Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Harvick & Jarrett . 3 Month Pictures

For Harvick and Jarrett's 3 month pictures we took them back to Simply Art Photography.  You may remember that Dani (the Photograhper) had offered to take a handful of free photos of them back in June.

This time, we took the whole family!  Ryder had the shortest attention span of all time, and was barely able to cooperate for a family picture.  And, unfortunately, I wasn't able to get any shots of just the 3 boys this time around.

In the end; however, Dani was able to get some great shots of Harvick and Jarrett both alone and together!  A few pictures have been posted to her blog:

3 Month Pictures - Simply Art Photography

1 comment:

Brady and Jess said...

GREAT PICTURES!!!! You look gorgeous (as always) and your boys...man they are all so stinkin cute!!!