Monday, January 14, 2013

Harvick & Jarrett . 20 Months

20 months old
28 pounds, 13 ounces (Harvick)
30 pounds, 3 ounces (Jarrett)
(Compare to Ryder at 20 Months)

These boys are so much fun!  When co-workers ask how they are, my simple response is "busy".  They are everywhere.  All of the time.  And, loud.  My house is only quiet when they sleep now!

Harvick has really become the caretaker of the two.  He is always ensuring that Jarrett has whatever he has for himself - especially a pacifier, blanket, or a stuffed bear.  Jarrett does return this caretaking trait, but not as often.  They both are adventurous, climbing always.  Patrick and I do our best to make sure we keep things "even", without making it a big deal.  We would switch who helped Harvick & Jarrett eat - but in the last month they have made this distinction on their own - Jarrett sits by Patrick, and Harvick sits by me.

They continue to be non-verbal, but understand an immense amount.  They are getting better at following directions, and being able to respond yes or no (non-verbally) to questions.

They both are good eaters, being picky over different things.  Don't try to give Jarrett any berries - ANY!  While Harvick doesn't eat his vegetables without some significant prompting and/or bribing.

Harvick continues to have blue eyes, and is smiling much of the time!

Crazy hair babies, and smiling!  They love their baths!
(Harvick on the left, Jarrett on the right)

I LOVE when they kiss each other - it's the embarrassing kind of kiss, mouths open, that they will hate having pictures of when they're a bit older.
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

Yes, we are the parents that tie their kids' pajama legs together, and encourage them to walk around!

This serious of pictures started when I wanted to grab one of Harvick & I together, since we matched so well.  Jarrett wanted to participate...until I put the camera on them together...

The best shot I could get!
(Jarrett on the left, Harvick on the right)

I can't tell you how much I love this series of pictures.  I pointed the camera at Jarrett, being grumpy, then "scared" him, saying "boo" loudly - that is all it takes to get this kid smiling, and attempting to "scare" you back.  It really is an annoyingly loud scream that he makes, but it makes me jump and laugh every single time!

Patrick and I read to the boys every night before bed.  On this night, they had all had baths, had gotten dressed, and their teeth brushed.  We instructed them to go read while we cleaned up, and got stuff out for the next day.  They rarely will all cooperate, but when they did, I had to grab a few shots of them reading together.  I love it!

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