Wednesday, December 8, 2010

17 Week Update

Both babies are still looking great, and are measuring "a little big" for their ages, but the doctor assures me it is okay.  The measurement is really only as accurate as the steadiness of his hands using the ultrasound machine.  As long as they are within 5-7 days of what they are "supposed" to be, it is considered normal.
The heartbeats were lower again, which is normal - 158 and 162.
I convinced him to check the gender . . . and . . . no dice.  Twin "A" was moving around too much for Dr. Seale to get a clear view, and Twin "B" refused to cooperate.  Let's all pray they are in a good, cooperative mood on the 20th (just 12 more days to wait!!!)
I found out that I will not be allowed to have Heather (our photographer) be present for the birth, as she was last time.  Because I will be delivering in the OR, only Patrick will be allowed.  Major bummer.
My OB gave me the "all clear" to head out to San Diego, as long as I promise to make frequent stops to walk around for a minute or two.  I will, of course, follow his recommendation - and, I'm sure Patrick will be sure to enforce it.

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