Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mmmm . . . Peaches!

One really great thing we did with Ryder was introduce him to fruit and veggies early on.  We used a "teething feeder" (similar to this one) to give him very small amounts of a fruit or veggie that we were eating for dinner.  By introducing him early, he was able to get a taste for each of the foods, and also we could make sure that he didn't have any allergic reactions before he started really eating solid foods at 6 months.  By the time he was ready for solids, he was able to have just about everything . . . no waiting between everything for 3 days, since we had already done that!

Earlier this week we pulled out the teething feeders, and gave Harvick and Jarrett some very soft peaches.  They absolutely LOVED it!!!



And, of course, Ryder wanted to join in on eating peaches too!

We gave them more peaches tonight, and it was as big of a hit as it was previously.  Too bad Brigham City doesn't have a peach eating contest for babies at Peach Days - all three of our boys would win for sure!

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