Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Brothers . October 2012

Three cheers for me - I'm posting the Brothers picture in the actual month intended!

You may have noticed that the boys have Halloween shirts (bought last year, at awesome sale prices!), and to get the most use out of them as possible, they've worn them most weekends this month (here and here are some examples, with more to come!).  So, it made sense to capture them together in these shirts...these picture were taken the first time they wore them (with the intention to take pictures again when they were more in the mood...that never happened....).

Brothers . October 2012
(Harvick, Ryder, and Jarrett)

One Year Ago: October 2011

All Brothers Posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Black Island Farms . 2012

Earlier this month, we decided to brave Black Island Farms again this year!  And...what an adventure.  Luckily, it worked out for us to be able to meet up with Kaebrie, Leighton, and London (and Jennika and Chris, of course)!  The place is definitely spendy, but we stuck to just visiting the Courtyard, where the boys could enjoy the activities.

An attempt at a shot of the boys together...
(Harvick, Jarrett, and Ryder)

Visiting the animals.  Jarrett especially enjoyed this part.

Making their way through the tunnels (playground tub slides placed throughout bales of hay).

Sliding!  This was quite the workout for Patrick and I...Ryder still needed a bit of help climbing up the rope, and, of course, Harvick and Jarrett couldn't get up to the top.  It was quite the assembly line effort!
(Jarrett on the top row, Ryder on the center, and Harvick on the bottom row)

Patrick sliding down with Harvick (left) and Jarrett (right) one last time!

Not sure what this is, but it is a giant storage container, with a simple hole cut out - the boys LOVED jumping in it!

Ryder, of course, wanted to ride the train (pulled by a tractor).  After riding, we met up with the girls - so he got to ride a second time with Kaebrie (bottom right picture)!

The corn box!  Jarrett, Harvick, Leighton (in pink), and London (in purple) all loved it (even if Jennika didn't!).

Sliding on the smaller slide!

An attempt at having the brothers slide down together.
(Jarrett, Ryder, and Harvick)

Ryder and Kaebrie!

Harvick fell asleep after being in the stroller for just a few minutes as we walked out!

After spending the afternoon playing, all TEN of us headed out to dinner together...and, yes, I did call ahead to ensure the restaurant would have FOUR highchairs...and, yes, we did get quite the looks when we clarified that the party was for TEN, including FOUR babies needing highchairs, TWO toddlers requiring kids menus, and only FOUR adults!  I did have my camera with me for dinner...but...all of our hands were a bit occupied!

Thanks Reed family for another great outing together...and, Ryder is still talking about coming to your house to play now...

Ryder . 3 1/4 Years Old

It's been 3 months since I last did a Ryder update (other than his speech ones), so it's time!  He had a major growth spurt last fall, but has been fairly consistent in his measurements since then - currently, he is wearing mostly boys size 4/5 (xs) shirts, with some 5T still fitting.  His pants are at the in-between stage of 4T/5T/boys 4/5.  Shoes remain at size 9.  And, he weighs just over 37 pounds.

Ryder is a very active little boy!  He is always on the move, finding new games to play, or ways to engage his brothers.  Harvick and Jarrett both idolize him, and I'm pretty sure Ryder knows it!  He has to reminded to play nicely (mostly, to be patient) with his brothers at times, but overall, does well with them.  In his defense, Harvick and Jarrett have already learned what to do to annoy him, and find joy in doing it - they can snatch a toy (usually a train) from him, and run away as fast as possible!

Ryder is progressing well with his speech, and enjoys attending Preschool.  He LOVES riding the bus, and the bus drivers report that he is a great student on the bus!  So much so, that when I called the driver to let her know Ryder didn't need a ride on Columbus Day (I had the day off), she offered to meet me at the babysitter's house to still take him - she said he is easily one of the best students she drives - he LOVES getting on the bus, and is typically willing to get off at Preschool without issue.

Ryder's love infatuation for trains remains, but is not as intense.  Since riding the bus, he also enjoys buses.  He has become accustomed to our bedtime ritual of reading to the boys after they are all in their jammies, and definitely takes pride in being the one to pick which books we will read.  

Ryder, playing!

Ryder went walking with me the evening of Pioneer Day.  Many homes in our neighborhood were lighting fireworks, so as we approached our house, I called Patrick who was able to dig up some Pop-Its, sparklers, and a few leftover fireworks from years past.  Ryder had so much fun!

I love that we took the time to do a few fireworks with him, but it was laid back - we all enjoyed our impromptu display!

Ryder, with his brothers.

A very rare moment - Ryder did not want to nap, but fell asleep with Patrick while they watched a race together.


A coupon for a free smoothie led to Ryder sharing his drink with his brothers!

Me, with my boy - the last picture was all his idea - after posing for me (center), he turned to kiss me!

Be prepared to have Ryder help with EVERY project you try to complete...of course, using his own tools - the ones from Handy Manny!

Ryder . 3 1/4 Years Old

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 41-44

It's been nearly a month since my last weekly Apraxia of Speech post.  It's not been for a lack of time (although, I'm short on that, for blogging, often).  It's been due to, ironically enough, a lack of things to say.  Originally, Ryder was getting weekly assignments from his PCMC Speech Therapist.  Then, as we moved to the private SLP, the format of his therapy changed.  Ryder was given weekly things to work on, but we have moved away from the effort put to just one sound, or word.  This is, in part due to a different therapist, and also due to Ryder's progress beyond just learning a single sound each week.

In the past month, we continue to see Ryder progress with his speech.  He is making more attempts with putting words together in sentences.  Yet, he is becoming more and more stubborn with not changing the way he initially pronounced a word (ie, "bown" for "down").

Patrick and I attended (with Ryder) Ryder's first Parent-Teacher Conference at his Preschool.  Ryder's Teacher, S, had nothing but great things to say about Ryder.  He is doing great in her classroom, and she states she enjoys him.  Ryder had to adjust to the routine, but was able to do so quickly - his biggest hurdle was with cleaning up - something he now does without question!

The school's SLP, A, had some not-as-great information to share with us.  She believes that Ryder should not be in the Preschool.  Clearly, you're reading my point of view, so it is definitely bias - but, to us, A's wanting to move Ryder out of Preschool doesn't make sense.  The logic behind her statement is that Ryder as an immense understanding of vocabulary.  He understands single vs. plural; past, present, and future tense; etc. Ryder also uses adjectives when describing something.


Ryder has never (NEVER!) struggled with comprehension.  At a very early age Ryder was able to follow multiple-step directions.  He could complete puzzles intended for children several years older, with no issue.  Ryder has a great memory - he is able to recall where he left something (toy/book) days, and even weeks, later.

A states that the intent of the Preschool is language.  This means the understanding of language, not the verbal expression of language.  She feels Ryder should be removed from the Preschool, and put in a "language only" program - resulting in a 20 minute session (during school hours...time off work) every week with Ryder, a SLP, and me.


We have seen Ryder improve, in more than just speech, since attending the Preschool.  We attribute this to him being around other students who struggle with something - not all have verbal expression delays.  This leads to them being a little more understanding, more patient, with each other.

I'd like to preface this by saying we love Ryder's daycare (the one he attends just one day/week).  However - I have walked in to pick him up, often hearing another child tell Ryder how they don't want to play with him because he is a baby, and can't talk.  The teachers do address this when they overhear it.  We have no doubt that this isn't an all-day occurrence   BUT, IT DOES HAPPEN.  Children don't have a filter on their thoughts and feelings.  But, at the Preschool, each child is struggling with something, and tend to have a more patient attitude toward their peers.

In the end, through much discussion, we have requested testing be completed with Ryder.  A's opinion of moving him from the school is based solely on observation (and discussion of the observation).  There are no test results to review.  We have also requested that the speech test be evaluated by an additional SLP - at this point, it means A will record Ryder during the test, and have another (school district) SLP score Ryder.  We also have an AMAZING private SLP who would be more than willing to complete the testing, or to evaluate a recording.  Finally, there is a questionnaire part of the test - Ryder's teacher agreed with us, that we should have multiple forms completed, by people who spend time with Ryder on a regular basis, especially in a speech-promoted, or a peer setting.  This means us, his babysitter, the daycare, and his SLP.

The school has no timeframe for this to be completed.  It's been a week and a half since the conference, and no forms have been sent home.  While I want to follow through with the testing, I've decided to let it's timing play out, as the school sees as appropriate.  I have still requested weekly communication about his participation and cooperation in class...but, I won't be asking questions about the test until I am told it's progress.

So...right now...we wait.

Ryder, with his SLP.

As I've said before, a "good" session with Ryder includes many different activities in order to keep him engaged in participation.  The pictures above were taken over a period of less than 5 minutes.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Name Spelling

Patrick and I are constantly looking for ways to incorporate Ryder's verbal expression into any activity we are doing.  One, of the many, ways is spelling out the letters in his name (hung above his bed, as seen at the end of this old post) every time Ryder is getting dressed for the day, into his jammies, or when we are in bed at night praying with him.

Ryder can now spell his name easily, although he still struggles saying it.

Also, we are constantly pointing out letters (from any word) to him, and having him repeat us.  This serves two purposes: 1) teaching him letter recognition, and 2) practicing his verbal expression enunciation.

Maybe 2 months ago, while walking into a store, Ryder stopped in the middle of the parking lot, pointed toward the store, and said "hay (k), o, h, l, s - mom, whats that?".  Honestly, it took me a second to connect what he was doing.  His letter recognition has always been exceedingly high, but his verbalization of the letters previously only came with our encouragement.

Then, one night, as Patrick prayed with him, Patrick asked me to come into Ryder's room.  Ryder was trying to say something, but Patrick didn't recognize it.  "wywer".  We made multiple guesses and asked him to say it in a different way, but after no success, I told him I was sorry that I couldn't figure it out.  Within a few minutes, Patrick called me back into the room - he asked Ryder to tell him another way again.  Ryder pointed to his wall, and spelled his name - "r, y, d, e, r - WYWER!".  He was trying to say Ryder.  In the past few weeks he has improved the beginning "r" sound, but still struggles with the "d".

Last night, in the bath, he started searching for letters...and did this all on his own!...

When Ryder realized he only had one "R", he moved the first one to the end in order to complete the spelling.

Ryder would repeat moving the "R" from the beginning, to the end, and back again.

Ryder may not be able to vocalize his thoughts, but this was a good reminder that his little mind is a sponge - he may not repeat sounds/words, but he understands everything!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin Patch . 2012

The first weekend of this month, we took the boys out to get pumpkins.  In an effort to support our local-city farmers, we followed the nearby signs to a pumpkin patch in our own city.  The result was disappointing...not even worth getting out of the car.  On our way there, we had passed a home selling pumpkins in their front yard.  So, we stopped there as we drove back toward home.  The home had an "Honesty Box" attached to their tree, with prices of the pumpkins & gourds listed.  We let the boys walk around, and pick out a small pumpkin each.

The boys, picking out a small pumpkin.
After all this effort, we still just headed to our usual "pumpkin patch" (2011 and 2010) - really, just a local farmer's stand.

We let the boys run around, and climb, the pumpkins.  They loved it!



Harvick (left) and Jarrett (right) were NOT interested in posing for a picture together!

Me, with my boys.
(Ryder, Harvick, and Jarrett)


All attempts at a group shot of the boys was futile....Maybe I'll try again next year...

Just before leaving, Patrick showed the boys the long blades of grass, and how to hold it in their mouth. All three thought it was great fun!
(Ryder on top, Harvick in the middle, Jarrett on bottom)

Once home, we placed the pumpkins on our front just have to find the time to decorate them!

Our front porch . October 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lazy Sunday . 09.2012

The past few weeks Harvick and Jarrett have had persistent colds.  Nothing major, but between general sickness and teething, they haven't been at their best.  On a recent Sunday afternoon, despite not feeling well, they weren't too interested in taking naps!  Although we like for them to nap, or at least spend some time resting, it is also fun to let them play!

Sitting together...minus their pants...quietly sharing a truck, while drinking their juice.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)
Unloading the box of balls, together.  I tried to get them both to look at me, by singing a song...which only led to Jarrett participating with the hand motions!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)
I love when Ryder is still for picture - even if it is literally a second!  Those eyes kill me...and, I'm pretty sure he knows it.

At some point, I sound redundant in my posts.  But, it's looking back at the simplicity of these pictures that I love.  Random pictures of a typical weekend.  The outings, and busyness is fun...but, the time we spend together at home is equally memorable.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Kaebrie's Birthday Party . 2012

I'm a bit behind on blogging...

A few weekends ago it was Kaebrie's birthday - the boys love going the girls' parties - there is 3 of everything!

Playing in the girls' backyard!

Harvick LOVED the little slide!

Ryder took turns with Kaebrie riding down the shed entry.  I love that he couldn't care less about the pink/flower scooter!

I wanted a picture of Harvick (left) and Jarrett (right) in the cars, like we got at Leighton and London's party in June...they weren't in the mood.

Ryder, my least-likely-to-fall-asleep-outside-of-his-bed boy, fell asleep before we turned onto the main road, after leaving the party - AND stayed asleep long enough to cuddle with me at home for a bit!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAEBRIE!  We're looking forward to your next party already!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Harvick & Jarrett . 17 Months Old

17 months old
25 pounds, 6 ounces (Harvick)
27 pounds (Jarrett)
(Compare to Ryder at 17 Months)

Seriously.  One more month, and my babies will be a year and a half.

All of the boys have been slow in getting teeth - I'm hoping the thought that the longer the teeth stay in the gums, the stronger/more developed they become is accurate!  Both Harvick and Jarrett are at 11 teeth, with each having 6 on top, and 5 on bottom.

Harvick and Jarrett are both more and more confident on their feet, more often relying on running, over walking.  They love to chase each other, and Ryder, often.  They have also become climbers. Harvick, more so than Jarrett.  Harvick can often be found in one of the chairs around the table, and if you look away for more than a few seconds, he is attempting to get on the table.

Harvick is easily embarrassed around new people, especially if they are giving him attention.  He has quite a dirty look that he shoots in their direction!  Jarrett is more likely to interact with strangers, and loves getting the extra attention.  They make me laugh with their reactions, especially when they are in a cart at Costco (where both can sit in the upper seat part, side-by-side).

My current favorite behavior from each of them is their excitement to see Patrick, Ryder, or myself return, even if we haven't been gone long.  Ryder never really showed much enthusiasm at our return - but, Harvick and Jarrett make up for it!

We have taught Ryder how to do a somersault - not ones to be outdone, Harvick & Jarrett also want to participate...but need a little extra help!
(Jarrett has the green teether in his mouth)

Playing together!
(Harvick holding the red tunnel, Jarrett pushing the train)

Harvick, attempting a somersault - with Jarrett looking on.

Reading together, slowly taking each book off of the shelf.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

The boys, sitting with me, while drinking their morning milk - before going to the babysitters. DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO SHOTS?!  Just after turning 16 months, we were able to fully transition Harvick & Jarrett to SIPPY CUPS!  WE NO LONGER HAVE ANY BOTTLES!!
(Jarrett (left), Ryder, and Harvick (right))


Doing the same activity, but giving each other a little space.
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)


Building together.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)