Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Apraxia of Speech . Week 6

No new "homework" this week.  Ryder's Speech Therapy was canceled due to his Therapist being out sick.  We will "make up" the time next week, having an increased hour-long session . . . hopefully Ryder tolerates the extended time well, and is able to focus for the duration of the therapy.

Ryder's verbal vocabulary continues to be extremely limited, but in the past handful of days, he really seems to be making an effort to communicate things more.  Additionally, he is oftentimes more willing to try to say a word - even if it is completely the wrong sounds.  For example, tonight, before getting into the bathtub, I told him to say "tub".  Ryder has the "t" sound, as well as a "b" in some words.  Ultimately the closest he got (after several minutes of displaying by me, and repeating by him) was "dut" - clearly not the correct sounds - but, he made more of an effort than he was willing to do even a few weeks ago.


Review: Previous Weeks

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