Wednesday, November 10, 2010

13 Week Update

Both babies looked great, and measured perfect for their age!  They are both so big that you can no longer see them together on one ultrasound screen (which, I was assured is normal).  My OB had a hard time getting either baby's heartbeat because they were moving around so much - however, after some patience, he was able to get each of them - 170 and 164 (lower than previously, but still completely within the healthy range).  My OB reviewed the differences between Identical/Fraternal twins, and explained I have the "least high risk" of the 4 different options - but, I also have the one where it is impossible to know if they are Identical or Fraternal until they are born (unless we get confirmation one is a boy, and one is a girl).

The "gender ultrasound" has been scheduled for Monday, 12/20, so we have just under 6 more weeks to wait!

A couple other details about the delivery I found out, in case you were wondering . . .
- I am required to deliver in the Operating Room, whether I deliver vaginally or by C-section.  I will labor in the Laboring Room (same as last time), but will be moved when it is time to deliver.
- If Baby A is breech, I will be required to have a C-section.  If Baby A's head is down (regardless of which way they are facing), I can deliver vaginally - even if Baby B is breech.
- It is recommended that I have an epidural regardless - in case of a C-section.  However, I can choose not to have an epidural, but if either baby has to be delivered via C-section, I will be put completely out, and Patrick won't be able to be in the room.

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