Monday, May 10, 2010

Ryder . 42 Weeks

42 weeks; 22 pounds, 10 ounces.
Ryder is still enjoying clapping, but has also started waving.  He's better when he is not distracted - of course. .
Ryder loves playing with Patrick's drill - I tell Patrick all the time that I want him to teach Ryder all of his handyman skills - he's just starting a little early!

Getting dried off after a bath - compare to the below picture . . . he was 12 weeks old.
12 weeks old, after a bath.

Ryder enjoys playing with the cat's toys - this ring has a ball that is stuck in it - both he and the cats are pretty sure if they try hard enough they will get it out.

The neighbors will be moving in this week - until then, we are borrowing their bead maze, and Ryder loves playing with it.

Mother's Day 2010.

We had a fun weekend!  Yesterday, we spent time together - just the 3 of us, and it was great!
I received a call late last Tuesday that I was selected to fill one of the positions I interviewed for, and I actually started today.  Once the decision was made (TWO WEEKS after the interviews), the move happened very quick.  I'm definitely going to miss the team I have worked with the past 2 years, but I am looking forward to the new position.  I don't have too many details (I meet with the Manager this afternoon) on which office(s) I will be working.
The drywall in my Craft Room is officially done, and now Patrick has some work to do with the doors, but painting will be happening soon!  The landscapers were supposed to grade the yard today, but with the heavy rain we had this morning, I'm not sure it will be done today - keep your fingers crossed it can be done by Friday, so that we can work on the sprinklers this weekend!

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