Monday, June 21, 2010

Ryder . 48 Weeks

48 weeks, and officially 11 months; 24 pounds, 3 ounces.
Ryder is making progress with getting his teeth.  The two front bottom ones came in about 2 months ago, but we haven't seen any others until late last week - the two top ones are coming in.  The teeth, a mild fever, and not sleeping as well recently, has made for a baby a bit grumpier than usual.
This picture totally cracks me up.  Ryder absolutely loves swinging on Ryan's swing set.  I snapped the picture as he was chewing a snack - the expression is so cute!

Sometimes Kate (the black cat) joins us in the bathroom (sitting on top of the toilet tank) for Ryder's baths - Ryder loves when she does.

We saw more of this expression over the weekend than normal - but, come on, look at that lip!

Playing with his new ukulele from Hawaii.

A cute snapshot of Ryder playing before getting his jammies on.

Father's Day 2010!

After focusing on the outside of the house the past few weeks, we were finally able to turn our attention back to the inside.  My Craft Room is fully primed, and the baseboard/trim/doors/ceiling/closet has been painted - all that is left is the walls!  In our house, the list of projects is always ongoing - so, as soon as we finish up the outside and the Craft Room, we will be working on something else - always a work in progress!
We enjoyed Father's Day weekend.  We were able to spend some time with Patrick's Grandpa (Verl) and my Dad (Gerry) on Saturday.  Sunday we spent time together - just the 3 of us.  For those of you keeping track - we didn't forget Patrick's Dad (Jim) - he is out of state right now.  Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers!

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