend, Jennika (remember Jennika - she has the three daughters the same ages as our boys (including twins!)), Patrick and I decided to meet up with her family at the HAFB Air Show, Warriors Over the Wasatch, this past Saturday.

We decided to get there a little early, allowing Ryder some extra time to walk through some of the planes that were on display.  I texted with Jennika, who told me it was raining at their house when they that point, it was just overcast (slightly windy) and a little drizzly at the show.
While Ryder was somewhat interested in the planes, he wasn't all that impressed.  In one plane ( idea which one!), we stood in a (very) long line for Ryder to have a chance to sit in the pilot's seat.  He definitely thought he was pretty cool sitting up there, as several people commented about how cool he looked in his sunglasses!
Once the show started, we found a spot to sit, near one of the hangers (it blocked the wind!).  The boys all snacked on things we had brought with us, and watched as the planes did some really amazing tricks in front of us (and, pardon my photography skills...).
Look closely...there are planes in the distance...
As the weather started to cool, and get even more windy and cloudy, we quickly had the boys eat their lunches.  Once finished, Patrick and I decided we better head back to the car (about a 15+ minute walk away) before the weather got too bad.  We had planned to eat there, but decided to just pick something up on our way home. 
We made this decision a little too late.
It started to pour.  POUR.  Rain SHEETS of water.  Blowing HARD from the East - the direction of our car.  The boys all had jackets, and Harvick and Jarrett had blankets over them in the stroller.  Ryder didn't want to wear an extra jacket.  We had promised Ryder a toy plane, so I stayed in line to get one, while Patrick started back toward the car.  By the time we reached the car, Patrick and I were soaked completely through.  Patrick and my jacket had literally been soaked through to the point that our clothes were wet underneath.  My socks were wet.  However, the boys had fared well - Harvick and Jarrett's jackets were damp (the blankets were soaked); and Ryder's jacket was soaked, his pants were quite wet, but his shirt had stayed dry.
Although it didn't turn out as planned (Jennika and her family had got caught up in the parking/shuttles, and weren't able to get to the show until just before the rain started), we still had a fun morning.
Let's all keep our fingers crossed the weather is better for next year's Air Show...after this year, we might skip it if the weather even threatens rain!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Comments . Clothing

We are often asked whether or not we currently (or will in the future) dress Harvick and Jarrett in matching outfits.
Our answer is not usually.
Our boys wear hand-me-downs.  We buy clothes at Kid to Kid.  We occasionally purchase them the same outfit.  But, really, it has been few.  Honestly, I have the tendency (surprise!) to buy them the same shirt in orange and blue, more than the exact same.  We have been given the same outfit for each boy, but that is when family and friends are spending their own money on new things!
Something that has been surprising to me is just how many outfits we can put together, using what we have already, or have been given.  A recent Sunday was a great example.  The boys each wore a shirt we had bought for Ryder, and between the hand-me-downs we were given, each had similar plaid shorts.  Seriously, so cute!  As expected, I wanted to capture a picture of them together...and, rather than showing you just the look-at-the-camera picture, this time, you get to see our attempts...with no great result...
An attempt at getting a picture of each separately...neither were what I had hoped for, so I moved on to the "together" shot...
(Harvick in blue, Jarrett in red)

When they (quickly) tired of my antics, and crawled away, I tried putting them side-by-side, but switched their sides...
I can't decide which is the best - I think my favorite is the second to the bottom.  Which is yours?!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 21 . CVC Sounds

CVC . ConsonantVowelConsonant

Ryder had private Speech Therapy this week.

SOUND: CVC sounds
PRIMARY WORD(S): pop, bob, dad
ADDITIONAL WORD(S): baby, puppy
HAND SIGNAL: "b", "p", "d" (duh) - using your pointer finger, touch the area between your nose and upper lip (your "snot channel").

Ryder is able to say the beginning consonant and vowel sound with relative accuracy, but needs to specifically work on the ending consonant sound.


Ryder's Preschool IEP (Individualized Education Plan) was this week.  I was able to meet with his primary Teacher, Miss R, and also with a Speech Therapist - this Therapist won't be returning next year, but she will be transferring Ryder's file to the new Therapist, Miss A.

It's hard to know for sure we are making the best decision(s) for Ryder for his speech.  However, after meeting for his IEP, we feel confident that we are pursuing the best option for Ryder.  He will be able to get one-on-one Speech Therapy with both the Speech Therapist and the Teacher each week.  Plus, he will receive group therapy regularly.

We have set basic goals, and will (if needed) update them when we are closer to the school year starting.



Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ryder . Last Day of School . 2011/2012

Today, Ryder had his last day of (2-year-old) Preschool.  We've been talking with Ryder about how many days he had left, when we were down to 6 days remaining.  Ryder does well with change, but does best when it is expected.

This morning, he woke up telling me "one sool, mom".  Yes, Ryder there is just one day of school left.  "Yeah".  He thought it was absolutely hilarious when I reminded him he would wear pajamas to school (it's "Spirit Week", and today was "Pajamas and Movie Day").

Last Day of School . 2011/2012
Ryder has grown and changed a lot since the first day of the school year. 

Ryder started with a verbal vocabulary of barely two words.  With just being accepted into Early Intervention.  During the year he was diagnosed with Apraxia of Speech.  Started consistent (and frequent) Speech Therapy.  His verbal vocabulary is still much behind his peers, but he tests far above in comprehension and cognition.

Ryder started the school year in diapers.  And, is ending it as a potty-trained boy (even at night!).

Ryder would interact minimally with his peers, but ends the year as one of the most social kids in his class.  His teacher reports that lunches on Tuesdays and Thursdays are always entertaining - Ryder can get the whole group laughing easily, and finds joy in doing so.  He makes friends quickly and easily.  He is one of the first to engage new students.  He looks out for the younger kids, making sure they are keeping up with the group.

Ryder can figure out puzzles easily.  He definitely enjoyed favorite activities, but was willing to work at activities throughout the classroom.  Ryder always tried any new "work" demonstrated during Circle Time.

Ryder grew a full shirt/pant size during the school year, but remained fairly consistent in shoe size.

Ryder is an amazing little boy.  This school year has taught him a lot, and we can't wait to see what the next (many) school years have in store for him.  He can do anything.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bird Festival . 05.19.2012

On Saturday, we went to the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival.  We started out with the Home Depot "Build a Birdhouse" booth.  Ryder had SO MUCH fun building his birdhouse, with Patrick's help of course.  Harvick and Jarrett barely took their eyes off of Ryder as he hammered away!

We walked around to see the handful of birds brought to the festival by Ogden Nature Center, Hogle Zoo, and the Tracy Aviary.  Ryder especially liked the owl, Chitters, from the Ogden Nature Center - although, there are no pictures of him.  We purchased a photograph of the owl from one of the vendors, and have framed it in the hall by the boys' room.

(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)
(Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett)
After participating in a few of the activities (above are the bean bag toss, and the binoculars Ryder made!), we left the Bird Festival, and ate lunch at a local park.  The boys absolutely love eating outside, and Ryder had a blast playing on the playset once he was finished!

(Ryder, Jarrett, and Harvick)

It was such a fun day.  Simple.  Free.  FUN!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 20

Ryder had 3 speech sessions this week.  He went to PCMC for the first time in a month (we do it every other week, and skipped the last one).  Private Speech Therapy is weekly.  And, Early Intervention had to be moved up to fit within the district's school year.

Ryder's participation at PCMC was minimal.  Patrick and I are struggling with making the decision that is best for Ryder.  He never has really participated consistently with PCMC; however, their formalized structure (as well as reputation from being a part of PCMC) has been hard for us to let go of.  PCMC has a very unique, structured, well-organized approach to the therapy.  They give us specific assignments to work on between sessions.

I haven't heard from the Private Speech Therapist (her response is usually given to me within a day or two, but when it isn't, I have to wait until Monday).  However, the Therapist has been consistently pleased with the therapy.  In conversation with us, Ryder reacts positively to attending with her.

Early Intervention is going well.  We started on a rocky road with the Therapist, but in the last two months, we have been so pleased with his progress.  That means, it took nearly 7 months of Therapy before he made consistent progress in his participation.  It's sad that this therapy will end with Ryder's 3rd birthday - only 3 (hopefully 4!) sessions are left.
You see?!  It's hard.  Early Intervention is the only reasonably priced therapy (it has to be, it's done through public education).  The other two are much (MUCH) more.  We don't want to give up on PCMC if going just one more time is going to be what makes it "click" for Ryder.  But, we also don't want to waste time, energy, and money attending if just doing the Private Therapist is the better fit.  Then, we also have to keep in mind he will be in Speech Preschool.  While not 100% of his time there (8 hours/week) will be speech-focused, a lot of it will be.  But, when he gains the Speech Preschool, he loses the one-on-one Early Intervention.  And, we want to give him the most therapy that is beneficial.

On a side note - Patrick and I have enrolled Ryder in a local daycare one time per week, the day he will not be attending Speech Preschool in the fall.  With his school ending, Patrick and I both feel strongly that Ryder's interaction with peers is a vital puzzle piece that is needed for Ryder.  With such delayed verbal communication, we want to expose him to situations he will encounter regularly (with peers), where he needs to communicate.  Ideally - this would mean increased verbal communication.  But, we are realistic to know that this might not be the case.  That finding non-verbal cues might be what happens.  And, that is okay too.

With all this "information", I should be sure to include that Ryder is making progress.  He still lacks vital sounds (right now we especially notice "k").  But, he is correcting some sounds he said incorrectly previously, and is increasing his verbal vocabulary.  I know parents with kids Ryder's age have lists (and lists) of funny stories about things their kids said, but we are just starting to get that with Ryder.

Ryder: Eyes opin (as I'm helping him get dressed)
Me: Yes, you're eyes are open.
R: Ne, geen eyes.
M:  Yes, you have green eyes, but I think they might be turning brown.
M: It's okay.  Look, mom has brown eyes.
R: OH NO! Poop bown.
M: Poop is brown?
R: YES!  Poop BOWN!, my eyes are brown.  And, if you talk with Ryder, they're "poop brown".


Friday, May 18, 2012

TWO Slides!

Harvick and Jarrett were given a second slide for their birthday (thanks to Grandma Jody and Ann).  The boys are loving it already!

(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Everyone riding together!  Ryder gets too excited, and flies down the slide!

Jarrett wasn't the biggest fan, but Harvick couldn't get enough - Ryder enjoyed many "races" with Harvick!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Just like their big brother, Harvick and Jarrett aren't totally sure of the grass.  They warm up to it after awhile, but they have to start the process over each time we go outside.  Both babies (and Ryder, still) prefer to be on a blanket.

(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day . 2012

This year, we celebrated Mother's Day with Patrick's Mom on Friday evening, and then with my Mom on Saturday evening.

Sunday was left for us to spend the day together, just us!  Two years ago, for my first Mother's Day, Patrick and I took Ryder to the park near our home, and spent time together just playing.  This year, I thought it would be fun to do the same again!

We had planned to eat breakfast at home, then head to church, but Patrick decided we should just go out instead!  Breakfast is, by far, the easiest meal for us to eat out...or, at least breakfast food is.  All three boys eat it without question!

Eating breakfast.
(Ryder, Jarrett, and Harvick)
We made it, a little late, to church for the first service.  After church, we went to a local park we haven't visited before.  Ryder had a blast on the two different playsets, while Harvick and Jarrett had fun on the blanket in the grass.  It was so nice to spend time outside, playing together!

Playing at the park.
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

My cute boys!
(Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett)
Then, since we were out anyway...we went to lunch!  The boys all did great, and the meal was yummy.

Once home, the boys all went down for naps, and I was even able to rest for a little bit before getting things around the house done.  For dinner, we kept it simple, and did fruits, veggies, and cereal outside!  The boys were able to play in the yard - Ryder with his trains, and the rocks; and Harvick and Jarrett with their (birthday) water table - still without water.
Time together outside.

Once inside, Ryder and Jarrett sat together to watch a Baby Einstein (a rare treat!), meanwhile Harvick was too interested in helping Patrick with the dishwasher to be bothered with the movie.
The day was so much fun!  If you look back up through the pictures, you'll see the gift I was given - beautiful a handmade glass pendant, with the boys "colors".  I love it!


The only way to get a picture of the boys, where you can read their shirts, was to make them lay down!
Ryder: MOM'S #1 FAN
Harvick and Jarrett: my MOM is the BEST

Friday, May 11, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 19 . "s"

Ryder had private Speech Therapy, as well as Early Intervention this week.

SOUND: "s"
PRIMARY WORD(S): bus, eyes, please
ADDITIONAL WORD(S): baa (like a sheep), bee, bye, boat, bow
HAND SIGNAL: "b", "m", "t", "s" - Ryder hold out his arm and you take your pointer finger and slither up his forearm and make the "s" sound (this can also be done on your own arm).

Ryder's Therapist reports Ryder was eager to see her for his session this week.  They worked on "CV" (consonant vowel) repetitions with "b", "m", and "t".  Also, with using "s" at the ends of words, like I mentioned last week.  Ryder does well with this Therapist, and we're praying that he continues to do as well once it is in a different setting.

Early Intervention was moved to morning (rather than afternoon), and Ryder participated one-on-one with the Therapist well.  She was able to complete the Articulation Test that was not done at the Preschool Evaluation.  Although Ryder was unable to correctly articulate many of the sounds asked of him, he made an attempt with nearly all of the requests. 

His speech is coming.  It's slow.  But, it's coming.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Chick & Bunny Pictures . 2012

While working in Brigham, I learned of a photographer, Stacy, of Stacy's Photgraphy, that offered "Chick & Bunny Pictures" every Spring, just prior to Easter.  In 2010 I took Ryder, along with a friend who took her son.  In 2011, this time just 2 weeks before delivering the babies, I met up with a friend, and we took Ryder.  This year, with 3 boys, Patrick and I went together!

As with the previous years, Ryder wasn't really that interested in the animals.  He liked the idea of it, but once he was on the table with the bunny and chicks, he wasn't interested in having his picture taken with them.

Harvick and Jarrett were completely fascinated with them...and may have even been a bit rougher than we would have liked, especially with the little chicks.

Of course, getting 3 boys to all look, happily, at the camera, at the same time can be rough...

Although we didn't capture an everyone-looking-at-the-camera-and-smiling picture, I love the pictures we did get!  We'll definitely be making the drive up there each year...for as long as I can get away with it!

Fun Fact: Harvick & Jarrett are wearing coordinating shirts we had purchased for Ryder...he wore one is his first Chick & Bunny session, and the other in his 9-month pictures!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 12 Months

12 months old
22 pounds, 9 ounces; 31.5" tall (Harvick)
22 pounds, 12 ounces; 31.75' tall  (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 12 Months)

Following with tradition, I've written a 12 month post, in addition to the 52 week one!

Friday was Harvick and Jarrett's 1st Birthday!  Patrick and I took the day off of work to celebrate with the boys.  We wanted to find something to do that they would enjoy, and after a few ideas that, for various reasons, didn't work out, we settled on the Family Music Class at Gymboree in Salt Lake.  It's too bad that there isn't a closer location - having a membership there would be so much fun for all of the boys!
Getting to ride in the new carseats for the first time!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Before the class started, the boys were given the chance to play with the miniature maracas...they chose to use them like blocks, and build towers!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Trying out the chime!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

On the way home, we stopped at Noodles & Company for a birthday lunch.  Harvick and Jarrett still ate the meals we make for them, but they snacked on some of Ryder's "Mac & Cheese", as well as other snacks.  Once we got home, the boys opened birthday books we gave them, and we read them together before their nap.

(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)
Once they woke up, it was the Lansing Going Away Party, so our birthday celebrations were put on a momentary hold.

Playing with their new maracas, purchased earlier that morning.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)
Saturday morning, the boys got to open their present from us...a water table!

Sitting with their present!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Opening it together...notice Jarrett's tongue!

Opening a couple "extra" presents - a few extra toys to be used with the water table.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)
We spent the morning playing together, and when the boys went down for naps, Patrick and I got ready for their birthday party.

And, on a very sad note for me, I took barely any pictures.  Seriously.  There are no pictures of the over 40 guests.  None of the food.  None of the decorations.  Nothing.  I did get a handful of the boys eating their cakes, but that is it.  And, while I am very sad for the lack of pictures, I am happy that we were able to spend time enjoying the party.  We were happy to see so many of our friends and family able to make it, and celebrate the boys' first year with us.

However, if anyone who came to the party happened to take a picture while here, please e-mail it to me!!

The boys had a fantastic birthday.  And a great party.  They were blessed, spoiled really, from everyone.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 18

Ryder was seen by the private Speech Therapist this week.  He has really connected well with her since starting sessions in March.  So much so, that Patrick and I have made the decision to increase these private sessions to weekly.  Until the end of the school year, he will continue to be seen during school hours at the school itself.  Once school is over, we have been fortunate to make arrangements with a local library to allow for Ryder to receive the Speech Therapy there.  The Therapist is willing to go to the babysitters, but due to the environment (a home), it is better if we found an alternate location.  Patrick or I will now attend each of the sessions, but our involvement will be based on his participation.  Currently, since it is done at school, we are not involved in the session itself - depending on Ryder, that could change.  This Therapist will actually see Ryder through the summer, and will continue to see him weekly when school starts again - even though he will not be returning to his current school.

Her report for his Speech Therapy this week indicates he participated well.  Ryder has recently dropped the "s" sound from "please" (saying "dee", where he previously said "dease"), and from "eyes" (the child has become fascinated with eyes, constantly counting eyes on people/tv characters/toys).  Additionally, with becoming potty-trained, the need has arisen for him to communicate this to others.  Patrick and I are able to easily understand when he requests to go "potty", but it is not clear to most other people.  He pronounces it as "pahh-ee" usually, and will sometimes make a very subtle "d" sound - "pahh-dee".  The Therapist worked on these three words, and Ryder was able to be successful.  We have continued the practice at home.

I don't write a lot, week to week, about Ryder's actual progress.  That's because it is slow.  It is hard to see the gradual increases at times.  But, he is such a hard worker.  He definitely doesn't enjoy us pushing him to talk, or to pronounce sounds/words correctly, but he is a little sponge, and is soaking it in.  Ryder's expressive vocabulary is increasing constantly.  He is becoming able to correctly pronounce more words.  It is happening.  It is just slow.


(to review previous weeks, click on "Apraxia of Speech" in the "LABELS" column on the right)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 52 Weeks

52 weeks old
22 pounds, 5 ounces (Harvick)
22 pounds, 11 ounces (Jarrett)

(Compare to Ryder at 52 Weeks)

Luckily, the boys' first year is a leap, we actually have 2 more days until they actually turn 1 year old.  Today, however, they are 52 weeks. 

Harvick and Jarrett continue to be great little boys.  They have quite different personalities from each other, and as they grow, it is fun to watch.  Harvick, since the beginning, has been the whinier of the two; while Jarrett is the baby who angers quickly when upset.  Both boys adore their big brother, and especially love when he is playing with them, or sharing snacks!

They are still eating the pureed food we make for them at most lunch and dinner meals, but are eating "typical" breakfast foods.  Jarrett is the more picky of the two, but he has the better ability to chew larger pieces, or take bites from something larger.

Both boys are standing up at every opportunity, and will walk along furniture.  Harvick seems much more eager to walk than Jarrett, but Jarrett is better at standing unassisted.

Some bath nights we will take the boys clothes off while they are playing, just to give them an extra few minutes!  This night, we were in our bedroom, and everyone ended up on the bed...with Ryder doing dives across the bed to entertain Harvick and Jarrett!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Jarrett's favorite new position.  He will "stand" like this for minutes at a time, and will even position himself to stand like this so he can play with toys that are out.

Cute brothers, playing together.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Jarrett, doing the same toss-behind-your-back thing that Ryder did.

Harvick, being shown by Ryder, how to play with the Fridge Farm.

When Ryder shares his snacks, he prefers to feed them to his brothers - and they don't mind at all!

Three cute brothers in the bathtub!
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)