Friday, August 31, 2012


This Summer, I tried to walk daily, but the heat really made it difficult.  For nearly the whole month of July, Ryder and I would leave to go walking at about 7:45.  Patrick would get Harvick and Jarrett in bed, and when we got home, Ryder would get ready and go to bed as well.  We started taking more varied routes, but quickly found that Ryder enjoyed it most when we would walk up to the nearby park...he loves the slides!  We had to negotiate for a few minutes as we approached the playset, so that Ryder had a predetermined number of slide opportunities, so he wasn't disappointed when we couldn't stay longer!

But, the hot weather got to us, and our walking hasn't been happening for the last few weeks.  Tonight, with the weather finally cooler, we all headed out together!

Yes, I do realize that I am fortunate to have a husband willing to cooperate in my picture taking efforts.  Especially one that sets up the camera for me!

My silly boys!
(Jarrett, Harvick, and Ryder)

I love walking with my boys!  It seems to be an especially good time for Ryder to walk on verbal expression exercises, as he is a captive audience!  I'm praying the weather stays cool, and that we can continue our walks, even when winter approaches.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 36

Ryder will be continuing his Private Speech Therapy throughout the school year, even though his Preschool will focus on increasing his verbal speech.  Ryder's SLP and I were prepared for a rough session today, as he was supposed to receive his first one-on-one session at Preschool, with A, this morning.  Speech Therapy is difficult for Ryder, and two sessions in one day has proven difficult in the past.

But, Ryder did an awesome job!

Ryder went back to the new area (that we tried last week) with his SLP, while I went to the bathroom (TMI? - sorry).  When I walked back there a few minutes later, he was already playing with the trains and train tracks the SLP had brought with her.  They were reviewing personalized flashcards on her iPad, and he was participating without issue!  He definitely was sidetracked frequently, but was able to be pulled back into the speech exercises.

Now...leaving without taking the trains or train tracks with him...was a bit difficult...but, I'd rather struggle leaving than during the session!

Despite his participation, I only took one picture - I was happy to just watch today as he participated!

When Ryder would lose focus on the exercise at hand, his SLP switches activities - the picture shows Ryder excited to see his newest flashcard, "tunnel", while he still has a hand on the trains/tracks.  The flashcards in front of him were used when he tired of the iPad, and the puzzle to his left when he wanted something different.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Arts Festival . 08.25.2012

This past weekend we attended a local Arts Festival with the boys.  We met up with Patrick's dad, Jim, and step-mom, Martha.  The festival itself was a bit disappointing, as there were far fewer vendors this year, than in years past.  But, I was able to have a ring designed/created, with beads of my choosing...pretty sure most you can guess what colors I picked, without looking...

The vendors did not keep the boys' attention, so Grandpa Jim and Grandma Martha took them over to the playset, where we joined them after walking through all of the vendors.

Playing on the playset!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Earlier this month, Harvick and Jarrett were napping a later than usual.  I opened the blinds in their room, and they stayed I went and grabbed the camera!  Of course, Jarrett started waking up the second I walked back in the room, but I still caught a picture just as he was waking up.

(Jarrett on top, Harvick on bottom)

Harvick and Jarrett were in such a good mood, I put them in one crib together.  It didn't take long before Ryder ran back, grabbing his lamb from his bed on the way!  They haven't all been together like this in several months, and I thought it was too cute!  Patrick warns me the crib has a weight limit....

I love these boys!
(Harvick, Jarrett, and Ryder)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Ryder . First Day of School . 2012/2013

Ryder's first day of Preschool this morning was filled with (preventable) drama over transportation.  I was on the phone beginning at 6:00am to get the issues resolved.  But, Ryder knew nothing about it.  He was just excited to go to Preschool this morning!

Ryder . First Day of School . 2012/2012
Wearing a new train shirt (by his choosing!), and the sandals he picked out.

(Look at how much he has grown since last year!)

I bribed Ryder to get the above shot, by letting him take a few pictures with the camera, while he was laughing at the pictures he took, I quickly turned the camera back on him.  I love this picture!

Why, yes, I did park far enough away for Ryder to not see me, but close enough to ensure he was picked up and dropped off appropriately.  And, yes, I did take my "telephoto" lens with me.  Patrick says if had done the same thing (including following the bus each direction), he would have been one said anything to me, if they even noticed!

I was able to briefly talk with Ryder's Teacher, S, this afternoon.  She commented on what a sweet boy Ryder is, and that he did really well today.

This is Ryder's second year in Preschool, but it is different.  This time he will be specifically working to improve his verbal expression.  He will be working hard, and being put in situations he doesn't like.  We anticipate this year to be a big one for Ryder.  He didn't have much to tell us about school, other than he played with the "blue train and a coal car", but LOVED the bus rides!

Sunday, August 26, 2012


These pictures are from well over a month ago, but I set them aside to blog then, but they keep getting knocked down for other things.

Working together to stack their nesting blocks.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Harvick (top) stacking the blocks, and Jarrett (bottom) working again with the nesting blocks.

It's so much fun watching Harvick and Jarrett interact.  They play well together (and also fight often!), but they enjoy doing things independently as well.  Both are like their big brother (all get it from Patrick) - they enjoy puzzles, and figuring things out - all of the boys will stick with something until they can resolve the issue!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sleepy Babies

Ryder is not, nor has he ever been, a car sleeper.  The old adage about putting a fussy baby in the car, and going for a drive, never worked for him.  Harvick and Jarrett are more likely to fall asleep in the car, but they don't typically.  Especially on the drive home from the babysitter.

But, the last week, they did.  Harvick and Jarrett were both more fussy/upset than usual, and given their likely teething/allergies/bad air, they haven't been feeling their best anyway - so, I gave in, and handed them the pacifiers I keep in my console.  By the time we got home, both babies were out.  I got the car completely unloaded, and they were still asleep.  I got Jarrett out of his carseat first, then Harvick.  Both remained asleep.  I walked inside, and sat down with them, they stayed asleep.  I asked Ryder to bring me the camera, and was able to take a few pictures.  At first, they stayed upright against my chest, but when Harvick semi-woke-up, and shifted to lay down more, Jarrett followed him, and laid on top - so cute!  This doesn't happen often, and I wanted pictures (proof!).  It's been about 5+ months since they both fell asleep (or, in this case, stayed asleep) in my arms...

(Harvick in light orange, Jarrett in dark orange)

I loved every minute!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Back to School Night(s) . 2012.2013

Due to attending 2 different schools, Ryder had 2 Back to School Nights this year.

First up, his Preschool, through the School District.  Ryder will be attending 4 days/week.  He has 2 teachers, J and S.  And, an SLP assigned to his class, A.  Ryder was a bit hesitant walking into the classroom - until he saw they had trains and train tracks!  Both Teachers are kind, but Ryder seemed to really like J better - she got down on the floor to play, and really interacted with him.  The SLP, A, has been his Early Intervention Therapist's back-up during the summer (Ryder's Therapist split her caseload in the summer, but she kept Ryder).  So, she has been able to get additional insight from her, as well as read through all of the information we provided.  Ryder will receive 20 minutes dedicated Speech Therapy from A, weekly.  J and S will also provide Speech Therapy throughout the sessions, and A will include Ryder in various group sessions.

Ryder enjoyed playing with the trains, and then spent some time in the kitchen area, before heading outside to go down the slide a few times.

TOP: Playing with Teacher J, and in the kitchen area
BOTTOM: The slide!

Ryder . Preschool 2012/2013

The following evening, Ryder had a Back to School Night at the Daycare.  Since June, Ryder has been attending there one day per week, and will continue this schedule - attending the day he is not in Preschool.  We love the boys' babysitter, but want Ryder to be exposed to children his age, who are "typical" in their development - especially speech.

This Back to School Night was quite a disappointment, in that the school hasn't finalized which Teacher will be in his classroom...and, neither of the ones who it will be were able to make it that evening.  So, the boys got to play in Ryder's classroom for a few minutes, before we left to head back home.

All three boys enjoyed playing in Ryder's classroom!

Ryder . Daycare 2012/2013
(he wasn't really interested in letting me take his picture)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 35

This week, Ryder was introduced to his new SLP, at the Preschool...more on that later...

Today, he had Private Speech Therapy.  We tried meeting in a different area of the library, and he did really well with the change.

Tangent: A co-worker of mine uses the word "wicked" to describe things she likes, enjoys, thinks are cool/amazing/awesome, etc.  Today, when she used it in conversation, I realized what a good word - albeit a bit strange - it is to describe something...

Ryder's SLP is wicked awesome.  She is so great with Ryder.  I feel like I say it often, but I don't know how to adequately describe how appreciative Patrick and I are of her.  Ryder can be difficult, especially when he is asked to do something he has to work hard at to complete.  Talking, although it seems like such a natural thing, does not come easy for him.  It takes an immense effort from him to talk.  He has to concentrate to produce the correct sounds/words.  And, the SLP works with him through it.  She incorporates his love (infatuation?) for trains.  She encourages his attention to return to her by engaging him in activities, and before he realizes it, he is participating - WHILE he is playing.

No distinct progress to report this week.  Looking at his speech week to week can be difficult, in that there is rarely notable quantities of progress in such a short span.  It's when we look back a few weeks, or months, that we see the change.

I do greatly enjoy when I can capture a moment of therapy in a picture (even if it is just with my camera phone).  Speech Therapy is now, and will continue to be, such a big part of his life.

This week, the flashcards became a train tunnel!


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Relaxing Sunday

On Friday afternoon Harvick and Jarrett started developing a bit of a runny nose.  Considering they are "behind" on teething, combined with possible allergies, and the bad air right now, we didn't think much of it.  Saturday, we still went to Salt Lake (although, we skipped out on the Farmers Market to ensure they got good morning naps).  By Saturday evening, they definitely were not feeling their best.  Still no fevers, but the runny nose persisted.

Sunday, they both woke up with heavy congestion, and although we thought it really is just a combination of teething, allergies, and bad air - we knew it would be best to keep them home from church.  I hate dropping them off when there is a (what appears to be) sick kid in the classroom!

Harvick and Jarrett took long morning naps - Patrick took the opportunity to make a Costco run, with Ryder.  We enjoyed lunch at home, played for a bit, then put all three down.  None of them slept super long, but they all napped well!  The afternoon was filled with playing together.

The boys, playing together.
In the past few weeks, Harvick and Jarrett have started to enjoy walking/dancing around with Ryder, while holding both of his hands.  The boys all think it is hysterical...

Jarrett, trying to find which cup Patrick hid the duck toy in.

Jarrett has started to show an interest in trains - he and Ryder play well together. Harvick will play at times, but tires of the same thing more quickly, and wants to move on to other toys!

Harvick (from left to right), getting caught stealing a drink from my cup, taking another one, and checking back with me to see if he is in trouble!

Days like this are good reminders to not always plan to do something.  I love that we keep busy with family activities.  But...sometimes it's good to take a break!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ducks & SLC . 08.18.2012

A few weeks ago, we planned to head to SLC to celebrate my dad and my birthday with my parents and brother.  Patrick and I thought it would be fun to still go to the Farmers Market in the morning, but the night before decided a picnic breakfast at the Duck Pond might be more fun this week (and take less time, since we would be closer to home).

As always, the boys love the Duck Pond.  There must have been a lot of ducklings born this year, because the pond was FILLED with ducks.

We headed home to let Harvick & Jarrett nap, have lunch, and get to the FrontRunner station to board the train to SLC!

We walked around Gateway for a bit, stopping in at a few stores, before going to the movie To The Arctic 3D.  Surprisingly, Ryder was willing to wear the 3D glasses for most of the movie.  Harvick slept through the beginning, while Jarrett clearly was tired, but managed to keep himself awake - they each took turns wearing the glasses for a bit, but preferred to watch the slightly-blurry-non-glasses version.

After the movie, we took the Trax, or another "train", as Ryder preferred to call it, to PF Changs...well, a few blocks from the restaurant.  Patrick's mom and Ann introduced me to PF Changs, and I love going there - my parents have never been - so it was a perfect birthday dinner choice!

Clark Planetarium and PF Changs.
Ryder has become interested in my camera, and I allow him to take his own pictures , when I can be close by. The picture on the center bottom is his...I tell him to look through the view finder for what he wants to take a picture of - he took this one, pulled the camera down to see the screen, and exclaimed, "OH YES! It's my MILT (milk)!"  The fact that my parents are in the picture is simply background to him - he saw the photo on the computer again as I was transferring the files and exclaimed again how he took a picture of his milk!

Dinner ran a little later than we expected, so we had to catch a later Trax, then FrontRunner train.  By the time we hit Farmington (about 8:30), the boys were ready for bed.  It took a bit of game playing, and being generally silly, to keep the boys happy on the remaining ride home.

Thanks, mom and dad, for a fun birthday celebration!  We all had a great time.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Fun at the Park . 08.17.2012

Due to a particularly long work day on Wednesday, I had some time to flex, and decided it was best to use it on Friday afternoon.  Patrick was able to leave a little bit early from work as well, so we met up at the Aquatic Center.  Our plan was to swim, have dinner there, and swim a bit more before they closed at 6:00.  We arrived a bit later than we had planned on, but figured we could just have a snack, and finish dinner at home...until we were informed they close a 1/2 hour earlier during the week, beginning that week.  Major bummer (and, led to no pictures).

We still showered the boys, and got them in their jammies, once the swimming was over.  Since we still had dinner to eat, we took our "picnic" to a local park.

The boys loved roaming around the open field (even though they were clothed in jammies!).

Spending an evening together, just being together!

When Harvick and Jarrett climbed into the wagon together, I tried my best to get a picture...the bottom right was the best that I could do!

Before leaving, Ryder saw the playset in the distance, and we compromised that he could go down the slide just two times.  Such a silly kid!

Never content to do things the typical way, Ryder has started to go down slides on his stomach, face first!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


A few weeks ago, after going to the zoo in the morning, we tried to have a restful afternoon, to prepare for the week ahead.

We had some small bubble containers on the counter (the evening prior had been Ryder's birthday party, and some friends brought over extra wedding favors from their daughter's wedding for the boys to play with!), and we decided to have a little fun.

I love these moments.  A messy house surrounded us.  Our to-do list was left just as long.  But, we had a few moments of fun, and not caring about anything but being together.  Enjoying the moment!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Family Reunion . 08.12.2012

Each year, Patrick's dad's side of the family has a "reunion" at his grandma's house.  I put "reunion" in quotes because it really just his grandma's immediate family.

The boys enjoyed the big, open yard, and had fun running around!  Ryder, of course, brought trains, and was willing to share them with his brothers, as they played together with the track.

Family Reunion . 08.12.2012

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 33

A week off from (formal) Speech Therapy - Ryder's SLP is out of town, with her family.

Not much of anything to report this week.  Ryder is initiating more speech, which is always encouraging!


I showed Ryder a friend's baby announcement, his response:
"OH MOM! Its-uh seet baby!" (It's a sweet baby).

Randomly, when he is playing quietly (usually with trains, of course):
"I hop (jump) at Oh-wen's (Owen) home"

While STOPPED at a train crossing, on our way home:
"WHOA MOM! Da boo hain has ICE CEAM inside!" (The blue train has ice cream inside)
Not sure, why he thought this...but, it led to a fun discussion of what might be in the other trains...white was milk (which makes sense, as one of the SLP's trains is white with "MILK" written on the side), green was chickens, orange was juice, and black was bananas!

Ryder slammed his thumb in the door at his Grandma Jody's house.  A few nights following, after praying with Ryder, as Patrick was leaving the room:
Dad, pay for my humm, holding his thumb up (pray for my thumb)
Patrick: Your thumb?
Ryder: Yeah, dad, my owie.


He still has a long way to go, but it is nice to note the progress he is making as well.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Friends! . Owen & Drew

Over 6 years ago, Bridget and I worked together.  We were on different teams, but were friendly with eachother at work.  After 2 years working in the same office, I took a new position (same agency, different office), and Bridget and I had only minimal contact.  On the day I announced I was pregnant with Ryder, I heard she had announced she was also pregnant with her first.  Our due dates were about a month apart - which, allowed us to form a pretty instant re-connection.  We took a few of the same parenting/birth prep classes together, and would compare how things were going.  Exactly 1 month after Ryder was born, Owen was born.  Bridget and her husband, Luke, had their second son, Drew, just weeks before we announced we were pregnant with twins.

So, picture this: 5 boys...and Ryder is the OLDEST!  To say it is hectic/chaotic when we get together, would be right on point!  We were finally able to match up our schedules last Saturday, and we headed over to their house for dinner, and for the boys to play while we chatted.  The boys all did great!  Owen and Drew have a train table, so Ryder was in complete heaven!

After dinner, the boys wanted to play outside...but, we had done early baths, and our boys were already in their jammies.  Thankfully, Ryder was able to borrow a T-shirt and shorts, and we headed out!

Ryder was not interested in smiling for me, luckily Owen (left) and Drew (right) were all about it!
Bridget - when I opened these pictures, I can't believe how much Drew looks like Luke in these pictures! What do you think?!

They have a ground level trampoline - Ryder loved having the ability to get on and off so easily. Harvick and Jarrett didn't want to be left out of the craziness, and quickly came over to join them!  Jarrett stayed around the perimeter, but Harvick walked (slowly!) around with the big boys, as they ran in circles.

Ryder and Owen working together!

It's so much fun to have friends with kids the same age.  And, when we get together again, there will be SIX children...Owen and Drew will be welcoming a baby sister very soon!

Thank you, Bridget and Luke, for having us over.  We all had a great time, and Ryder has talked about "hopping (jumping) at OW-hen's home" every day this week!  And, we can't wait to meet baby girl!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dinosaur Park . 08.11.2012

This past Saturday was another free day at Dinosaur Park, and at a regular admission price of $19 ($29 next year!), it's too good of an offer to pass up.  The boys' Grandma Jody (Patrick's mom) and Ann joined us for the morning.

As with last time, we knew all of the boys would not be interested in anything after seeing the playset, so we headed in the direction of the dinosaurs first.

When we circled around, back to the playground, the boys were all excited to play.  Grandma Jody even went down the slides a few times...grandkids can get grandparents to do anything!  Harvick and Jarrett loved the wide, short slide again; and were hilarious as they would hold on to the bars, pulling their feet off of the ground, and just hang there!

Even though we went when the park opened, it was hot!  We took advantage of their $1 snow cones.  As expected, Ryder was content with a quick snack and juice, so he could keep playing.  Harvick and Jarrett loved them!

As we went to leave the park, we made one last stop at the fossil/sand area.  Ryder enjoyed dusting off the fossils to uncover the dinosaur bones!

We're looking forward to the free days next year, already!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Roy Days . 2012

I love fireworks!  But...with 3 young boys, it was just too much to take them out to all of the local fireworks shows.  And, in Utah, at this time of year, there are shows at least weekly.  Keeping in mind it would be best to not mess with their schedule continuously, Patrick and I agreed to skip the majority of the shows, but that we would not miss Roy Days!  After living just a block away for 5 years, and still within a few miles for the past 3, we just can't miss it!

We all ate dinner at home, gave the boys baths, got them dressed in their jammies, and packed up for the park.  After finding a spot to sit, we played with the boys to keep them entertained - spinning, chasing, running, whatever it took!

Me, with my boys (in their current favorite ones!).
(Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett)

When the vendors started walking around with the various light toys, I could not pass up the glow necklaces for the boys!

Yes, I do know that these aren't the greatest pictures, but the boys enjoyed their necklaces...and I want to remember what will probably be the last year I can get away with the $2 glow sticks...instead of the $7+ swords!

The boys were all interested in the fireworks this year!  Ryder took a minute of asking "whats-sat?!" (what's that?) after every explosion, but quickly figured out the answer was the same each time!

Earlier that night, before it got too dark, we took a family self portrait (see last year's post for previous years!).  I LOVE this picture!  Maybe they are starting to understand the concept of a self portrait...

Roy Days . 2012
(Jarrett, Harvick, and Ryder)

Roy Days is definitely my favorite firework show of the year!  And, I love that Patrick and I started going years ago, and that we haven't missed a show since.  I'm already looking forward to Roy Days 2013...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 15 Months

15 months old
25 pounds (Harvick)
26 pounds (Jarrett)
(Compare to Ryder at 15 Months)

Jarrett is (finally) starting to work more, but still relies primarily on crawling - it is just much faster!  However, Harvick walks everywhere, and tests every limit.  Thankfully, they both tend to "come back" without too much issue!

Their teeth count remains the same - Harvick with 6, Jarrett with 5.  They continue to wear primarily 18-24 month clothing, and size 4 to 5 shoes.  Harvick is clearly the better food eater, but Jarrett always drinks all of his milk, and will finish Harvick's too.

Both boys continue to develop their little's interesting to see similar traits in them, but also vastly different ones!

These boys make such a mess together...start from the top left, and work to the bottom right...this happens way too often!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

Playing together!

We pulled an extra chair into the Family Room when we had family over...the boys climbed in it together, completely on their own!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

