Thursday, March 17, 2011

31 Week Update

No real new news to report.  My doctor measured me, and checked the boys' heartbeats.  I have started to have issues with swelling, but he is not concerned, as my blood pressure remains "remarkably good", and no other signs of Pre-Eclampsia (the cause for the induction with Ryder).
He will be out of town the last week of the month, but has no other "out of office" plans until late summer.  It's nice knowing that he will be available when the babies are born!
Because of his time off, my next appointment is moved back a week, but he will no longer let me "get away" with fewer appointments - beginning in April, I will have to go in weekly to see him.  Really, though, compared to the "typical" schedule for a twin pregnancy, I have gotten away with much fewer appointments!
I see the Perinatologist tomorrow - that office also does Non-Stress Tests.  My doctor says they are oftentimes preformed weekly starting about now, but that he is comfortable with me not having any, unless there is a medical reason.  Of course, I'm also good with that plan - those tests are about 2 hours each, and are separate from other appointments.  Until there is any sign of concern, there really is no benefit to undergoing the extra evaluation.  Hopefully the Perinatologist will be on board with that plan too!
Finally, my doctor says that he is confident I will be able to carry the babies through "at least" mid-April, and into the end of the month.  He's not completely confident I will carry them to the 38 week mark (May 4), but I am confident I will - and, once I get that far, he would prefer to induce me within a couple of days.  My goal is May 6.  That's only 50 days away.  I can make it!

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